Gaming Fallout 4

Great review. I will pass on this game now.

Tbf a few is relative, it's a few compared to the likes of Witcher or Skyrim or the other Fallout games, but loads compared to others. I probably put in just shy of 20.

How I lasted that long I don't know though. It's pretty shite. Maybe I'm the opposite, and because I'm such a big fan of the series I judge it harsher, but considering I didn't really like how dumbed 3 was but still enjoyed it enough over all, this one went to a whole new level.
I must be alone in this whole world that just can't get into The Witcher 3.

Most overrated game in quite a while for me. I think it's a bit shit to be honest. The controls, the story, your character seems to be floating all the time and doesn't respond well at all.

The only thing it has going for it are the graphics imo. I remember saying that the graphics were the most important aspect in gaming for me but man was I wrong.

I've had way more fun playing Fallout 4 than I did in The Witcher 3.

just skimmed though the thread as love Fallout 4 but totally agree with the above, I played quite a way through it and in the end found it a bit of a button masher and didn't like the story at all, just seemed to become same old same old all the way.

Not played any of the DLC's on Fallout 4 but may revist
It really is. I'm trying my best to enjoy the but failing miserably. The world seems to exist and be large just to exist and be large.
Same here. I can't figure out if it's cos I just got sick of Fallout as a series or the game is that boring. Loved Fallout 3 but maybe that's due to being my first exposure to the series. New Vegas started off decent, but gave up towards the end where I just ended up killing anyone who I came across, friend or foe. Just couldn't give a feck about which faction I wanted to join. Fallout 4 is really testing my limits. It's essentially the same game with the same factions, same enemies, same items, same food, same meds, but minus the fun. Sick of constantly debating what junk to keep and what to leave behind.

@JarleA mentioned getting better gear, but I already have the best gear I can get thanks to my gun and armorer perks for my current level. Keep asking myself "what's the point of all this?" Amazed that IGN gave this a 9.5. Are we playing the same game?
I liked this game a lot and played it enough to get the platinum. Just like the fallout world
Go play GoofyMangaRoleAdventureForest 6 and leave it to us to kill the Legendary Assaultron Dominators, you wimps.
I had low expectations for this, seeing how Bethesda proved their inability to deliver a true to the originals Fallout with FO3, yet they managed to go a lot lower still. After FO4, 3 looks like a good Fallout. Ah well, there's always 1,2, and New Vegas.
@JarleA mentioned getting better gear, but I already have the best gear I can get thanks to my gun and armorer perks for my current level. Keep asking myself "what's the point of all this?" Amazed that IGN gave this a 9.5. Are we playing the same game?

The special gear you pick up has way better perks if you play on a higher difficulty. I'm not talking about upgrades etc.

I loved the game, but I haven't played any previous Fallout games. Not a 9,5 though. It has its flaws.
What on earth is with this game? I went for it because it was cheap on the PSN and I really enjoyed Fallout 3, but this has just been horrible so far. The world is just one big lifeless pile of nothing. It's like they created this big world for you to explore but decided to put very little thought and effort into making it interesting. I'm temped to just stick with Dark Souls 3 and all the little PS plus freebies instead.
That's pretty much every newer Bethesda game for you.
I love being criticised by amolbhatia when we've all seen that cnut's posts in his early times.
This guy. Can barely form a coherent sentence, prejudicing me. Racist cnut. feck off.
Reported. For making the opposite of complete sense. And I thought you couldn't set the bar lower. But you have.
I love being criticised by amolbhatia when we've all seen that cnut's posts in his early times.
Good thing you love being criticised. You're sure to get plenty of what you love posting like this.
Despite getting this in Christmas 2015 I never found the time to play it, until the time off this Christmas. Smashed through it in a coupe of weeks putting countless hours into it.

Got to say I loved it and liked it much more than Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Fallout 3 I got bored with I think when I got the top level (20?) and it just felt like I couldn’t build the character anymore. New Vegas I just didn’t get into, not sure why. I think my experience with those made me doubly determined to finish this one.

I’ve started over on Survival mode now and wish I’d played it on that mode from the start. Turns it into a total survival horror game. Really puts you out of your comfort zone and makes you think. It’s just taken me almost a whole day to clear that early Corvega Car Plant mission. Because you can only save by sleeping, I was going in, taking out a floor of enemies then retreating to a camp on the bridge outside to sleep/save. Earlier I was beating the locket mission at the satellite station and got killed four times (four!) by a mongrel dog on the way to the station. Even mole rats can scare the shit out of you.

Not sure how long I’ll keep at it as can imagine it will start to become a nightmare when I’m needing to clear big areas without nearby camps. But it’s excellent replayability at the moment.

Does anyone have the Far Harbour expansion and is it worth getting? Is it a start from scratch thing or can you use your levelled character for the missions?
Despite getting this in Christmas 2015 I never found the time to play it, until the time off this Christmas. Smashed through it in a coupe of weeks putting countless hours into it.

Got to say I loved it and liked it much more than Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Fallout 3 I got bored with I think when I got the top level (20?) and it just felt like I couldn’t build the character anymore. New Vegas I just didn’t get into, not sure why. I think my experience with those made me doubly determined to finish this one.

I’ve started over on Survival mode now and wish I’d played it on that mode from the start. Turns it into a total survival horror game. Really puts you out of your comfort zone and makes you think. It’s just taken me almost a whole day to clear that early Corvega Car Plant mission. Because you can only save by sleeping, I was going in, taking out a floor of enemies then retreating to a camp on the bridge outside to sleep/save. Earlier I was beating the locket mission at the satellite station and got killed four times (four!) by a mongrel dog on the way to the station. Even mole rats can scare the shit out of you.

Not sure how long I’ll keep at it as can imagine it will start to become a nightmare when I’m needing to clear big areas without nearby camps. But it’s excellent replayability at the moment.

Does anyone have the Far Harbour expansion and is it worth getting? Is it a start from scratch thing or can you use your levelled character for the missions?
Easily the best Fallout 4 DLC and arguably one of the best Fallout DLCs ever, IMO. Setting, atmosphere, quests and factions are all superb.

You take your levelled character to Far Harbour. But I'd recommend being at least level 20 before attempting it - there are some fecking tough creatures out there.

Glad you've enjoyed Fallout 4. I loved it, but it certainly has its flaws.
I've been rereading Brave New World, which I first read about 25 years ago. This time the image I had in my head of the world they inhabit is basically The Institute. I wonder whether the people who made the game ever made the same connection.

A live stream has been running for about five hours now. Just Vault Boy and the Please Stand By screen in the background for the most part, but developers keep popping in to wave, thumbs up, put balloons in etc. A lot of people think something is going to be announced tonight. Most likely theories are either a Fallout 3 remake (it's the 10th anniversary this year) or Fallout 4 porting to the switch. I'm hoping for a New Vegas style title.
I highly doubt they’d remake Fallout 3. Remaster most likely, but they going to all this length to announce a remaster.

I know it’s over a year late, but what the hell was @TooBias smoking when he was posting in this thread? What the hell did you do to him @amolbhatia50k?
Couldn’t get into Fallout 4 which was sad because it’s one of my favourite franchises. Fallout 3 has a special place in my heart but I wouldn’t give a shit if it was a remake.
Maybe they have finally developed a new engine do their shit or have decided to give their next game an actual story? Who knows! Bethesda and fallout are reall just a story of downfall. feck Fallout 4 was so bad. Replaying Witcher 3 lately just made me realise this even more.
Whether it’s a new game, or a remaster of NV or 3, Bethesda are getting my money for this for sure :drool: I’d be overjoyed with either one