Gaming Fifa 2009

I play Welbeck as BAP, have improved his stats to:

Speed: 99
Acceleration: 99
Stamina: 99
Finishing: 99
Shot power: 99
Curve: 99

Scoring hatricks every game :D He can dash for ages

Haha, I'd spank you online anyday though.

Would like to play at a lower league and ending up at United at Legendary level.
Haha, I'd spank you online anyday though.

Would like to play at a lower league and ending up at United at Legendary level.

Haha i was only joking. I'll take you up on your challenge as soon as i get hooked up to XBox live though (presuming you too are on an XBox). :D
Only finished my first BAP season yesterday. I got offers from Barca, Madrid, West Ham, Galatasaray, Corinthians and a couple of other small clubs.

I decided to stay at Villa for at least another season. Hopefully United put an offer in for me.
Only finished my first BAP season yesterday. I got offers from Barca, Madrid, West Ham, Galatasaray, Corinthians and a couple of other small clubs.

I decided to stay at Villa for at least another season. Hopefully United put an offer in for me.

Who are you?

Juventus came knocking for Welbeck in my first season, Besiktas too.
Into my 3rd season at Arsenal. Not even captain yet :/ , though it is on world class. I captain and run the show for Australia.

Im ab it of a gerrard/lampard mould midfielder although i play behind Fabregas.

Anyone else find it annoying that when players get injured (and have to be subbed) they don't come back untill the next season? Although to be fair its much easier to win with Walcott or Eduardo up front then it is with Van Persie.
Will create my own player and start off at Leeds on Legendary level.

I use TELE cam for both online and single play.
Play for United second season. Was made reserve captain half way through the first year, than bumbed up to first team. Scored the winner at Anfield and Stamford Bridge and got a hattrick against Preston. (not my own work, let Rooney do all the running then get him to pass to me for the tap in lol)

Just got first call up to the national team half way through second season.
I now have Fifa 09 :)

Played game against mate, and lost 2-0, played again my bro, lost 2-0

Tried be a pro on professional and played as Ronaldo, battered Chelsea 6-0 and got a rating of 10.0 first go, definatently going to start with another player to make things harder for myself.

AWESOME game. I expect to start hitting online with it by next week

No EA Fan Shop?
No Sticker book?
No Trophies?
No Custom Soundtracks?

Or am I missing something here? :(
I scored a goal and was fouled in the box prior to it. The game was taken back and a penalty was awarded. Why not allow the goal to stand and book the guy after? This has happened to me twice now.
If you foul someone outside of the box, but they have the advantage, you can foul them inside the box soon after and it will only be a freekick outside of the area, where the first foul took place.
If you foul someone outside of the box, but they have the advantage, you can foul them inside the box soon after and it will only be a freekick outside of the area, where the first foul took place.

That fecks me off. Has haapened to me a few times. Another one is, when the opponents defender flies in with a tackle no whwere near the ball and my striker, instead of taking the hit and getting a penalty decides to jump over the tackle and the ball is then loose.

That along with the strikers that run ahead of for a chip through ball, then waits for it to get there, the defender comes in and takes the ball, even though i had a 10 yard advanatage at the beggining. They are the only 2 things that bug me in this game
I hate when you play a chipped ball to your player, then instead of running into space to receive the ball, he decides to turn sidewards/backwards while running and does a shuffle - which results in the opposition taking the ball comfortably.

It also happens to your defenders every now and then. Your opponent plays a through ball to his striker, the defender does a shuffle which leads to the striker running clean through on goal.

EA need to sort out a fecking patch as soon as possible.
I hate when you play a chipped ball to your player, then instead of running into space to receive the ball, he decides to turn sidewards/backwards while running and does a shuffle - which results in the opposition taking the ball comfortably.

It also happens to your defenders every now and then. Your opponent plays a through ball to his striker, your CB does a shuffle which leads to the striker running clean through on goal.

EA need to sort out a fecking patch as soon as possible.

That is what i was trying to explain in my last post, you explained it a bit better though i'll give you that. It is bloody annoying
some of mine tend to go out the box or away from the goal

I hate it when that happens. I know that occasionally it will be because I don't really have any players in the box, but I'm sure I've seen players rush into the box, and my player lays it outwards to nowhere (nowhere particularly with my "no midfield" tactic.

I also hate it when I do a quick turnabout, run a yard or two, and try to lay a pass inwards, and the player hits it with the opposite foot, making it go even further outwards.
I also had those exact things what some of you are on about happen to me about an hour ago - didn't get a penalty with what Dan was saying and lost a goal with my defender taking a short breather whilst running back when the ball is chipped over. :mad:

The defence does drive me mad on this game, especially when someone uses that pass and run on button. Some of the defenders sometimes seem to pause for a second and lose their position.

Whilst they have gained in most areas it seems like they have gone back a bit in one or two described - critical I know as it is a great game still.
Yes it also happened on 08.

i would say fifa 08 was the first game to count in 'every game since forever'

to those whinging about crosses, no doubt your player is unbalanced/not high skilled enough or your pressing the button wrong. I seem to get my crosses on the spot. Its contesting for the ball i struggle with.
Cant complain about the crossing. There are lots of different types of crosses you can put in. Try them all out, instead of sticking to ones that arent working for you.

A good idea is, if your player isnt amazing at crossing, use the left shoulder button to cross. It'll aim for the penalty spot, instead of the player and then its just down to your timing of putting the ball into the box when the player in the middle is running onto it. It can be more reliable at times.
Cant complain about the crossing. There are lots of different types of crosses you can put in. Try them all out, instead of sticking to ones that arent working for you.

A good idea is, if your player isnt amazing at crossing, use the left shoulder button to cross. It'll aim for the penalty spot, instead of the player and then its just down to your timing of putting the ball into the box when the player in the middle is running onto it. It can be more reliable at times.

I've no doubt the crossing function is fine, its my technique i cant get right.

I can do a regular cross no problem, its when i try to do the double or triple tap crosses i struggle. They end up really weak. Are you suppose to select power with the first press then add the extra taps afterwards?? :confused:
Have to say i haven't yet got online but i'm really impressed with Fifa.

Some things are really irritating like sometimes the goalkeepers aren't reactive enough to a loose ball in the area and sometimes players don't react quick enough either but on the whole i think its bloody brilliant.

Since my very first go I've had it on Legendary difficulty because i don't see the point in playing it at an easier level and now im starting to put some awesome moves together and starting to be able to defend and attack properly.

It's the first Fifa I've owned since they started going really crap around the year 2000 and i have to say I'm well impressed.

Can't wait to get it online.
I can't score on legendary difficulty, the goalkeepers are too good! I played against Liverpool on it and Robbie Keane was outpacing my player from BAP who has 99 pace and acceleration. What a load of bollocks.

I experienced that at first too. No problem banging them in now though. I find doing the 'placed' shot brings better results.
I've no doubt the crossing function is fine, its my technique i cant get right.

I can do a regular cross no problem, its when i try to do the double or triple tap crosses i struggle. They end up really weak. Are you suppose to select power with the first press then add the extra taps afterwards?? :confused:

The same thing I'm having problems with :(
thankfully the strikers win half of those bad crosses