Explosions at Boston Marathon

30 dead and 200 injured in a wave of bomb attacks in Iraq today. Close to zero media coverage unsurprisingly.

Nevertheless RIP to the dead, no one should have to endure that horror in a family outing.

Made the news, big article on the BBC website. Granted not coverage in proportion to the attack, but then given no one including yourself ever bothers to create threads or barely ever mention such attacks, its hardly surprising that this incident takes precedence.

Really annoys me when people moan about "oh such and such happened in Iraq" when if they actually cared at all themselves they'd actually be posting articles or whatever rather than only ever mentioning such attacks when there's an incident making the news in the western world that they can get all self righteous over.
Really annoys me when people moan about "oh such and such happened in Iraq" when if they actually cared at all themselves they'd actually be posting articles or whatever rather than only ever mentioning such attacks when there's an incident making the news in the western world that they can get all self righteous over.

In fairness, I think Neutral posts quite a lot about what you mentioned. The issue is it'd be lucky if the thread got 10 posts, let alone 10 pages. I presume you post in those threads though.
Made the news, big article on the BBC website. Granted not coverage in proportion to the attack, but then given no one including yourself ever bothers to create threads or barely ever mention such attacks, its hardly surprising that this incident takes precedence.

Really annoys me when people moan about "oh such and such happened in Iraq" when if they actually cared at all themselves they'd actually be posting articles or whatever rather than only ever mentioning such attacks when there's an incident making the news in the western world that they can get all self righteous over.

Interesting point.
US Airways flight searched at Logan Airport, 2 men removed from plane, according to reports. No info. on links to the bombing or just two idiots behaving well like idiots on a plane.

EDIT: Not sure if these are just rumours or something actually happening, anyone got any info?

EDIT: Flight from Philly landed at Logan and searched after a "popping sound" was heard coming from carry on luggage. Nothing to see here, move along.
I think it's the earthquake in Iran that's being reported and not the bombings in Iraq.
In fairness, I think Neutral posts quite a lot about what you mentioned. The issue is it'd be lucky if the thread got 10 posts, let alone 10 pages. I presume you post in those threads though.

But if it it gets 10 posts then more people will see it and more people might take an interest...

Waiting till there's a few deaths in a western country then moaning about it doesn't do anything for anyone. If you want there to be more coverage on Iraq and the like then its up to you in some small way to do it. Bizarrely its only when there are actual genuine big story's that people seem to moan about it as well, you never get people moaning abut some carbon copy story about the economy headlining the news ahead of Iraq, but woe betide a bomb go off and kill people!
US Airways flight searched at Logan Airport, 2 men removed from plane, according to reports. No info. on links to the bombing or just two idiots behaving well like idiots on a plane.

EDIT: Not sure if these are just rumours or something actually happening, anyone got any info?

Here you go

BOSTON (MyFoxBoston.com) – Sources told FOX 25 there was an American Airlines flight that was headed to Chicago. There were two men on that plane – not sitting next to each other – and speaking Arabic.

There were some concerned marathoners on the flight so the plane was brought back to the gate and the two men were escorted off the plane.

No other details were immediately available.
OMG they were speaking Arabic!!! :eek:

This the same flight or did they search 2 different flights?


PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – A plane that originated in Philadelphia Tuesday morning and landed in Boston was searched after a popping sound was heard from a carry-on bag.

The US Airways flight 1716 left Philadelphia International Airport at 9:24 a.m. and landed at Logan International Airport at 10:16 a.m.

According to sources, a popping noise was heard coming from a carry-on bag and someone reported seeing what was believed to be smoke.

Upon landing at Logan Airport, all the passengers aboard the plane were safely removed and taken to a shelter area nearby.

Investigators, along with a bomb-sniffing dog, searched the plane and several bags that were on-board the plane.

Fire trucks, ambulances and other emergency personnel were located outside of the plane. There were no reports of any injuries

Obviously nothing really going on.
But if it it gets 10 posts then more people will see it and more people might take an interest...

Waiting till there's a few deaths in a western country then moaning about it doesn't do anything for anyone. If you want there to be more coverage on Iraq and the like then its up to you in some small way to do it. Bizarrely its only when there are actual genuine big story's that people seem to moan about it as well, you never get people moaning abut some carbon copy story about the economy headlining the news ahead of Iraq, but woe betide a bomb go off and kill people!

