Sorry for all the questions but is an in form card permanent or just temporary for a certain period of time? Hence making it more useful to sell while the demand for them is high?Depends really, if you get a player that doesn't fit your team you might as well sell it and reinvest in a player you do want.
If you get somebody you like and will use then use it for a few games. If it's not much better than sell it.
Sorry for all the questions but is an in form card permanent or just temporary for a certain period of time? Hence making it more useful to sell while the demand for them is high?
So is a narrow formation really the way to go to win Div 1?
I got to Div 1 playing 4-3-3 Point backwards with an average PL team but now bouncing between Div 2 and Div 1, constantly coming up against ridiculously good teams (IF Pogba, TOTY Suarez, IF Kanté etc), almost always playing a narrow formation (4-1-2-1-2 Narrow, 4-3-2-1). I've notice now that I really need to score most my chances to keep up with these guys, as they score almost all shots where the player has a decent amount of space. I've upgraded my MF but still well below the standard of the team's I'm coming up against
I'm quite happy keeping possession, being patient finding holes in their defence, but all players in Div 1 use the auto defence technique so makes it difficult to find any gaps. I'm conceding against players who are happy to let me have the ball, and once I concede possession, it's just a hard pass to one of the central attackers and it's 3 on 3. I do tend to do a pretty good job and defending usually, but the 1 or 2 times they have half a chance, it seems to go in, which is understandable as they've got ridiculous players up front.
At the minute I have the squad for either a 4-3-3 Backward/Forward. I've always enjoyed playing this formation, but the wingers are beginning to feel really isolated due to the team's I'm coming up against having beat defences, it's difficult to beat them one on one. Would like to move to a 4-2-3-1 which is the formation I've had good success with over the years, but all CAM/CF's seem to be slow af, so would really need to play wingers as the LAM/RAM which would hurt chem.
Any suggestions?
Didn't think about using strikers as CAM, might look into that. Some fast strikers in PL. I usually switch to 41212 if I'm chasing a goal, been hit and miss with that formation. It just isn't as fun I've found, it seems you are attempting the same attack over and over again i.e. passing interchanges between the CAM and 2 STs.Move a striker to CAM using the position change cards if you do want to go 4231. Have you tried either of the narrow formations? I was a 433 (4) player for ages but last WL I moved to 41212 narrow with my la Liga side and went on a crazy good run.
With my main team I'm still using the 433 as I've got IF Willian but I'm thinking about moving to 41212 in game as it really does feel so much better.
Didn't think about using strikers as CAM, might look into that. Some fast strikers in PL. I usually switch to 41212 if I'm chasing a goal, been hit and miss with that formation. It just isn't as fun I've found, it seems you are attempting the same attack over and over again i.e. passing interchanges between the CAM and 2 STs.
It was a lot of fun getting to Div 1, but I guess it's obvious that this is where you are going to meet the players who know how to best exploit the weakness in the game. So it's almost got to the stage of "if you can't beat them, join them'.
Okay, cheers! What's the best tactics when playing against OP teams? Keep it tight at defence and try to counter?Permanebt
Thought I was happy with my team, but I think I'm going to change it again despite only playing like 5 games and not even starting this weekend league yet. Realized I can get a team with Messi, while still incorporating my otw pogba and potm alli cards, and still have a pretty great all around side. Might change my mind if I kill it with my current team in the WL but I doubt it. Team I have in mind is:
Martial Griezmann MessiJust have no bench basically but for that all I need really is to get a few cheap players who can be good subs like renato. Also the rewards I get from this WL will give me enough to get a good bench.
POTM Alli OTW Pogba IF N'Zonzi
Shaw Smalling Koscielny Sidibe
Never used him before. Though I was never a huge fan of him on fifa because as you say, not top level pace or strength. It's more to give Messi full chem. Only other options really are Ben Yedder, Gameiro or Benzema. Figured I'd try Griezmann.You already used Griezmann?? I've got him in my la Liga squad and don't think he's up there with the best strikers at all this year. If he gets a chance he buries it usually but his doesn't have top level pace or strength really. For 120k there are much better strikers out there.
Never used him before. Though I was never a huge fan of him on fifa because as you say, not top level pace or strength. It's more to give Messi full chem. Only other options really are Ben Yedder, Gameiro or Benzema. Figured I'd try Griezmann.
Never used him before. Though I was never a huge fan of him on fifa because as you say, not top level pace or strength. It's more to give Messi full chem. Only other options really are Ben Yedder, Gameiro or Benzema. Figured I'd try Griezmann.
Naing will naturally run a lot with a High High Workrate. He really shouldn't go down to 90 after one game though, especially with his crazy stamina. That indicates that you are controlling him and chasing the ball down from everywhere.How low do you let your fitness go down? Naiggnolan is good but after every game he's down 10 fitness so I'm forced to keep swapping between by first and second team.
How low do you let your fitness go down? Naiggnolan is good but after every game he's down 10 fitness so I'm forced to keep swapping between by first and second team.
I swap every game so everyone stays on full fitness for the next game. If you get taken to extra time in a 2nd game you're most likely going to lose just because of how fecked your players are.
I've decided to take a break from WL for a while. Just takes too much time over the weekend to be doing it every single week.
Going to wait for my monthly rewards and then I'll have a think about doing it next weekend
2-4 start. Just waiting for my elo to level out so i can start a winning run, all I seem to have faced so far is experts at crab walk dribbling
Best way to combat that is by just standing off a bit and/or switching to another player and letting the AI contain him.
Its a stupid looking dribble but it works wonders against people who run at you like homing missiles.
It's backfiring completely, playing against Courtois, Kante, black Gray, Musa, Blue Suarez is so frustrating. Hope better luck next week with superior playerd after getting Varane en Kante myself and hopefully a good pack.
12 wins and like 6 or 7 losses. Really need to find a way how to stop those overpowered and overpaces forwards, and finish better.How many wins are you on?
12 wins and like 6 or 7 losses. Really need to find a way how to stop those overpowered and overpaces forwards, and finish better.