Over the past couple of weeks, a few people have posted quotes from a twitter handle called _Castael. You can see the quotes in the spoiler below:
Every single one of those quotes are fake. There was a meltdown in the Liverpool post match thread because someone posted the 'Andreas on loan' one.
He never said it, but because people repeat them as if they are true, they end up becoming accepted as fact when they're not and used as ammunition against the board, Mourinho or our players.
When posting quotes from twitter, try to either check if the account is verified or (and this is my preferred option) see if the quote has been posted by multiple journalists or people associated with the club.
The posting of these quotes aren't really helping the atmosphere on the caf at present and in future we will start handing out warnings to people who post them so if you do see a quote you know is fake, please report it for the staff to deal with.

Every single one of those quotes are fake. There was a meltdown in the Liverpool post match thread because someone posted the 'Andreas on loan' one.
He never said it, but because people repeat them as if they are true, they end up becoming accepted as fact when they're not and used as ammunition against the board, Mourinho or our players.
When posting quotes from twitter, try to either check if the account is verified or (and this is my preferred option) see if the quote has been posted by multiple journalists or people associated with the club.
The posting of these quotes aren't really helping the atmosphere on the caf at present and in future we will start handing out warnings to people who post them so if you do see a quote you know is fake, please report it for the staff to deal with.