I doubt people on here would have that much of an effect on the Western media in anycase. As I had pointed out, people have made threads but surprisingly the media haven't picked it up.

I'm not sure Arsenal would be holding a minute's silence just because someone made a thread on here about the Iraq bombings. There is a greater impact than that.

Having said that I do agree with the broader point, trying to compete in grief is in bad taste but I can understand why it occurs.
I doubt people on here would have that much of an effect on the Western media in anycase. As I had pointed out, people have made threads but surprisingly the media haven't picked it up.

I'm not sure Arsenal would be holding a minute's silence just because someone made a thread on here about the Iraq bombings. There is a greater impact than that.

Having said that I do agree with the broader point, trying to compete in grief is in bad taste but I can understand why it occurs.

Thing is I don't know why people give a feck? We can continue to pretend or face up to facts - we're going to sympathize with those who we think have more in common with us...

Do we think there is going to be wall to wall coverage and black badges in the muslim world if 20 Israelis are shot dead/bombed? NO.

It's sad that humanity/society has become so tribal and lost the ability to empathize with those we don't consider like 'us' - but that is the reality.

And it makes life doubly hard for those who us, who have a stake both in the west and east :(
I still don't think the significance of this date and place can be ignored and must be of the utmost interest.


The Date and Location Could Yield Significant Clues In the Boston Terror Attack

. . . Over the past three years, so-called “patriot” groups have called for civil war, race war, and outright rebellion against the United States government’s unfair taxation and attacks on personal liberty. Several militant groups have panted for a government crackdown to initiate a violent response from patriots to “take their country back” and “water the tree of liberty” with blood harkening back to the Revolutionary War and the idea that patriots will battle oppressive government to preserve their liberties. Yesterday, in Boston, the home of America’s first Tea Party and original patriot uprising, it was “Patriot Day” as well as “tax day” that marked the earliest beginnings of the Koch brothers anti-government tea party . . .

And here's the exact kind of rhetoric that's being pushed on the Amerikan crazies daily from Fox News, talk radio and those vaunted right wing e-mails that flood the internet and are often taken for truth.

Here's Fox News' Keith Ablow addressing a Tea Party rally over the weekend. He's earned the title "America's Psychiatrist":

Fox News’ resident psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow told a group of tea partiers over the weekend that they had been "enslaved" by taxes and "slaves always revolt."

At a Saturday "Tax Day Tea Party Rally" in Boston, Ablow explained that the government wanted to take away guns because "having firearms means you have the ability to defend yourself."

"The thing with slaves is you can't keep 'em, they always revolt," the Fox News contributor opined. "Enslaved by the notion of ever-increasing taxes, told that we can't spend our money -- even the money that we do take home -- the way we want to. Told that adulthood starts at 25, if ever. Told that nobody should really be able to hold a firearm and know that he or she can defend his family or her family if push comes to shove. That can't stand because slaves always revolt."

"No one can shackle the American spirit because inside each of us and the reason we love America is because we love the capacity of people to outperform, we rely on it... So, don't let anybody tell you that we won't win because the truth, my friends, always wins."

(CNN) -- [Breaking News Update 12:17 p.m.] One of the bombs at the Boston Marathon appears to have been placed inside a metal pressure cooker hidden inside a backpack, a federal law enforcement said Tuesday.
I still don't think the significance of this date and place can be ignored and must be of the utmost interest.


The Date and Location Could Yield Significant Clues In the Boston Terror Attack

. . . Over the past three years, so-called “patriot” groups have called for civil war, race war, and outright rebellion against the United States government’s unfair taxation and attacks on personal liberty. Several militant groups have panted for a government crackdown to initiate a violent response from patriots to “take their country back” and “water the tree of liberty” with blood harkening back to the Revolutionary War and the idea that patriots will battle oppressive government to preserve their liberties. Yesterday, in Boston, the home of America’s first Tea Party and original patriot uprising, it was “Patriot Day” as well as “tax day” that marked the earliest beginnings of the Koch brothers anti-government tea party . . .

And here's the exact kind of rhetoric that's being pushed on the Amerikan crazies daily from Fox News, talk radio and those vaunted right wing e-mails that flood the internet and are often taken for truth.

