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2 trophies. Thats it. And they were 8 years ago.

Its an awful awful record.

Shockingly bad, woeful even.

Wenger has been past it for a number of years, he's a has been. Atleast Moyes has the potential to get better.
I've no idea if we've a chance to sign him. Do you?

We've made an offer, you'd presume in the hope it's accepted. Do you think we have no money? Do you think we don't want to sign anyone? Do you think a failure in the transfer market is going to appease anyone? What would be the point in making a low bid that we know won't be accepted? How does losing out on players by not bidding enough prove we have money? If anything it proves the complete opposite.
I've no idea if we've a chance to sign him. Do you?

We've made an offer, you'd presume in the hope it's accepted. Do you think we have no money? Do you think we don't want to sign anyone? Do you think a failure in the transfer market is going to appease anyone? What would be the point in making a low bid that we know won't be accepted? How does losing out on players by not bidding enough prove we have money? If anything it proves the complete opposite.

We both have no idea. I'm making an assumption on what I think is likely, I'm not saying its a 100% fact, just what I believe. The Thiago situation I thought was far more likely as he wanted to leave for more playing time and I'm sure the club thought it was more likely as well.
Say what you like, the case can be made that you are looking at a possible period of wilderness years. A player like Cesc would weigh that up in his decision and I don't think he'd risk it.

Well, if he goes through that sort of thought process, he's definitely not going back to you lot!
I'd worry if Chelsea came in, but City seem to be unable to attract world class players for a good while now.

Haven't City just lashed 30m or so on a centre mid, not to mention already having Yaya 250k a week Toure there.
Yawn all you like. But in terms of respective clubs, Moyes' record of getting Everton to where they are, is far better then Wenger's.

Don't get me wrong, mate - I love Dave like, well like a grim looking Scottish uncle...but that's going too far. Wenger has had a rough time lately but overall his record with Arsenal is very good, especially when you factor in the sugar daddyism of recent years.
It's no surprise that Nev's near the top there. He likes to give off this impression that he doesn't care or doesn't get excited or doesn't jump on the rollercoaster but he's the biggest transfer muppet of them all.

I'm not, in the slightest. I haven't been muppeting at all, I've no opinion one way or the other on this. If it happens, great. If not, we'll cope. I do question though, how people on here seem to suggest our club as some bumbling organisation that doesn't know how to run a football club.
We both have no idea. I'm making an assumption on what I think is likely, I'm not saying its a 100% fact, just what I believe. The Thiago situation I thought was far more likely as he wanted to leave for more playing time and I'm sure the club thought it was more likely as well.

I disagree there. As unlikely as the Fabregas transfer is, it already has far more substance than the Thiago transfer ever did.
I never said I thought he was. He's staying in Spain and you lot are getting worked up again over nothing.

Not worked up, just excited. Like I imagine your lot are over the Suarez bid.

If he decides not to leave Barca, then there's nothing we can do - but at least we're looking to address an area of weakness.

And, in the process, all the Gooners on here are fecking terrified. Excellent.
I haven't got a clue if we'll sign him, but we wouldn't bid for a player unless he's made it clear he's interested in joining.
Don't get me wrong, mate - I love Dave like, well like a grim looking Scottish uncle...but that's going too far. Wenger has had a rough time lately but overall his record with Arsenal is very good, especially when you factor in the sugar daddyism of recent years.

Over the past 6 years Everton have finished 5th, 5th, 8th, 7th, 7th, 6th
In the same time Arsenal - 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 4th

So with far more resources, better players, bigger revenues, more appeal to players, bigger wage budgest etc etc Arsenal have managed to finish what? on average 2/3 places higher then Everton in the past 6 years. Not exactly fantastic is it?
Don't get me wrong, mate - I love Dave like, well like a grim looking Scottish uncle...but that's going too far. Wenger has had a rough time lately but overall his record with Arsenal is very good, especially when you factor in the sugar daddyism of recent years.

That's true, but a fan of a rich club like Arsenal criticising Moyes for not winning anything at Everton while Wenger won pretty much feck all during the same period is a bit rich.
Not worked up, just excited. Like I imagine your lot are over the Suarez bid.

If he decides not to leave Barca, then there's nothing we can do - but at least we're looking to address an area of weakness.

And, in the process, all the Gooners on here are fecking terrified. Excellent.

I'm not excited about that at all as it isn't going to happen.
We both have no idea. I'm making an assumption on what I think is likely, I'm not saying its a 100% fact, just what I believe. The Thiago situation I thought was far more likely as he wanted to leave for more playing time and I'm sure the club thought it was more likely as well.

