Edgar Allan Pillow

Gillian: Would you refund this whale ticket? User is disputing ALL charges…
Michael: What’s the users total lifetime spend?
Gillian: It’s $6,545 – but card was just added on Sept. 2. They are disputing all of it I believe. That user looks underage as well. Well, maybe not under 13.
Michael: Is the user writing in a parent, or is this user a 13ish year old
Gillian: It’s a 13ish yr old. says its 15. looks a bit younger. she* not its. L*ol
Michael: … I wouldn’t refund
Gillian: Oh that’s fine. cool. agreed. just double checking
Put in the wider context of some of the other corporate exploitation of the average person, this isn't really that big a deal. But it's one of those things that people intuitively understand, and when it's about children it resonates much more quickly. It's really revealing of their corporate culture. Hope it leads to something substantive.
It's hard to believe these are real people talking about other real people.
It won't lead to anything substantive though because the system is incentivized for this type of behavior. After all the exploitative practices in the banking industry led to global recession it took only 3 years for this to happen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wells_Fargo_account_fraud_scandal You'll always get these sort of abuses in capitalism. It's not something that can be legislated or regulated out. It's just part of parcel of that type of economic system.
It won't lead to anything substantive though because the system is incentivized for this type of behavior. After all the exploitative practices in the banking industry led to global recession it took only 3 years for this to happen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wells_Fargo_account_fraud_scandal You'll always get these sort of abuses in capitalism. It's not something that can be legislated or regulated out. It's just part of parcel of that type of economic system.
Ok but who is the absolute worst and who isn't so bad? Or are you saying there's not much between them? It's a genuine question, I have my own ideas (some of which require foil hats) but want to see what some of you lot think...
I’d say Facebook and Google are the worst as the product they sell are the consumers and their personal data. Their true customers are advertisers and those who purchase this data.
Microsoft and Apple mainly deal with the sale of material goods/software.
Not to say the latter two don’t use consumer data, but the former deal solely in it. This makes it much more liekly they will be unscrupulous, unethical, intrepid in their immoral ingenuity and therefore more harmful to their users.
While that is undoubtedly true google has a pretty decent track record up to now (in comparison). Should they decide to be cnuts they can easily do the most damage though.
They haven't really broken too many laws in comparison to Facebook (to the best of my knowledge) but they essentially kicked off the whole trend of collecting customer data at an insane rate to then monetise it and sell it on, vastly changing the way we perceive personal freedoms and privacy. Of course, individuals are perhaps partially culpable in that we weren't careful about what we gave away, but then Google were undoubtedly capitalising on the average individual's online illiteracy at the same time. Their route to the top was basically paved by eroding privacy.
They haven't really broken too many laws in comparison to Facebook (to the best of my knowledge) but they essentially kicked off the whole trend of collecting customer data at an insane rate to then monetise it and sell it on, vastly changing the way we perceive personal freedoms and privacy. Of course, individuals are perhaps partially culpable in that we weren't careful about what we gave away, but then Google were undoubtedly capitalising on the average individual's online illiteracy at the same time. Their route to the top was basically paved by eroding privacy.
Threatening who? Us?
Threatening who? Us?
Your reckon he's got a small penis?
amazon not going to new york
Trump must really admire Bezos. It’s makes him smart to pay no tax.
if you think about it, it is crazy and also not crazy. also I am very smart
cant wait. i love when brands build in a space