Here's Fox News' Keith Ablow addressing a Tea Party rally over the weekend. He's earned the title "America's Psychiatrist":

Fox News’ resident psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow told a group of tea partiers over the weekend that they had been "enslaved" by taxes and "slaves always revolt."

At a Saturday "Tax Day Tea Party Rally" in Boston, Ablow explained that the government wanted to take away guns because "having firearms means you have the ability to defend yourself."

"The thing with slaves is you can't keep 'em, they always revolt," the Fox News contributor opined. "Enslaved by the notion of ever-increasing taxes, told that we can't spend our money -- even the money that we do take home -- the way we want to. Told that adulthood starts at 25, if ever. Told that nobody should really be able to hold a firearm and know that he or she can defend his family or her family if push comes to shove. That can't stand because slaves always revolt."

"No one can shackle the American spirit because inside each of us and the reason we love America is because we love the capacity of people to outperform, we rely on it... So, don't let anybody tell you that we won't win because the truth, my friends, always wins."

I don't know. Homegrown militia groups have been too quiet for too long.

It isn't the time for us to speculate, we should leave it to the experts (not journo's) to figure out what happened.

If he wants to talk about dependency and debt he should look at Alex Jones' website, who knows how many people of little means are spending what little they have on body armour and post-apocalypse ration packs.

Somebody's floating happily aboard a Sunseeker right now thanks to that ideology.

(CNN) -- [Breaking News Update 12:17 p.m.] One of the bombs at the Boston Marathon appears to have been placed inside a metal pressure cooker hidden inside a backpack, a federal law enforcement said Tuesday.

Wouldn't you say that is perhaps a good thing, in that a person carrying a backpack in the vicinity of the blast area is bound to be caught in CCTV. Sure they may have work a disguise but there'll be a lead there somewhere.
Thing is I don't know why people give a feck? We can continue to pretend or face up to facts - we're going to sympathize with those who we think have more in common with us...

Do we think there is going to be wall to wall coverage and black badges in the muslim world if 20 Israelis are shot dead/bombed? NO.

It's sad that humanity/society has become so tribal and lost the ability to empathize with those we don't consider like 'us' - but that is the reality.

And it makes life doubly hard for those who us, who have a stake both in the west and east :(

Very true. Also the fact that there's a bomb going off everyday in Iraq, and has been for 10 years solid now, people lose interest in the stories and they don't sell papers anymore. If they sold papers they would be in the news a lot more often.

It is, as you say, the reality that we only sympathise (well to a greater degree) with those we have similarities with.

Anyway, enough about that, I think there's a thread on it somewhere.

Sad times all round.
Wouldn't you say that is perhaps a good thing, in that a person carrying a backpack in the vicinity of the blast area is bound to be caught in CCTV. Sure they may have work a disguise but there'll be a lead there somewhere.

Depends, backpacks are very popular in the US now, you see people wearing them all over the place. Plus as one person on CNN noted, at an event like the Boston Marathon a lot of people have them, carrying a change of clothes for the runners, drinks, food, etc etc.

The key will be finding any video of a person(s) carrying the type of backpack(s) used.
Made the news, big article on the BBC website. Granted not coverage in proportion to the attack, but then given no one including yourself ever bothers to create threads or barely ever mention such attacks, its hardly surprising that this incident takes precedence.

Really annoys me when people moan about "oh such and such happened in Iraq" when if they actually cared at all themselves they'd actually be posting articles or whatever rather than only ever mentioning such attacks when there's an incident making the news in the western world that they can get all self righteous over.

Calm your knickers mate. I've been posting on middle eastern terror attacks for years on this forum, granted I'm not as active on the CE as I used to be.

And I think it does raise an interesting point - 3 dead in the US and its front page news in every media outlet in the globe. 30 dead in Iraq and its lucky to get a side mention. It doesn't make either story any more or less tragic than the other, but it does raise an interesting point on perspective and the value of human life.
Depends, backpacks are very popular in the US now, you see people wearing them all over the place. Plus as one person on CNN noted, at an event like the Boston Marathon a lot of people have them, carrying a change of clothes for the runners, drinks, food, etc etc.

The key will be finding any video of a person(s) carrying the type of backpack(s) used.

