Fake Quotes / Fake News


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
Over the past couple of weeks, a few people have posted quotes from a twitter handle called _Castael. You can see the quotes in the spoiler below:



Every single one of those quotes are fake. There was a meltdown in the Liverpool post match thread because someone posted the 'Andreas on loan' one.

He never said it, but because people repeat them as if they are true, they end up becoming accepted as fact when they're not and used as ammunition against the board, Mourinho or our players.

When posting quotes from twitter, try to either check if the account is verified or (and this is my preferred option) see if the quote has been posted by multiple journalists or people associated with the club.

The posting of these quotes aren't really helping the atmosphere on the caf at present and in future we will start handing out warnings to people who post them so if you do see a quote you know is fake, please report it for the staff to deal with.
Damn. That notification with the account name at the top literally gave me a heart attack, thought I was getting banned or something. :lol:

Damn. That notification with the account name at the top literally gave me a heart attack, thought I was getting banned or something. :lol:

Appreciate the notification @Damien

I had a similar reaction @el3mel :lol:
Yeah, I only do that for stuff that ideally as many people as possible should see. With your names at the start, you're more inclined to read/click and see what is up.
Somebody must have done something to feel that way...;)

On the other hand, I was cool as cucumber. Really...:angel:

Don't lie. :lol:

Yeah, I only do that for stuff that ideally as many people as possible should see. With your names at the start, you're more inclined to read/click and see what is up.

Fair play. :D
You see the thing with fake news is, it's not a tactic to make you believe in the fake news, it's to make you doubt the real news.

It's still pretty pathetic to post fake quotes though.
Count me in as a member of the notification heart attack gang!
What type of weirdo would make up a qoutes like this? No wonder people are so confused. Maybe this is where I got the Mourinho "qoute" from, as I can't find the video. I will be more careful in future.
Holy smokes, that is shocking and also, unfortunately, not surprising.

This is how Donald trump became president

I managed to stay out of that fake news and propaganda nonsense. Alas, I've fallen prey with my love for football related tweets and rumors.

Also, feck this guy.
Damn. That notification with the account name at the top literally gave me a heart attack, thought I was getting banned or something. :lol:


Yeh I was like shit... What did I post in the general that got people off. :lol:
At first I thought, 'feck, what did I do to get a warning.' Read a little further. 'feck, did someone say it was me?'. Talk about an emotional roller-coaster :lol:.

Thankfully, I dont use twitter. I dont even know how to tweet. I guess its just like posting on facebook, but you hash tag instead of friends or something? but anyway, I wasnt aware there was a shit storm enough to warrant its own thread. Fake news is just becoming more and more of a problem I guess.
What's your problem?

The tweets have been verified as fake. From that point on you need to either ignore it all, or assume that everything else is false too.

Buying in a little deeper and adding that he's a United 'Fan' is irrelevant and pointless at this point.
With your names at the start, you're more inclined to read/click and see what is up.
Yeah, I didn't click on it as I know I did nothing wrong.
Anyway, next time think about my little ticky thicker.

Seriously now, can that guy be reported to twitter police, or something? Why do people do that stuff, no personal life/bored, to get followers, to become famous, to feel important? What a waste of life.
Never ever have I heard Mourinho use the word "bothered". Nor have I heard him discussing players' departures, whether on loan or leaving for good, in such manner.
It's just that guy putting a massive spin on Jose's words.
Pity if people believe in those tweets. Makes them look really silly.
I don't understand why anyone would check some random guy on twitter for post match comments instead of checking Journalist's twitter account.
For a second, I thought the mods were warning me for some fake news I put in :D
There are even Fake pictures of Willian and Toby in a united shirt.
The issue is also that the United fan pages like utdreport, man utd stuff etc then repost the quotes and then they spread all over Twitter as though they are true.

Sad that one Twitter account can send fake quotes so far around Twitter and without any credibility too.
Thanks for the personalised notification.

I can't understand why anybody would cite quotes from an unverified source. The quotes can be so easily checked.
The wording in those tweets are all wrong anyway. They actually do sound made up. Jose doesn't speak like that.
Because they want followers, retweets and likes!

There is no better way to be famous than tweeting about United. "Notice me senpai" posts like this irks me.

Thank you for the notification admins.