Explosions at Boston Marathon

do we have any boston residents here?
Police are guarding a suspect in a Boston hospital, according to a local radio station.
Why would you send such horrible pictures around?

Regarding the photo of the guy in the wheelchair with his legs blown off, I understand the argument that these sort of things shouldn't be sugar-coated, but the person who first uploaded it could have at least blurred the man's face.
20 minutes after claiming the bombs were on opposite sides of the street, sky news has finally realised they were on same side of street and had to circle the explosion to show where the explosion Is, ridiculous
Police have confirmed an explosion at JFK library too now apparently.

With these guys, just about everything is a false flag operation. Regular people can't commit crimes anymore. Sandy Hook, Aurora, 9/11 etc. are all false flag operations according to them.

Yeah his opinion is not shocking but the fact it only took him 30minutes to post his bile makes you lose some faith in humanity.
Did CNN say they definately thought it was A-Q or were they just speculating amongst the usual suspects? Did they mention any other (ie domestic groups, lone nut job, etc).

In terms of speculating, my first thought went to domestic groups or lone nut job.
why is the idiot on CNN talking about people with backpacks? they are dismantelling devices. so, my first thought, is that we are not talking about bombs in backpacks
Did CNN say they definately thought it was A-Q or were they just speculating amongst the usual suspects? Did they mention any other (ie domestic groups, lone nut job, etc).

I've been watching CNN for the last 5 minutes and they've not mentioned it at the moment, they're talking about home grown terrorism at the moment.
Of course it's only guesswork on my part, but this doesn't sound like the work of Muslim extremists. Mt first thought was loner psyco.

Multiple explosions are a hallmark of attacks by Al Qaeda inspired cells, but then again after Breivik, it would be too soon to have any sort of specific suspicion.
Unfortunately major news agencies will, in events like this, just report everything they are hearing regardless of how sound it is, what kind of source, etc. This will of course help feed the tin foil hat crowd who will point to all this "misinformation."
617 615 4500 - families of victims
1800 494 tips - tips
Explosion at JFK library in Boston now confirmed.
Just terrible.

Strange how the BBC News reports on the possible danger to the London Marathon but no comment on any potential threat to Mrs Thatcher's funeral service this week.
"On-going incident" This fella said on BBC/Sky. JFK library explosion, 3rd incident.

CBS News says police have surveillance video of someone bringing multiple backpacks into area 20 minutes or so before explosions.

I hope the person or people responsible for this do not get the media attention they want.
Tony Livesey [on Fivelive] jsut asked an eyewitness what the injuries were like. The media loses its perspective in no time during these sort of situations.

Livesey knew full well what they were like and the guy was clearly a bit stressed, i mean what did he want, body part type and the colour of clothing if still attached?

What a tragic set of events. I hope the multiple victims with serious injuries pull through. RIP to those who lost their lives. :(
They've shut down cellphone service in the area to prevent remote detonation
Horrible news. Thoughts go out to all those affected by the explosions, and of course their family and friends.

Every quote, image and video that I've seen from this has been horrible.
We gave family working in Copley Square, and some others who were running in the marathon, so we're trying to account for everyone. Cell phone service to downtown is shut down, so it's a bit chaotic just now.