Gaming Fallout 4

I prefer that type of thing where you have multiple bases in different areas of the map and you can upgrade parts of it and make it look better and unlock more rooms and such. Have an armory, shit like that.

If you mean what I think you mean, we’re on the same page.

Having predefined structures you unlock, augment, modify and expand = good.
Infinite freedom to pointlessly, laboriously, tiresomely, design and tinker with little practical benefit than cosmetics and novelty = bad.
Was hoping the next game they announced would be a new elder Scrolls. It's been 7 years since Skyrim. Seems strange if it misses this entire generation of consoles considering how well it sold

It was released on the PS4?
I hate how all these games have veered towards MMOs. I just want a great single player game, I don't like people.
If you mean what I think you mean, we’re on the same page.

Having predefined structures you unlock, augment, modify and expand = good.
Infinite freedom to pointlessly, laboriously, tiresomely, design and tinker with little practical benefit than cosmetics and novelty = bad.

Yeah exactly. It's either too impractical or my imagination is shit. I prefer to modify something that's already there.
Yeah exactly. It's either too impractical or my imagination is shit. I prefer to modify something that's already there.

It’s the same phenomenon as The Sims for me. I have this rush of excitement as the extravagant plans for what I want to build formulate in my head. Then by the time I get the first two walls up I realise it’s going to take about 18 hours if I actually want to do it well. That’s when I realise there is absolutely no fecking point whatsoever because even if I do finish it, there is absolutely no benefit to be gained anyway.
It’s the same phenomenon as The Sims for me. I have this rush of excitement as the extravagant plans for what I want to build formulate in my head. Then by the time I get the first two walls up I realise it’s going to take about 18 hours if I actually want to do it well. That’s when I realise there is absolutely no fecking point whatsoever because even if I do finish it, there is absolutely no benefit to be gained anyway.

Yeah I'm the exact same. I would spend so much time making my character and thinking of all the cool ways to make a house and then give up after making like 3 shit rooms and realising the windows aren't symmetrical.
Is fallout 4 good, compared to Witcher 3 and Skyrim? My friend lent it to me but haven't tried it yet.
Yeah I'm the exact same. I would spend so much time making my character and thinking of all the cool ways to make a house and then give up after making like 3 shit rooms and realising the windows aren't symmetrical.

Spend hours making your character look awesome and then either be so far zoomed out or so far zoomed in that you never get to see them anyway.
I hate how all these games have veered towards MMOs. I just want a great single player game, I don't like people.
This. Single player huge open world games with epic storylines that you can enjoy at your own pace are the way to go. That's why I l love the Witcher.
Great single player games do very well financially (Witcher, Horizon, God of War, Nier Automata, Persona 5, RE7 etc).

Multiplayer games do disgustingly well financially (Fortnite, COD, Battlefield, Overwatch, Fifa). Good or bad.

It's only
Great single player games do very well financially (Witcher, Horizon, God of War, Nier Automata, Persona 5, RE7 etc).

Multiplayer games do disgustingly well financially (Fortnite, COD, Battlefield, Overwatch, Fifa). Good or bad.

It's only

In an ideal world they’d use the money from their shite MMOs to make an incredible single player game but no the money just goes on the next MMO. What’s the end game here? Just more fecking money.
Is fallout 4 good, compared to Witcher 3 and Skyrim? My friend lent it to me but haven't tried it yet.
Fallout 4 was a good game but not a good ''fallout' game imo. It stripped back the RPG elements back a lot. There's still some fun to be had but I had a lot more fun with Witcher and Skyrim.
In an ideal world they’d use the money from their shite MMOs to make an incredible single player game but no the money just goes on the next MMO. What’s the end game here? Just more fecking money.
The end game will be to merge the two I assume, do it well and keep everyone happy. Maybe by Fallout/Elder Scrolls 10....
Fallout 4 was a good game but not a good ''fallout' game imo. It stripped back the RPG elements back a lot. There's still some fun to be had but I had a lot more fun with Witcher and Skyrim.
I completed Fallout 3, New Vegas and most of the DLCs fwiw. Don't know how far I got with F4, a decent amount of hours but not far I think.

Could have been moreso that I have it on PC but mainly game on console, but still, it's been on sale numerous times and I've not bothered to pick it up. It's just not as compelling I think.... I'd give it another go for VR tho.
In an ideal world they’d use the money from their shite MMOs to make an incredible single player game but no the money just goes on the next MMO. What’s the end game here? Just more fecking money.

