Explosions at Boston Marathon

Third explosion apparently. fecking hell.
A doctor at a Boston hospital said that had as many as ten patients who had suffered amputations.

That sort of detail got released fast.
Terrible scenes. Thoughts go out to those in Boston.
Absolutely shocking scenes, thoughts with everyone

My mums friends husband was running it, according to Boston marathon site he finished 40 minutes before the bombs went off
Really sad situation. :(

Hope all the injured come through fine.

Thoughts are with those affected and their families.
Lone terrorists with home-made bombs using info from the web or whatever.

How do you stop that ?
Sounds more like a home-grown terrorist.
Christ, the slowmo sound of the blast and screams they are showing on Sky News is harrowing.
An ER nurse at Carney Hospital in Dorchester tells AOL that she can’t get online but says: “I’m at work. This is awful. Amputations everywhere.”


Mass. Emergency Management Assn. says if you are trying to reach someone downtown you should text rather than call to conserve bandwidth

BREAKING: Intelligence official: 2 more explosive devices found at Boston Marathon; being dismantled
i see ... but why would the goverment do that? and who is Alex Jones?

He's a nutjob, and why people pay attention to what he says or care about what he says is beyond me.
He's an extreme right wing douchebag conspiracy theorist that thinks Obama is the devil.

Alex Jones is a leader of the tinfoil hat crowd. Basically anything that happens is all part of some conspiracy. Not worth paying attention to.

He's a nutjob, and why people pay attention to what he says or care about what he says is beyond me.

thank you

what an idiot