That the club want to show they have money by failing to bid enough for a player? That they know the bid will be rejected, but they've made it anyway, just you know, because?
Haven't City just lashed 30m or so on a centre mid, not to mention already having Yaya 250k a week Toure there.

I meant that they haven't signed a world class player for a good while now. Fernandinho will improve them, but I don't think that he's a world class signing. Do you?
I'm not, in the slightest. I haven't been muppeting at all, I've no opinion one way or the other on this. If it happens, great. If not, we'll cope. I do question though, how people on here seem to suggest our club as some bumbling organisation that doesn't know how to run a football club.

Deep down I know there's excitement waiting to burst out. But I'm with you on that, like we would put out a bid to appease the fans over not getting Thiago.
Okay, are you excited about the prospect of Higuain?

And are you saying you're not in the slightest bit concerned about news of our bid?

Not really...I've no idea if he's any good or not because I've never really seen him. I believe he must be after reading lots of expert opinion on him so let's see how it goes. If you got Cesc...so what...I personally don't think you're winning anything for a few years. Don't start moaning...it's just my opinion.
The idea of Moyes being "unproven" is really no different to Tito becoming Barca manager last season - I know things weren't ideal for them last season, but the club won a big trophy because of the experience within the rest of the coaching staff and playing squad. We're not going to suddenly fall off a cliff. Yes, we may not be as fearsome, but we're going to be very competitive.

I'm not arguing against Moyes as United manager. I'm only suggesting that it's understandable that a new manager like Moyes might have a harder time bringing in top name players than, say, Pep or Jose or even Tito. All Tito has to do is look within the club to find incredible talent. And he did land Neymar.

But I do agree with your point in bold. We will be very competitive in 13/14. I'm on record as stating we will lift the prem trophy again, provided we don't lose Rooney. With a bit of good luck, or at least the absence of bad luck, we should make it through at least one knockout round in the CL. That would be a very good showing by Moyes in his first season. And with that showing in hand, I like our chances of bringing in top name players next summer.

I'd make a joke about Osman at this point but I fear being banned. :cool:
Not really...I've no idea if he's any good or not because I've never really seen him. I believe he must be after reading lots of expert opinion on him so let's see how it goes. If you got Cesc...so what...I personally don't think you're winning anything for a few years. Don't start moaning...it's just my opinion.

Hey, calm down sailor - I'm not moaning, just canvassing opinion. I think you're delusional... but it's just my opinion. :)
Listen Moyes, you're not at Everton anymore. We're not gonna be happy with not signing anyone - and no, Baines and Fellaini are not going to make any difference to that, so don't even go there.

I know you're new at the club and scared of fecking up with your first signing. At this point I don't care who you sign as long as it's some big name like Özil, Ronaldo, Fabregas, Modric etc. You already told us we have money to sign anyone, so let's get started you ball eyed little prick. I'm getting really tired of waiting for every 5th year for us to sign a big name while every other club is putting bus loads of players into their system every season! Juve does not have a rich arab-russian owner. Still they can get whatever name they want. How about us?
Over the past 6 years Everton have finished 5th, 5th, 8th, 7th, 7th, 6th
In the same time Arsenal - 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 4th

So with far more resources, better players, bigger revenues, more appeal to players, bigger wage budgest etc etc Arsenal have managed to finish what? on average 2/3 places higher then Everton in the past 6 years. Not exactly fantastic is it?

It ain't fantastic - but you said Moyes' record was far better, and I took that to mean on the whole: Wenger's record in recent seasons is, I suppose, neither this nor that. To me he has made some questionable choices as far playing staff goes, but has managed to keep Arsenal there or thereabouts in spite of these choices. Or something of the sort. Before the Roman era, however, his team were an absolute force, I don't think anyone would deny that.
Listen Moyes, you're not at Everton anymore. We're not gonna be happy with not signing anyone - and no, Baines and Fellaini are not going to make any difference to that, so don't even go there.

I know you're new at the club and scared of fecking up with your first signing. At this point I don't care who you sign as long as it's some big name like Özil, Ronaldo, Fabregas, Modric etc. You already told us we have money to sign anyone, so let's get started you ball eyed little prick. I'm getting really tired of waiting for every 5th year for us to sign a big name while every other club is putting bus loads of players into their system every season! Juve does not have a rich arab-russian owner. Still they can get whatever name they want. How about us?

35M euros in the end, which since they'd want their money back sets the price at 45M to you (10M to Arsenal).

Do I sense fear in you? :lol:

At least this "story" allows you to change your rhetoric for a few hours, from us losing 3 or 4 of our first 5 games.
Listen Moyes, you're not at Everton anymore. We're not gonna be happy with not signing anyone - and no, Baines and Fellaini are not going to make any difference to that, so don't even go there.

