F1 2017 Season

Vettel just decided to accelerate. His mistake since it is up to the car behind to not rearend someone. The sideswipe looked pretty deliberate to me. I wonder if there is an on board view?

That's the worst bit of it. It's not the first time he's flown off the handle - Mexico's radio rant comes to mind. Most drivers manage to keep some kind of control when things have gone south for them, but clearly Mr Finger has a problem there.
I literally cannot believe anyone is seriously trying to defend Vettel here.

For a mistake and then a moment of madness. He got away from this very lightly. At least it makes the season better.

That's the worst bit of it. It's not the first time he's flown off the handle - Mexico's radio rant comes to mind. Most drivers manage to keep some kind of control when things have gone south for them, but clearly Mr Finger has a problem there.

He'll have to be careful since he could get a race ban.
Hamilton mightn't have used brakes but he almost stopped after the turn, which could cause problems for someone, who's following him and expecting to naturally speed up a little at that point. Kind of understand Vettel was annoyed but should've just waved his hand and get on with it, the moron.

Both are major cnuts in my eyes. One as bad as the other.
Hamilton is like Mayweather of F1, such a cnut of a racer, he knew exactly what he was doing i.e. slowing down deliberately after the corner. Vettel is an idiot and was bang out of order by hitting Hamilton sideways. Both should have gotten penalties.
Hamilton mightn't have used brakes but he almost stopped after the turn, which could cause problems for someone, who's following him and expecting to naturally speed up a little at that point. Kind of understand Vettel was annoyed but should've just waved his hand and get on with it, the moron.

Both are major cnuts in my eyes. One as bad as the other.
No, one deliberately drove his car into an opponent.
Hamilton is like Mayweather of F1, such a cnut of a racer, he knew exactly what he was doing i.e. slowing down deliberately after the corner. Vettel is an idiot and was bang out of order by hitting Hamilton sideways. Both should have gotten penalties.
Hamilton mightn't have used brakes but he almost stopped after the turn, which could cause problems for someone, who's following him and expecting to naturally speed up a little at that point. Kind of understand Vettel was annoyed but should've just waved his hand and get on with it, the moron.

Both are major cnuts in my eyes. One as bad as the other.
... The stewards examined data from his car and found that he had maintained a more or less constant speed, had not lifted off the throttle or braked, and had behaved no differently at that restart at that point on the track than at the other two restarts.

1 person at fault for both events.
... The stewards examined data from his car and found that he had maintained a more or less constant speed, had not lifted off the throttle or braked, and had behaved no differently at that restart at that point on the track than at the other two restarts.

1 person at fault for both events.

Cool, so it's definitive then. Hamilton a saint confirmed.
Looked a bit different on tv but what do I know.
I should want to like Hamilton, British and all that, but the lad is just such a bellend...
Not on todays performance, but in general. What Vettel did was wrong, but I do think Hamilton slowed down. It looked nothing but.

I'm at Silverstone in a couple of weeks and I will be supporting Vettel :lol:
Jenson Button. Now he was a driver that anybody could like...
And the other deliberately slowed in a position where he knew it would likely cause an incident. They were both at fault.

Don't buy that now, at first I thought he might have been a bit naughty but the fact the FIA said he did not deviate from what he had done on previous laps and the fact they have reviewed actual telemetry and don't feel he slowed abnormally is damning.
Didn't even know people had drivers they support.
I've been watching for years and i don't support anybody.
I should want to like Hamilton, British and all that, but the lad is just such a bellend...
Not on todays performance, but in general. What Vettel did was wrong, but I do think Hamilton slowed down. It looked nothing but.

I'm at Silverstone in a couple of weeks and I will be supporting Vettel :lol:
Jenson Button. Now he was a driver that anybody could like...
Or you know, vettel accelerated too soon anticipating Hamilton would, akin to jump starting.
I'm more or less convinced now, now that FIA has found nothing wrong.

Even if you went with the onboard, he slowed for and through the corner and just didn't accelerate (and it was not abrupt, he scrubbed about 20-30kph off through the corner up until being rear ended which considering F1 cars performance is absolutely nothing) which he is perfectly entitled to do as he is now the pace car. If it also the way he has restarted on previous laps as well it is not erratic and unexpected. It's something we've seen on numerous restarts throughout the history of F1 when they 'back the pack up'. If a car in front of you on the motorway slows down you don't start to preempt them accelerating again, you slow down too.
I love telementry, proves all you need. Regardless of that the move after was a discgrace.
Even if you went with the onboard, he slowed for and through the corner and just didn't accelerate (and it was not abrupt, he scrubbed about 20-30kph off through the corner up until being rear ended which considering F1 cars performance is absolutely nothing) which he is perfectly entitled to do as he is now the pace car. If it also the way he has restarted on previous laps as well it is not erratic and unexpected. It's something we've seen on numerous restarts throughout the history of F1 when they 'back the pack up'. If a car in front of you on the motorway slows down you don't start to preempt them accelerating again, you slow down too.
Why is this even allowed? It's dangerous and at the very least looks like unsportsmanlike behaviour. To me at least.
Don't buy that now, at first I thought he might have been a bit naughty but the fact the FIA said he did not deviate from what he had done on previous laps and the fact they have reviewed actual telemetry and don't feel he slowed abnormally is damning.
Have to agree with this.

Didn't seem to affect the race in the end, Vettel got punished and Hamilton did nothing wrong.
Why not have a safety car leave the track before a certain point, in which a VSC runs until a cut off point, which all cars know they can take off....
Rather than all this slowing down and speeding up rubbish.

Seems like this could easily be avoided with changes
I love telementry, proves all you need. Regardless of that the move after was a discgrace.

Not that it needed it, but it put cast iron doubt on who was in the wrong for the move. It's a bit embarrassing that people are still trying to defend it.
Why is this even allowed? It's dangerous and at the very least looks like unsportsmanlike behaviour. To me at least.

That's the regulations:

When the clerk of the course decides it is safe to call in the safety car the message "SAFETY
CAR IN THIS LAP" will be sent to all teams via the official messaging system and the car's
orange lights will be extinguished. This will be the signal to the teams and drivers that it will be
entering the pit lane at the end of that lap.

At this point the first car in line behind the safety car may dictate the pace and, if necessary,
fall more than ten car lengths behind it.
In order to avoid the likelihood of accidents before the safety car returns to the pits, from the
point at which the lights on the car are turned out drivers must proceed at a pace which
involves no erratic acceleration or braking nor any other manoeuvre which is likely to
endanger other drivers or impede the restart.

As the safety car is approaching the pit entry the yellow flags and SC boards will be withdrawn
and, other than on the last lap of the race, replaced by waved green flags with green lights at
the Line. These will be displayed until the last car crosses the Line.

Even the onboard is sketchy (https://my.mixtape.moe/xguuzm.webm). There is an apparent slight throttle input but looking at the speed, Hamilton slows and continues to slow, he never speeds up. Even DC pointed out constant revs, which again suggest no throttle input of any kind for Seb to react to.
I much prefer this than Hamilton basically declaring his love for Vettel after every race. Good tension between the two top drivers is needed, that's what made the end of last season so gripping.

Hamilton also has a nose stud. That can't go unmentioned