Favourite character

1. Jack O Neill, Stargate

It was never the same once he left. Brilliant character portrayed perfectly by RDA.


2. Han Solo - Star Wars, original trilogy

Better than whingy farm boy Luke. And he ended up with Leia who I find pant spoilingly attractive.


3. Mal Reynolds, Firefly and Serenity

Why yes, I do want to lead a whacky off beat team of people into space one day. How did you know?

4. Bernard Black - Black Books


5. (because I can and I fecking love this guy) Megatron from Beast Wars - so sauve, well spoken, and evil. Love it.


Honorable mentions to Dave Lister, Arnold Rimmer, Cat, all of the various Blackadders and Baldricks, James Bond, Mace Windu.

In honesty I started with Han Mal and Bernard, and then remembered the man love I have for RDA, and how awesome Beast Wars is.
Lt. Speirs
Solid Snake
Snake Blissken
The Dude (Big Lebowski)
In no particular order:


I don't know why, but this skit is just really funny:

The Spanish Inquisition (a nasty bunch)

Just a flesh wound, Mr Pogatetz!

Rafa Benitez lets the goatee get out of hand:

Needless to say I like the Monty's :D
Creepy Italian Guy from Eurotrip


Johnny Drama from Eurotrip


Hilda Ogden from Coronatian Street

Good call on Drama, I like him better than Ari as a character myself
I love Ari's character, hes everything a man wants to be. He's dominate over his wife but knows where the buck stops and he needs to help her. Drama is so cringeworthy sometimes but funny. I prefer Turtle over Drama.
I love Ari's character, hes everything a man wants to be. He's dominate over his wife but knows where the buck stops and he needs to help her. Drama is so cringeworthy sometimes but funny. I prefer Turtle over Drama.

In no particular order (gone for 3 that haven't been mentioned yet):

Gollum (lord of the rings)
Dale Cooper (twin peeks)
Mulder (xfiles)

although John Locke, Joker, Captain Jack Sparrow, Han Solo... the list goes on.


Good shout with Lister btw. Class character for a great tv series.
1. Niles Crane (Frasier)
2. Geoffrey Murdoch (Coupling)
3. Barney Stinson (How I met your mother)
Pretty much everyone in Arrested Development in fact.

Also, my namesake and Ryan O'Reilly in Oz.
Wu and Swearengen in Deadwood.
Monty in Withnail and I.

Honourary mentions for Ari, Omar and The Joker, already mentioned in this thread.
This might have been done before, then again it might not.

The point is to pick your favourite character from a book, film, TV show etc. Not the actor playing the character but the character itself.

Let`s say that you have to rate them in a MOM style top three...


1. Ari Gold - Entourage


2. Omar Little - The Wire


3. Lt. Speirs - Band of Brothers.


Have to agree with Omar and Ari.
In no particular order....

David Brent

George Costanza

Vic Mackey

Ari Gold

Jack Bauer

Omar Little

Hank Moody

Michael Scott

Dr. Gregory House

13 - from House again.

The Todd - From Scrubs

Dr Cox - From Scrubs

Barney Stinson - How I Met Your Mother

Loads more I'm sure that I can't recall as of now....
Something about the joker just, grabs your attention... Wish he was still alive Heath, would have been interesting to see if he'd cameo in the next film.
So many people to choose from but John Cleese/The Pythons definatly top it every time!