fecking bollocks thread

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I'm playing with my Ivory Coast team in PES5, having a real World Cup challenge.
One... :nervous:

No seriously though. I've only played with my mate and we played on five but it's easier when you play with someone. I got 'inspired' by your post so I dug out my xbox and started a game. I'm playing my first match now on 3 stars but it took my 30 seconds to score so I'll try five.
I'm beating Germany 1-0 at the moment, though they're likely to score soon. Drogba on the scoresheet, I forgot to drop cnut :nervous:
FT Ivory Coast 1 Germany 0 :devil:

Time for Denmark.

How're you doing wanc?
I've played one match with South Africa against England. I won 1-0 but it was only on 3 stars. I'm having big problems scoring...

I'm off to footie practice in a bit but when I come home I'll give the WC a try on five stars with SA.
tomlozza9 said:
The will shit in your bed...

or in your bath.

Not good, get some stones from outside

They have litter. In fact, one is using it right now.

It's the scoopable stuff, but we completely change it twice a week on trash day.
tomlozza9 said:
we use to when we had kittens to , its not good. Heard a rumor that only blokes should clear litter trays. might effect womens fertility

No, it's when they get pregnant, the toxic shit [litterally (damn, I'm good!)] can cause birth defects.

No worries over here.
Wizard Keyaz said:
I have a feeling he would do that, so is there a chance for the mods to stop him doing that?

it would be funny...

the mods can soft delete, or hard delete..soft delete means its still there, but only they can see it...this is what happens if slabber deletes it...

if they hard delete it, its gone forever...
Big Andy said:
it would be funny...

the mods can soft delete, or hard delete..soft delete means its still there, but only they can see it...this is what happens if slabber deletes it...

if they hard delete it, its gone forever...
I think they can undelete as well.

I would laugh my arse off if he deleted it, and they re-upped it and stickied it.
Hello. My internet access has been down.

After half an hour on the phone to technical support discussing the niceties of spam filters and the rest and why they can't deal with my problem until they've had another 5 complaints from my postcode, it came back!
jasonrh said:
I agree. It's fecking brilliant that this piece of fecking bollocks has achieved such greatness.

Slabber's lasting legacy in life.

slabber's only legacy some may say...
Slabber said:
I could kill myself now and it would all have been worth it.

you and all the major contributors could have a mass suicide pact when you delete the thread...
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