FIFA 11 New RedCafe League - PS3

(Big-Red) AC Milan 1-8 Bayern (ba2992)

feck that, never played so badly in Fifa. He played well though, clearly a good player. We had a closer match that had to be abandoned the other day due to connection problems, so I'll cling to that as a sign I'm not as bad as todays match made out.
Assume you got disconnected Wayne, you were winning 3-0 and it was close to half time so I suggest we'll play one more half with the same teams, with you having a 3-0 lead. Bit difficult to play at the moment, so will play around 8, if thats ok?
I'm guessing you didn't you get my message on PSN?

Sorry I quit, I had some guests and they were around for a while. We'll just restart the match at 0-0 with a full game.
I'm guessing you didn't you get my message on PSN?

Sorry I quit, I had some guests and they were around for a while. We'll just restart the match at 0-0 with a full game.

you still on for 8? I don't think that's fair on you mate, happy to play a half if you want, with you retaining your 3-0 lead, or happy to play the full game as you said.
TheGame (Villarael) 1-3 (Bayern) Wayne_Rooney

Well played mate, really annoyed with myself for conceding after equalising and then another sloppy goal. Could have been alot worse though, you absolutely dominated. Strange penalty decision.:confused:

Just out of interest, how do you do that move when you hit the ball forward to go past a player?
Good game! I realised that penalty was a bizarre decision, hence why I purposely missed it ;)

To push the ball infront you have to use the right analog stick. Just simply flick it in the direction you want to go. It's a good move to use in tight spaces.
Eriku (Sporting Lisbon) v (Lille) redspoony

1 - 0

Smash and grab, as I said... didn't have a single shot in the first half... second was far more of an even contest and I felt bad about nicking that goal in the 88th, but I'll take it ;P

edit: I had 3 shots, 1 on target, to your 10 shots, 2 on target... :lol:
Eriku (Sporting Lisbon) v (Lille) redspoony

1 - 0

Smash and grab, as I said... didn't have a single shot in the first half... second was far more of an even contest and I felt bad about nicking that goal in the 88th, but I'll take it ;P

Can't believe it. Well played mate.

I'm so finishing bottom. I don't think I've even played that badly in any of the games.

I just go a bit Carrick when the pressure is on.
Can't believe it. Well played mate.

I'm so finishing bottom. I don't think I've even played that badly in any of the games.

I just go a bit Carrick when the pressure is on.

I can relate... I'm partially thankful for the PSN crashing, as I was having a torrid time in the previous league, despite doing well against some reputable names on here.

Pressure screws me up a bit too :S

Well played to you too... you won't be finishing last, I don't think.
ba_2992 (Portugal) v (Holland) Eriku


Incredibly exciting match, with Portugal tearing me to pieces at first... Holland got a bit more stuck in and a hattrick from Van Persie, the last goal of which was a weird bounce with the Portuguese goalie and defender hesitating, leaving me with an open goal... A draw might have been more fair, considering how I was scrambling at the back at times, but there you go.

I can see how on a good day, or a bad day for the opposition, you could put something like 8 goals past them. Just glad I managed to nick it :)

Well played.
MarceloFalcon (Valencia) 2 - 1 (Portugal) United_Fan_101

What. A. Match.

Smash and grab at the end there, could've gone either way. The game really shifted once I got a goal, and you put pressure on me. Then you got yours and at the end we were pretty much both all out. I was lucky to get that play in right at the end, and also lucky not to concede a few other times.
I know I am a bit of a cnut for not putting the table up but I am about to get a bachelor degree at university so I have to get through with some stuff, I will finish all my work by Wednesday and get it done properly.
I know I am a bit of a cnut for not putting the table up but I am about to get a bachelor degree at university so I have to get through with some stuff, I will finish all my work by Wednesday and get it done properly.