I know you're new at the club and scared of fecking up with your first signing. At this point I don't care who you sign as long as it's some big name like Özil, Ronaldo, Fabregas, Modric etc. You already told us we have money to sign anyone, so let's get started you ball eyed little prick. I'm getting really tired of waiting for every 5th year for us to sign a big name while every other club is putting bus loads of players into their system every season! Juve does not have a rich arab-russian owner. Still they can get whatever name they want. How about us?


Post of the year contender.
That the club want to show they have money by failing to bid enough for a player? That they know the bid will be rejected, but they've made it anyway, just you know, because?

Eh? When did i ever say that the club want to show they have money? Find me the post. I said they want to show we're after top players.
Yes, if Fabgregas is prepared to leave I would think Arsenal would be a far less attractive option to him than United. City or even Chelsea over Arsenal IMHO. Arsenal barely tread the CL waters while United keep lifting trophies. The massive wild card, however, is the new manager. As much as we're all behind Moyes if you're a "world class" footballer it's a bit of a risk to leave your club and play for Moyes. Moyes may prove to be the next Ferguson but he hasn't proven it yet. And who wants to be the guinea pig that proves he's not up to the job? The counterweight to that is the quality of the squad. We're definitely a rung below Bayern and Barcelona right now but with the addition of Fabregas we're suddenly right there with those two -- maybe not as good as those two but close enough to make it very interesting.

And if rumors are to be believed, Moyes has been given the green light to go all in for Ronaldo. If, somehow, we were able to bring in both Fabregas and Ronaldo I'd go so far as to say we'd piss and shit all over Bayern and Barcelona.

How would you know what Cesc wants? The last statement he issued said he doesn't want to contemplate leaving Barca anyway. So the 10 years he spent at Arsenal obviously mean feck all to him if he would prefer United, City and Chelsea?

Wenger made him the footballer he is, you don't just forget that. What if Arsenal signed Suarez, or Higuain and a top keeper? Fabregas may just think forming a partnership with Wilshere and Cazorla is a pretty good thing. They would be expecting to do a lot better than 4th spot with that first eleven.

Nothing is definite in football and frankly Wenger has done an amazing job to keep them in the top four. Now if the purse strings are loosened, and they appear to be, the man knows a good footballer when he sees one. Get a couple of top players in and suddenly Arsenal are attractive again.

And that last paragraph makes you sound very silly.....silly and daydreamy. Go have a Horlicks and calm down.
It ain't fantastic - but you said Moyes' record was far better, and I took that to mean on the whole: Wenger's record in recent seasons is, I suppose, neither this nor that. To me he has made some questionable choices as far playing staff goes, but has managed to keep Arsenal there or thereabouts in spite of these choices. Or something of the sort. Before the Roman era, however, his team were an absolute force, I don't think anyone would deny that.

That Arse side from the noughties was immense. Power and skill in abundance! :drool:
It ain't fantastic - but you said Moyes' record was far better, and I took that to mean on the whole: Wenger's record in recent seasons is, I suppose, neither this nor that. To me he has made some questionable choices as far playing staff goes, but has managed to keep Arsenal there or thereabouts in spite of these choices. Or something of the sort. Before the Roman era, however, his team were an absolute force, I don't think anyone would deny that.

I think the case could be made that were it not for the sugar daddies we'd have matched you or bettered you over the last decade too.
It ain't fantastic - but you said Moyes' record was far better, and I took that to mean on the whole: Wenger's record in recent seasons is, I suppose, neither this nor that. To me he has made some questionable choices as far playing staff goes, but has managed to keep Arsenal there or thereabouts in spite of these choices. Or something of the sort. Before the Roman era, however, his team were an absolute force, I don't think anyone would deny that.

Lack of money or not, Wenger has to take some of the responsibility for the regression of his squad. He's made some truly average signings. You only need to look at some of our cut-price buys to show there's value in the market, if you look hard enough. Wenger hasn't had big cash to spend, but he hasn't plucked any van der Sars, Evras, Vidics, Rafaels or Hernandezs either...
Deep down I know there's excitement waiting to burst out. But I'm with you on that, like we would put out a bid to appease the fans over not getting Thiago.

I don't go in for transfer sagas. I'll get excited about potential signings when they're stood at the ground beside Moyes holding a club scarf. It's just the absolute shite that gets trotted out about the club that gets on my tits. Like we're some conference outfit who don't know what we're doing, that we have no money and so we make stupid bids to no seeming aim, and that no player worth a shit would ever want to play for us. We're Manchester United, for feck sake.
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