Explosions at Boston Marathon

Sickening news about that child. Absolutely sickening. Not that one human's life is worth more than others, but children getting caught up in these situations is particularly gut-wrenching,
Stupid cnut on CNN talking about how her friend's cramps that delayed her from being in that spot was an act of god.

What about the fecking 8 year old, was that an act of god?

Go feck yourself

Stupid cnut on CNN talking about how her friend's cramps that delayed her from being in that spot was an act of god.

What about the fecking 8 year old, was that an act of god?

Go feck yourself

Couldn't agree with you more, she never had cramps before though so God is the only possible explanation. Insensitive idiot.
Stupid cnut on CNN talking about how her friend's cramps that delayed her from being in that spot was an act of god.

What about the fecking 8 year old, was that an act of god?

Go feck yourself

"I escaped death naturally that proves there is a God."

If anything shit like this proves the exact opposite :mad:
Supposedly a baseball cap-wearing suspect arrested on Boston Common:

that must stand out in Boston; wearing a baseball cap, on a public holiday, in one of the busiest areas of the city. :rolleyes:

best to let this settle for a while until some legit intelligence comes out but with 24 hr news and their littany of "experts" that won't happen.
Heartbreaking to think a family went for a day out and now won't be returning home with their child.
Stupid cnut on CNN talking about how her friend's cramps that delayed her from being in that spot was an act of god.

What about the fecking 8 year old, was that an act of god?

Go feck yourself

It really is mind boggling "logic". "I escaped it somehow, so whatever happened must've been an act of God!! Oh, people died? Well, I survived!".

Happy to hear your family there is OK. Terrible for the families that lost a loved one and that people that got injuries. Can't imagine what they must feel like right now.
FFS she just survived such a attack by being lucky. Hardly going to be logical right now.
feel numb watching all this...cant believe it.

one of the two dead was an 8 year old.

I was flipping around to different sites and thought I saw 4 dead now. CBS? Anyway, I'm guessing it'll end up being more before the day is over. Those were not small blasts.
Stupid cnut on CNN talking about how her friend's cramps that delayed her from being in that spot was an act of god.

What about the fecking 8 year old, was that an act of god?

Go feck yourself

The thing that annoys me most about this sort of thinking is that the individual is recognising that god actively intervenes in these sorts of disasters to save lives, yet doesn't bother to even consider that this logically means that he is choosing not to save the lives of others. It's stupidity and obnoxiousness at its highest. Not to mention arrogance.
I was flipping around to different sites and thought I saw 4 dead now. CBS? Anyway, I'm guessing it'll end up being more before the day is over. Those were not small blasts.

think this must be old...

I hope you are wrong.

the thought of people running to raise money to help causes...and losing their limbs and lives.

tell you what whoever it is...does not understand that they will not be able to make us afraid.

just heard again on NBC that is is only 2 dead...
It's all so so sad. I spent a lot of today in A&E and Peads and there's nothing worse than seeing and hearing kids in pain. Whatever sicko did this deserves the worst punishment available.

Great to hear about your family Eboue!
feck sake, this is just shocking. Thoughts go out to the American people.

Hope a motive can be established and someone caught.
Thoughts go out to everyone involved. I do hope it has turned out to be a terrible accident, if not I hope the perportrators are found and held to full account! RIP
There is a graphic photo on twitter of a man who was running for cancer research who has lost both legs. Really is devastating. Anyone seen that photo of the "figure" on the roof?
What a horrible thing to do.

No sense in speculating as to motive right now. The FBI will put the bombs back together and whatever's left of the device will leave a tell tale signature, they always do.
The FBI will put the bombs back together and whatever's left of the device will leave a tell tale signature, they always do.

In what way? In that they'll potentially be able to tell what kind of person it was made by and possibly who they are linked to?
In what way? In that they'll potentially be able to tell what kind of person it was made by and possibly who they are linked to?

Bombers always leave a signature in the design and or materials. Something about the bomb should be able to tell them who or at least what type of organization was responsible.
He is brilliant in these kinds of situations.

To be fair, so was W in the midst of 9/11. It has to be challenging to keep an even keel and stay emotionally in control. I expect he's angry but can't show it.

I'm pissed and saddened at the events.
In what way? In that they'll potentially be able to tell what kind of person it was made by and possibly who they are linked to?

Pretty much. They can link parts and residues to certain kinds of purchases. And the style of bomb making. If the bomb makers were extremely careful they might be able to make it very hard to narrow down but the forensic teams are usually quite good at putting together facts about the maker from the bomb.
Glad to hear that everybody here who was worried about family/friends has had their fears soothed.

Tragic. Sometimes the world shows itself as a very scary place.