Someone needs to sort his priorities. :smirk:
Sarni (Juventus) 2-1 redspoony (Aston Villa)
TheGame(Milan) 1 - 1 McGrathsipan (Bayern)
TheGame (Man City) 2 - 4 redspoony (Juventus)
Sarni (Atletico) 3-1 McGrathispan (Milan)
Big-Red Lyon 0-3 Porto LeftBootOfEvra
Arsenal Mekler101 2-2 Juventus Big-Red
redspoony (citeh) 1-4 Ronaldo No.9 (Milan)
makki (Portugal) 1 - 1 (Arsenal) Big-Red
Ronaldo No.9 (Villareal) 2-1 (A Madrid) Big-Red
Big-Red (Porto) 0 - 4 MarceloFalcon (Lille)
MarceloFalcon (Marseille) 3 - 1 (Arsenal) makki
Wayne_Rooney(Holland) 5 - 4 MarceloFalcon (Portugal)
Big_Red (Man City) 0 - 4 Wayne_Rooney (Arsenal)
Sarni (Arsenal) 3-4 Ronaldo No. 9 (Villa)
Ronaldo No.9 (Liverpool) 2 - 3 Wayne_Rooney (Roma)
Wayne_Rooney (Zenit) 3 - 2 20le Solskjaer (AC Milan)
Wayne_Rooney (Sevilla) 2-2 United Fan 101 (AC Milan)
McGrathsipan Holland 2 - 5 OM Wayne_Rooney
Wayne_Rooney (B. Dortmund) 3 - 0 (Bayern Munich) redspoony
redspoony (Portugal) 2-3 Makki (Holland)
Wayne_Rooney (Leverkusen) 3 - 1 LeftBootOfEva (Arsenal)
ba2992(AC Milan) 3-4 (Tottenham) United Fan 101
United Fan 101 (Bayern Munich) 3-3 (Atletico Madrid) EdWeatherall
TheGame (Juventus) 0 - 3 ba2992 (Villarael)
TheGame (FC Porto) 3 - 1 MarceloFalcon (Santos)
TheGame (Leverkusen) 1 - 4 20le_Solskjaer (Villarael)
ba_2992 (Uruguay) 3 - 2 (Man City) Wayne_Rooney
Big-Red AC Milan 1-8 Bayern ba2992
TheGame (Villarael) 1-3 (Bayern) Wayne_Rooney
Eriku (Sporting Lisbon) 1-0 (Lille) redspoony
ba_2992 (Portugal) v (Holland) Eriku
MarceloFalcon (Valencia) 2 - 1 (Portugal) United_Fan_101

All the matches played as of yet. I'll put what player has used what team in a seperate post.
Teams used:

United Fan 101 – Portugal, Bayern Munich, Milan, Arsenal
MarceloFalcon - Lille, Marseille, Portugal, Santos, Valencia
Wayne_Rooney – Holland, Arsenal, Roma, Zenit, Sevilla, OM, Leverkusen, Man City, Bayern Munich, Dortmund
20le_Solskjaer – Milan, Villareal
Ronaldo No. 9 – Milan, Villareal, Villa, Liverpool
TheGame – Milan, Man City, Juventus, Porto, Leverkusen, Villareal
EdWeatherall – Athletico Madrid
Big-Red – Juventus, Arsenal, Athletico Madrid, Man City, AC Milan, Porto, Lyon
Makki – Holland, Arsenal, Portgual
Eriku – Holland, Sporting Lisbon
McGrathispan – Bayern, Milan, Holland
Sarni – Juventus, Athletico Madrid, Arsenal
redspoony – Lille, Portgual, Bayern Munich, City, Juventus, Villa
esmufc11 -
LeftBootOfEvra – Arsenal, Porto
ba2992 – Portugal, Uruguay, Milan, Villareal, Bayern Munich

May have made some mistakes
Teams used:

United Fan 101 – Portugal, Bayern Munich, Milan
MarceloFalcon - Lille, Marseille, Portugal, Santos, Valencia
Wayne_Rooney – Holland, Arsenal, Roma, Zenit, Sevilla, OM, Leverkusen, Man City, Bayern Munich, Dortmund
20le_Solskjaer – Milan, Villareal
Ronaldo No. 9 – Milan, Villareal, Villa, Liverpool
TheGame – Milan, Man City, Juventus, Porto, Leverkusen, Villareal
EdWeatherall – Athletico Madrid
Big-Red – Juventus, Arsenal, Athletico Madrid, Man City, AC Milan, Porto, Lyon
Makki – Holland, Arsenal, Portgual
Eriku – Holland, Sporting Lisbon
McGrathispan – Bayern, Milan, Holland
Sarni – Juventus, Athletico Madrid, Arsenal
redspoony – Lille, Portgual, Bayern Munich, City, Juventus, Villa
esmufc11 -
LeftBootOfEvra – Arsenal, Porto
ba2992 – Portugal, Uruguay, Milan, Villareal, Bayern Munich

Updated mine
I'll try and get some games played either tonight, after 10.30pm-ish and through tomorrow
(Big-Red) AC Milan 1-8 Bayern (ba2992)

feck that, never played so badly in Fifa. He played well though, clearly a good player. We had a closer match that had to be abandoned the other day due to connection problems, so I'll cling to that as a sign I'm not as bad as todays match made out.

Your shit.... Like me:lol:
If you're still playing this I'm going to have to pull out. I'm working over the summer close to where my parents live, so I'm staying at theirs during July and haven't brought my PS3 home with me. Also, I'll be out of the country for about four weeks as of the 29th of July, so you better null all results against me, you who have played me.
I am, just been working a fair bit so I've not been initiating anything as I've had precious little... If push comes to shove, though, I'll be making time.