Fifa 12: Ultimate team


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
Keep the other thread clean and the Ultimate team stuff in here.

I got Defoe and some rare bronze keeper...

Where do your players go when you buy them?

I just bought Raul for 500 as he's the same rating as Defoe who I think I can sell for 3500+

But I can't find him even though it's a confirmed trade purchase. Not in the watched items or new items section...
Thing with Raul is that he'll be slow. And he's not PL. Defoe will always sell for more.

I got complete rubbish. I have 2 Ultimate Team Accounts (I used one for a Route to Glory) and from BOTH I only really ended up with an 83 Sow, an 81 Bellamy and an 80 Bosingwa. The rest were random golds and bronzes.
How/why have two accounts?

+where do your players show up when you buy them?

Yep, I know but I'm happy to play with Raul over Defoe, especially if it will get me a few extra coins to trade with early on.
Great initiative, Chrisjn.

Holy feck, I just realised that that's supposed to read "Christian", amirite?
I have my proper one on my PSN account but I wanted to start a different team from scratch, so I made another one on a different PSN account.

I guess they go into your club, I've not checked yet because the coding everywhere is awful.

And fair enough, I should start trading too.
Great initiative, Chrisjn.

Holy feck, I just realised that that's supposed to read "Christian", amirite?


And my Middle and Last name initials are J and N.

There's a bug where you can't access your purchased players. That's the end of tonight's trading then...

And my Middle and Last name initials are J and N.

There's a bug where you can't access your purchased players. That's the end of tonight's trading then...

Whooaaa... that liek totally blows my mind.

If you want to know how much, I'm pretty much sat here with a Keanu Reeves-ish look on my face.
Whooaaa... that liek totally blows my mind.

If you want to know how much, I'm pretty much sat here with a Keanu Reeves-ish look on my face.

fecking mental, I agree.

Just bought Erikson (80) for 600, he's up and comin', so hopin' to get a few bob out of him.
My best free cards were Mexes and Toulalan.

Everyone has a Toulalan so I dont think I'll get much for him despite his decent rating
Where have the players gone from the free packs? I sent them all to 'my club' and can't find them anywhere.
How have you got coins to buy people with?

I got feck all :D
You start with 2,500. Its not much but its enough to start your team off with a couple of players you actually want

Huh? I didn't. I've only got 1100. 1000 from todays prize and the rest from discards. I had UT last year as well.
I've only got 180 coins now, due to discards. Todays prize was a mini silver pack for me.
Stop playing this you set of cnuts!

I can't access the site from work and it's full of Flash based media so can't do it from my iPhone either :(
I didn't get any coins to start with, just the 'loyalty' packs for 2010 and 2011.

I did get 75 bid tokens as my daily reward though, utterly fecking useless without coins pretty much.
feck sake. I put a filter on trade for gold players only, went through 350 pages to get to the deals with 59:40 minutes left or so (some idiots put good players at low Buy Now prices for a 1 hour auction) so you get some bargains, and then I click off the fecking page after 30 minutes of clicking the right arrow
:lol: unlucky.

I don't have the patience for that lot.
It's a good starting point. What I don't understand is people who spend the majority of the time trading. They barely play games and just fish for players and just are obsessed with the fact you can accumulate virtual coins.
It's a good starting point. What I don't understand is people who spend the majority of the time trading. They barely play games and just fish for players and just are obsessed with the fact you can accumulate virtual coins.


The amount of times I came up against teams with the likes of Ronaldo, Rooney, Messi et al last season when FUT had only just been launched was staggering. Obviously people that spend the game trading rather than playing.

Either that or they're sad enough to pay actual money for packs.
Huh? I didn't. I've only got 1100. 1000 from todays prize and the rest from discards. I had UT last year as well.

Weird. You continued your team from last year and everything? Not sure how much money I had on my ps3 team or anything not sure that matters. Perhaps I also got a coins card in my free packs as well or something, I only looked through the players
It's a good starting point. What I don't understand is people who spend the majority of the time trading. They barely play games and just fish for players and just are obsessed with the fact you can accumulate virtual coins.

Its a very good way to get ahead when you cant actually play dont you think? Obviously most of us are handicapped with not having the money to find the big bargains and make big money.
Weird. You continued your team from last year and everything? Not sure how much money I had on my ps3 team or anything not sure that matters. Perhaps I also got a coins card in my free packs as well or something, I only looked through the players

You can't continue your team from last year, surely?
Ah right, yeah, I did that. I think your 2500 coins must have been a daily reward or from a pack because I don't think anyone else got it straight away.
I think my only reward I saw was bid tokens. I mean I have 90 left and I didnt buy any so, did anyone else start with full? And we've only had 1 reward so far right? I only made my team this morning
How have people got such good teams already? Weirdos.
How have people got such good teams already? Weirdos.

Luck of the draw I think, that and clever trading. They aren't selling coins for cash yet, the only way to get them is in the daily gifts or discarding cards (which gets you feeble amounts).

Black background Messi cards are being auctioned for max money, which is just dickwaving as nobody can afford them yet. I mean unless they offer to trade other high end cards for them I guess.
You twunts complaining I guarantee you had more luck than I. The best I got was Huntelaar. The rest are BELOW 78 rating!

feck off.