Fantasy Premier League 23/24

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47-4 with Gab Saka and Ollie left.

This week was about damage limitation so I'll take that small green arrow for now. Hopefully with the rest smashing it tomorrow.
Solanke (-.1) to Toney (+.1) done.

Rare I make a move this early, but both now in prediction price moves to make impossible otherwise and I haven't decided on much else.
48 with Saliba, Saka, Palmer and Watkins to go.

Probably do Porro > VVD this week.

I'm actually rethinking now and am probably gonna hold him. I've got 5 doublers for 25 (Haaland, Foden, Jota, Darwin, Doughty). I think that's probably enough as I don't really trust rotation with City and Liverpool blank the week after. If I roll I can get 11 out in 26.

I can also get to 9 players in 29 (assuming no injuries and Luton play) without any hits so I think it will be hugely beneficial to go into gw30 with wildcard, bb and free hit still in hand.
I'm actually rethinking now and am probably gonna hold him. I've got 5 doublers for 25 (Haaland, Foden, Jota, Darwin, Doughty). I think that's probably enough as I don't really trust rotation with City and Liverpool blank the week after. If I roll I can get 11 out in 26.

I can also get to 9 players in 29 (assuming no injuries and Luton play) without any hits so I think it will be hugely beneficial to go into gw30 with wildcard, bb and free hit still in hand.
What happens in 29?
I'm actually rethinking now and am probably gonna hold him. I've got 5 doublers for 25 (Haaland, Foden, Jota, Darwin, Doughty). I think that's probably enough as I don't really trust rotation with City and Liverpool blank the week after. If I roll I can get 11 out in 26.

I can also get to 9 players in 29 (assuming no injuries and Luton play) without any hits so I think it will be hugely beneficial to go into gw30 with wildcard, bb and free hit still in hand.
According to Crellin's spreadsheet, City don't blank the week after?
But seriously though, do you chaps realise that Morris and Adebayo are 7th and 9th for points out of all forwards in the league? They cost 5.0 and 4.9 respectively and have been selected by 2.7% and 4.3% respectively.

Why would anyone buy a bench striker who's not one of these two?!
Solanke (-.1) to Toney (+.1) done.

Rare I make a move this early, but both now in prediction price moves to make impossible otherwise and I haven't decided on much else.
I want to do this but don’t want to fall in that double trap. Solanke has burnley in 27 and then double against burnley and SHU followed by wolves and Everton. But the wolves game might go blank. Confusion confusion!
Wildcarded this GW, so i have 10 players with two fixtures. Means i can TC Haaland too, unlikely to bench boost which i see a few people are considering, Haaland at home two games in a row is hard to ignore.
Ofcourse Saliba scores when I bench him. And I benched him for Doughty too. FFS. :mad:
We mercilessly flogged De Gea for being rooted to his line but just about every keeper today stays on his line no matter how many inches away the ball is on a cross.
And that's why folks, you don't have benching headaches! I was very tempted by getting Doighty in this week and would have played him over Gabriel but couldn't be comfortable benching an Arsenal defender and thankfully avoided it.

Something to keep in mind.
Sick of these Gabriel goals. Finally thought it was Saliba's turn and he goes and scores anyway
It's ok. Gabriel has scored now and I've benched him. Hello darkness my old friend...
And I thought I was doing so well too this week with Ake's 11 points. Now this monster haul from Arsenal defenders is going to wipe that away.

Benched Gabriel and sold Saka, goodbye top 100k

I don't have Saka myself as that twat was giving away penalties to his teammates like chocolates earlier but these goals from both Saliba and Gabriel is going to hurt.
FFS dropped Saliba for Doughty yesterday.

At least I have Gabriel and Saka.
Nice humble brag Captain Hindsight
:lol: That was really the final reason that stopped me from doing that and I just got in a fodder instead who I will never play except during the blanks.

And that goes for the dgw as well. Would hardly be surprising if arsenal defender outscores Luton or Brentford def that gw.
Yeah, I was tempted with Doughty but it's a lot of blankers in 26 then and also, honestly benching Arsenal defender isn't ideal, they are the best defense and conceded 0.41 xG vs Liverpool, so I don't want to add multiple headaches to my team. Simple to have a bench fodder who can come in for 26 as long as he plays, that's all.
Posted this a week ago @AlexUTD . Geniuses don't need hindsight. :cool:
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