Gaming Fifa 2009

What method of crossing are you using? I tend to use the right shoulder button on my xbox controller, as it will be a bending cross ala Beckham.

I've only played BAP on Semi-pro as I wanted to be a goal scoring fullback. So I don't know about pro mode... But eh, it wasn't too hard to score lots of goals with Fabio. All I did was ask for the ball a lot and use it wisely, then as the team moved forwards I'd curve my run in behind the defence and press Y asking for a through ball.

A handy thing is, your players dont tend to pass the ball when you're offside. They do now and again, but if you're playing next to Rooney for example, he's not dumb enough to do it when he knows you're offside.

Do you mean the RB button? I didn't even know there was such a thing as finesse cross. I do use the finesse shooting quite a lot.

My last post wasn't about BAP mode though, just normal games versus the computer (manager mode atm). It just seems like the computer players steal the ball from my players (even Ronaldo, Rooney, etc) much easier than I can get it from them. I might have to start over again on Semi-Pro, but that's a bit of a blow, since I used to consider myself very good at FIFA.

I think part of my problem is that I sprint too soon after getting the ball, resulting in the player running straight into an opposition player without having control of the ball.

Oh, and about the dribbling, there's one move that I always fail, regardless of the player. It's the one where you use the heel to flip the ball over yourself from behind. There's probably some aspect of it I'm missing, but it always results in the player tripping. It's a bit annoying, since I think it's done similarly to another very useful move.
Well I'm not into using tricks too often to be honest. Just on real players online, around the area.

As for using sprint, the best thing to do is only use it when theres lots of space in front of you. Else its hit and miss.

And yes the finesse button. I either use that and one press or two presses of the cross button, or the left shoulder button - which crosses the ball more towards the penalty spot.

I mean, I'm no expert with the crossing. Scored a few goals, would like to score a few more - but those are the ones working best for me so far.
anyone else taken most of the assists off, i have, its so muhc better, especially through balls
I almost scored an amazing goal just now but Fletchers finishing let me down. A great run from Giggs, knocking it to Evra who burst through two players, passed to Rooney who flicked it with his heel to Fletcher who on the turn nutmegged Carvalho and then hit the post :(
Where the bloody hell do I see my screenshots on EASportsWorld? They lump everyone's Photos together and you can only seem to sort them as a whole, not by username.
Just played my first match online (Apart from BAP)

Won 6-0...Ronaldo with a Hat-trick....Rooney with 2
Hey Solius , I don't know if you noticed but on 08 I thought there were too many shots hitting posts or crossbars. Does the same happen in 09?

Nah it's not as bad in the full game.
Well I'm not into using tricks too often to be honest. Just on real players online, around the area.

As for using sprint, the best thing to do is only use it when theres lots of space in front of you. Else its hit and miss.

And yes the finesse button. I either use that and one press or two presses of the cross button, or the left shoulder button - which crosses the ball more towards the penalty spot.

I mean, I'm no expert with the crossing. Scored a few goals, would like to score a few more - but those are the ones working best for me so far.

Alright, thanks for the pointers! For now I won't descend into depression. I'll just have to switch to Semi-Pro and play a few matches/seasons/whatever it takes to get the feel for it again.

I'll have to work on through balls quite a lot. I used to be able to play FIFA2008 on World Class on the computer without much difficulty, and my whole game was passing and through balls (PC-FIFA being a crappy port without proper dribbling), but now I can't get it to work.

anyone else taken most of the assists off, i have, its so muhc better, especially through balls

Really? I haven't changed anything in that regard. Maybe I should switch most of the assists off. That might actually fit in well with me being very unfamiliar with the 360 controls. I'll learn proper passing/etc from the start.
Where the bloody hell do I see my screenshots on EASportsWorld? They lump everyone's Photos together and you can only seem to sort them as a whole, not by username.

go to your profile, and add widgets, there should be a widget which allows you to see your own pics


should be the one that says my photos I would imagine
Yeah I was gutted the one from Laursen didn't go in. The Chelsea/United game was good too.

Yeah, definitely. You completely dominated the play the first half, the break that lead to my goal was pretty much my only chance that half. Couldn't string a pass together at all. That's how it often is, I guess, the team that dominates play gets unlucky and concedes because of a counter attack :p
Yeah, definitely. You completely dominated the play the first half, the break that lead to my goal was pretty much my only chance that half. Couldn't string a pass together at all. That's how it often is, I guess, the team that dominates play gets unlucky and concedes because of a counter attack :p

:lol: When you scored I was calling you all sorts! :D

Sorry i couldn't play a third game, I can never play too many games in a row. I'll play you again in a while!
Anyone scored a Ronaldo freekick yet? I just did :drool:

Yes, it is easier to score freekicks in 09 compared to 08.

Although, i agree the freekick style's are :drool:

Take a freekick from long range, and hold L1 and shoot, he also strikes with the exact same technique like in real life.
Really? I haven't changed anything in that regard. Maybe I should switch most of the assists off. That might actually fit in well with me being very unfamiliar with the 360 controls. I'll learn proper passing/etc from the start.

yea, its in Controller Settings, take most off or atleast put some to Semi

there is an achievement for winning a game with all assists and auto switching set to off
Since the weekends prem games are over, is there another Live update?
For some reason i can'tnow connect to the EA servers. Have you lot got this problem or is it just me?
fecking typical, i just scored with Tevez from kick off with shooting assists off and i cant upload the damn thing
played 2 online games so far, first one I was winning until deep into injury time when he equalized, the won on penalties. The 2nd I lost 2-1.
I don't really pick to be teams like United, Milans etc though

Started my be a pro season with a created midfielder, scored in all 3 so far.
Still need a lot o practice yet I feel
Anyone had snow in a match yet?

Just got it in my BAP season. It looks brilliant with the Pro camera too, it feels very realistic with snow flying about all over the place :drool:
For those Xbox 360 users who are frustrated with people quitting, followed by not getting the win, try this to ensure you get the win.

I just plucked this off a message board, haven't tryed it myself, but it seems quite logical.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When someone quits on your during the live game and you see the 'connection has been lost' message on your screen make sure that you are NOT pressing the OK (X button) before completing the following steps. Again, if you will press the X to end the game the technique might not work for you. I am getting 100% success rate when following the next steps:

1) While the 'connection has been lost' message is still displayed on your screen, press the Guide (big circle Xbox button in the middle of the controller :). Navigate to the 'Recent players' section and select the name of the last player (person who quit on you) to open his profile.

2) Once his profile will open pay attention to the online status of this player. Most like the status will say that he is still in the game with you. It takes sometimes a few minutes until the status changes to 'Main lobby', 'Offline' etc.

3) THIS STEP IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: Wait until the status of the player changes to something else other than the game with you. This will confirm that EA servers registered disconnection of your opponent. Once the status of your opponent has been updated you can go back to the game window and press the 'x' button to close the 'connection to your opponent has been lost' message.

4) Once disconnected from the game, check your profile and you will notice a 3-0 win appearing on your record (if you have followed the steps). This has ALWAYS worked for me in FIFA 08, even in those cases when players disconnected after the final wistle. You will get a win regardless of the score as long as your opponent disconnected from the game first. Of course this will not work if you have disconnected from the game first :)
Anyone had snow in a match yet?

Just got it in my BAP season. It looks brilliant with the Pro camera too, it feels very realistic with snow flying about all over the place :drool:

I'm quite disappointed that you can't actually select the weather you want, The closest you come to choosing is selecting "overcast". In Euro 2008 you could choose, it was great playing in heavy rain.