Explosions at Boston Marathon

The timing of the explosions is of interest. 4 hrs into the race the finish line area would be less crowded, fewer runners, etc. So either they intentionally tried to limit the damage (unlikely) or their schedule was put off by the bigger earlier crowd.

Security was likely greater during the "competitive" part of the race around 2 hours when the professionals were finishing. That along with larger crowds might have prevented him from planting the devices if they were not set before then.
The timing of the explosions is of interest. 4 hrs into the race the finish line area would be less crowded, fewer runners, etc. So either they intentionally tried to limit the damage (unlikely) or their schedule was put off by the bigger earlier crowd.

Apparently the time of the explosions was within minutes of the peak time for finishers in the 2012 marathon.
0140: Wall Street Journal on Twitter: Officials found what they believe are five additional, undetonated explosive devices in Boston area.

I can't believe some of the pictures going round freely, how long does it take for someone to blur a face? Such is the rush to be first with everything nowadays, respect for the victims just goes straight out the window.
just heard an interview with one runner who thought first explosion (which was behind him at the time) was some sort of fireworks being set off. So maybe at the first one runners were not really sure what was going on.

That's what I figured would be the case. Still, when you watch some of the videos and how close they are to an actual bomb exploding but don't even turn around....! It'd almost be funny if this all wasn't so horrific.

But why not blur the face before uploading them? The man in the wheelchair with his legs blown off deserves dignity, not the thought of the image of him with his bones and ligaments hanging out of his knees being sent around the internet for millions to see.

Yeah I agree with that, for sure.
:( I just saw a guy in a cowboy hat holding a man's artery after both his legs were blown off. He's not a EMT but was a spectator apparently.
Some crazy feck asked if it was another "false flag" attack to infringe upon our civil rights.
There is an old adage.... you reap what you sow.

Yeah, that guy running in order to raise money for cancer relief certainly 'reaped what he sow' in having both his legs blown off. That 8 year old kid who's been killed too. Got what he/she deserved. Unbeliavable. :rolleyes:

Look, I'm sorry you (and many others) had to live through the IRA bombings, no one should have to go through things like that (hell, my mum was nearly caught up in a IRA blast many years ago), its a disgustiong world we live in sometimes. But how in any way, can innocent people from Boston being blown to pieces in any way a desription of 'you reap what you sow'?.

Another thing, the amount of people on my fb who are using this tradegy as a way of promoting there 'the media doesnt care about other countries where people are being killed...its all a conspiricy...agenda' is making me sick with anger. Some people really do live in an absolute bubble.
:( I just saw a guy in a cowboy hat holding a man's artery after both his legs were blown off. He's not a EMT but was a spectator apparently.

Yeah I can't unsee that now. Sometimes you need to see things like that to understand the gravity of the attack.

Saying that I couldn't watch any news reports on the Newtown massacre.
Another thing, the amount of people on my fb who are using this tradegy as a way of promoting there 'the media doesnt care about other countries where people are being killed...its all a conspiricy...agenda' is making me sick with anger. Some people really do live in an absolute bubble.

:wenger: but they don't care..
:wenger: but they don't care..

They do report it though, car bomb's and such always make the headlines on the news. Sure they might be forgotten about quickly but if people actually care rather than just being contrarian the information is easily available and reported.

I wonder how many people who complain about it actually go to that minimal effort or even care at all themselves? These people are never for example making status' about the Iraq car bombings, they only care themselves when there's a moment to get a bit of attention for themselves by being controversial.
CNN interviewing that older runner who got knockdown by the first blast. He honestly said " It sounded like a bomb went off next to me." I will forgive him in that he is 78 and probably still feeling quite a bit shocked
Did anyone here just see the opening to Hannity? It was like a Hollywood trailer with the music in the background. News entertainment almost.

And O'Reilly mentioned Benghazi three times in the short while i was watching.

I haven't watched the channel so much since the election, little has changed.

Is Alex Jones' radio show daily or weekly? That is bound to be a cringe a second.
Did anyone hear just seen the opening to Hannity? It was like a Hollywood trailer with the music in the background. News entertainment almost.

And O'Reilly mentioned Benghazi three times in the short while i was watching.

I haven't watched the channel so much since the election, little has changed.

Is Alex Jones' radio show daily or weekly? That is bound to be a cringe a second.

No I avoid FOX News and I sure as hell am not going to listen to Alex Jones.
The media is obviously going to make a bigger deal of things that happen 'closer to home'.
And people's reactions are obviously going to be higher. I wouldn't really expect it to be any different.
There's talk that appeals will be made to individuals/groups who are planning on causing trouble at Thatcher's funeral on Wednesday. If this was an organised group attack rather than one by a lone nutter, I guess the police and the security services will have enough to worry about without having to be distracted by protesting loons.
Who's going to cause trouble at the funeral of Thatcher anyway? Some load of 60 year old hurt has beens? fecking hell, I was 13 or so in the miners strike, and I'm 41. What is it going to be, and angry biddy march?
Christ, Hannity has just used the bombing to highlight the pro-gun argument in the gun debate, by saying that you can't stop people who want to cause harm by banning certain materials.
Who's going to cause trouble at the funeral of Thatcher anyway? Some load of 60 year old hurt has beens? fecking hell, I was 13 or so in the miners strike, and I'm 41. What is it going to be, and angry biddy march?

I think young anarchists are more likely. Maybe not a large group effort, but individuals who want to draw attention to themselves.
It's taken just 7 minutes for my local news channel to do the 'could it happen here?' story. It's every fecking time something happens somewhere.
I think young anarchists are more likely. Maybe not a large group effort, but individuals who want to draw attention to themselves.

Give the fecking Grenadiers live ammunition and be done with it. I'm sick of that shit. feck the police with their shitty riot gear, let a Grenadier point a bayonet loaded gun at the feckers and see how brave they are.
Give the fecking Grenadiers live ammunition and be done with it. I'm sick of that shit. feck the police with their shitty riot gear, let a Grenadier point a bayonet loaded gun at the feckers and see how brave they are.

WOW. Wasn't the heavy handedness of the police, under thatcher's orders, one of the reasons she was hated so much? Now you want to point guns at teenagers?
feck, I have a friend at Boston Uni who was by the finishing line 10 minutes before the explosions went off. Thank god she's alright. She said it was chaos, as you can imagine. RIP to those who died. The people who did this must be insane.
So Hannity says "i don't want to bring politics into this" maybe three times and then does just that.

At least O'Reilly made it clear that the perpetrator(s) could be Americans, Hannity sounds like he'll be gutted if this Saudi national isn't linked in some fashion.
feck, I have a friend at Boston Uni who was by the finishing line 10 minutes before the explosions went off. Thank god she's alright. She said it was chaos, as you can imagine. RIP to those who died. The people who did this must be insane.

I had a friend who was offered VIP tickets from someone he works with right at the finish line about 20 minutes before the explosions, he declined to use them for some reason. I can't imagine being in Boston right now.
If only bombs were legal we could use bombs to protect ourselves from bombs!!!

If you outlaw bombs, only outlaws will have bombs!

WOW. Wasn't the heavy handedness of the police, under thatcher's orders, one of the reasons she was hated so much? Now you want to point guns at teenagers?

Yes, and I'm from the city that suffered the Peterloo massacre, but society has gotten way out of order. Teenagers should know their fecking place and the consequences of acting like total wankers. There is no respect in a fecking society when everything is fed to these twats on a plate.