The end game is buying out great independent developers, pillaging them for their IP and turning their most popular games into micro-transaction gold mines.
^as you might expect, that doesn't give away anything at all as to what we can expect for Fallout 76. We're going to have to wait until E3.

I've read a few reports contradicting the earlier leaks that it is going to be an MMO and will still have a heavy focus on single player rpg. Very dubious and still can't get back that initial hype I had. I know what I want the game to be, but tbh I don't think I could blame Bethesda for trying something new considering this won't be a true sequel (i.e. fallout 5)
Really enjoyed 3 and New Vegas but 4 felt very samey to me. Last thing I'd hope Bethesda would be working on is another Fallout game. Just dreaming of a new elder scrolls, but they seemto be just milking the Skyrim cow forever. And what a cow it is.
Short video by Oxhorn on some of the previous mentions of Vault 76 in other games and a rundown of that video, which might give us an idea of what the game will be like. Not the first person to do it but, for me, the best.

If it really is just a base building game then I'll be disappointed, but here's hoping that there is a decent story. Maybe it'll just be about your character leading your people and creating a new society, similar to Shady Sands in FO1, which I wouldn't be too upset with. It'll be interesting to see the wasteland just 25 years after the bombs dropped.
Watched a lot of Oxhorn videos when I was playing FO4, he's a good YouTuber.
He's one of those youtubers that creates consistently great content. Another Fallout game also means more material for him to work with which is also good.
He's one of those youtubers that creates consistently great content. Another Fallout game also means more material for him to work with which is also good.
Definitely. Especially as Im far too lazy and impatient to take in much of the lore when Im playing, I can never be bothered to read through all the information on terminals and figure out the implications of it. Id rather press on with the mission at hand and then watch Oxhorn videos explaining what the terminal said and why it was relevant later on YouTube.
Short video by Oxhorn on some of the previous mentions of Vault 76 in other games and a rundown of that video, which might give us an idea of what the game will be like. Not the first person to do it but, for me, the best.

If it really is just a base building game then I'll be disappointed, but here's hoping that there is a decent story. Maybe it'll just be about your character leading your people and creating a new society, similar to Shady Sands in FO1, which I wouldn't be too upset with. It'll be interesting to see the wasteland just 25 years after the bombs dropped.

Just started watching this, what is it about YouTubers and quirky voices or phrasing? It's like the anti ASMR.... Anyway I'll continue.
Just started watching this, what is it about YouTubers and quirky voices or phrasing? It's like the anti ASMR.... Anyway I'll continue.
It's probably because he does a lot of "stories" based around Fallout missions, where he'll take you through certain places like a narrator. I can see how it can be grating though.
Short video by Oxhorn on some of the previous mentions of Vault 76 in other games and a rundown of that video, which might give us an idea of what the game will be like. Not the first person to do it but, for me, the best.

If it really is just a base building game then I'll be disappointed, but here's hoping that there is a decent story. Maybe it'll just be about your character leading your people and creating a new society, similar to Shady Sands in FO1, which I wouldn't be too upset with. It'll be interesting to see the wasteland just 25 years after the bombs dropped.

This makes me feel all giddy inside and so excited :drool::drool:
It's probably because he does a lot of "stories" based around Fallout missions, where he'll take you through certain places like a narrator. I can see how it can be grating though.
Makes sense as it did sound a bit like a parent reading a children's story. There's much worse out there he wasn't that bad.

This video explains a hell of a lot, worth a watch if you like Fallout.
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Picked this up as it's on Xbox Game Pass now. I haven't played a Fallout game since 3, despite hearing that New Vegas was excellent. Should I expect any big changes? I've heard there's a robust base building feature, but I'm not sure I want to micro-manage my own settlements. Anyone get deep into this and the DLC have any tips for someone coming back after a long hiatus?
I ...liked Fallout 4:nervous:
With mods its probably the most fun I've had out of recent Bethesda games. The base game itself is pretty mediocre though. Still better than the steaming pile of turd that Starfield is though.

Though all of them pale in comparison to New Vegas. Funny how the best 3d Fallout game was a rushed job by a third party studio :smirk:
FFS I was looking really forward for this but they've had to delay it due to the overall fallout update.

It looks fantastic. I don't play on PC or have experience of mods, but this seems like a crazy amount of work - they've basically created a full new game bolted on to the existing one. And then they release this for free? Wild.

I know mods exist for free but I thought they normally just added some features to the game or changed the way you play it etc.
I hate how all these games have veered towards MMOs. I just want a great single player game, I don't like people.
I was going to agree with you here wholeheartedly and then i realize that i already did... 6 fecking years ago. Christ.