Yes, if the remains allow them to identify the colour the material it might narrow things down. Also there is the quality of CCTV coverage in and around the area, not just the immediate site. *shrugs* Far more able people than I are working on it at this very moment i suppose.
Thing is I don't know why people give a feck? We can continue to pretend or face up to facts - we're going to sympathize with those who we think have more in common with us...

Do we think there is going to be wall to wall coverage and black badges in the muslim world if 20 Israelis are shot dead/bombed? NO.

It's sad that humanity/society has become so tribal and lost the ability to empathize with those we don't consider like 'us' - but that is the reality.

And it makes life doubly hard for those who us, who have a stake both in the west and east :(
When was it ever different?
Of course, all that demonisation of 'foreigners' by our governments and media kinda helps.
I don't know. Homegrown militia groups have been too quiet for too long.

It isn't the time for us to speculate, we should leave it to the experts (not journo's) to figure out what happened.

Similar sorts did try to do a similar stunt at a Martin Luther King day parade not so long ago.


Why isn't it time to speculate? Everybody and their mother is speculating, at least inside their own head. Don't see a problem as long as your doing it with some sort of basis for your theory and not losing a grip about it and being a dickhead.
When was it ever different?

I don't know, I'd like to think even during the Cold War and the evil commies taking over the free world - at a personal level, ppl felt for even those they consider their enemies(separating them from the regimes) But that might just be wishful thinking on my part :(
Everyone today has been describing as the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11, which has got me thinking how much I don't want to be alive to see a terrorist attack worse than 9/11.

I hope you guys get swift justice.
Yes, if the remains allow them to identify the colour the material it might narrow things down. Also there is the quality of CCTV coverage in and around the area, not just the immediate site. *shrugs* Far more able people than I are working on it at this very moment i suppose.

black duffel bags.

The AP has some details on the bombs’ construction:

A person briefed on the Boston Marathon investigation says the explosives were in 6-liter pressure cookers and placed in black duffel bags.

The person says the explosives were placed on the ground and contained shards of metal, nails and ball bearings. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

The person says law enforcement officials have some of the bomb components but did not yet know what was used to set off the explosives.
Similar sorts did try to do a similar stunt at a Martin Luther King day parade not so long ago.


Why isn't it time to speculate? Everybody and their mother is speculating, at least inside their own head. Don't see a problem as long as your doing it with some sort of basis for your theory and not losing a grip about it and being a dickhead.

The problem is you get people taking it too far and the next thing you know sikhs are being targeted because they are muslims. (Intended)

Obviously caftards know the difference between speculation and reality, and we can't stop people speculating.
Made the news, big article on the BBC website. Granted not coverage in proportion to the attack, but then given no one including yourself ever bothers to create threads or barely ever mention such attacks, its hardly surprising that this incident takes precedence.

Really annoys me when people moan about "oh such and such happened in Iraq" when if they actually cared at all themselves they'd actually be posting articles or whatever rather than only ever mentioning such attacks when there's an incident making the news in the western world that they can get all self righteous over.

Calm your knickers mate. I've been posting on middle eastern terror attacks for years on this forum, granted I'm not as active on the CE as I used to be.

And I think it does raise an interesting point - 3 dead in the US and its front page news in every media outlet in the globe. 30 dead in Iraq and its lucky to get a side mention. It doesn't make either story any more or less tragic than the other, but it does raise an interesting point on perspective and the value of human life.

I agree with you. I switched on Sky news earlier after my faux pas, but it was all about Boston and nothing else. Nothing on earthquakes or on bombs. I thought it was quite disgusting.
Similar sorts did try to do a similar stunt at a Martin Luther King day parade not so long ago.


Why isn't it time to speculate? Everybody and their mother is speculating, at least inside their own head. Don't see a problem as long as your doing it with some sort of basis for your theory and not losing a grip about it and being a dickhead.

Because we don't know anything at the moment. News agencies will run with anything they can get their hands on in hope of getting an exclusive or being right. So currently we'll be filtering through all kinds of incorrect information trying to figure it out. We will not be able to, and as such it seems pointless and agenda driven to me.

I'd prefer to let the people who do have the most current and accurate information figure out who is responsible. It sits as well with me as the type of thinking that made two people have to leave a plane because they were not speaking English and weren't white.