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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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To pick up on a particular point, how would having our own currency offset the impact of any tariffs imposed on our exports? Sterling could actually exacerbate the impact if it's weak against the euro or whatever.
Regardless of currency, tariffs obviously reduce our competitativeness.

If tariffs were imposed wouldn't the pound weaken making our exports cheaper offsetting the impact? I don't disregard tariffs but we won't be looking to impose them so perhaps that argument needs to be made to those who seem to think they are a good idea.
If tariffs were imposed wouldn't the pound weaken making our exports cheaper offsetting the impact? I don't disregard tariffs but we won't be looking to impose them so perhaps that argument needs to be made to those who seem to think they are a good idea.
It's a moot point, but even with a weak pound, a tariff is still a hurdle that companies in other countries wouldn't have to face. The UK exporter would get stronger volumes of orders, but reduced margin, so not sure how effective any 'offsetting' would be.
I do wonder what would happen to sterling post-Brexit. It could almost become a safe haven currency, a la dollar, yen, Swiss franc or Scandivian currencies, ie a non-euro currency. The yen is a case in point if you want to make the argument that a weak economy is no barrier to being seen as a defensive currency of choice.
The Ed Vaizey car crash in its entirety:

Andrew Neil needs one of these >>

My point was more on his disregard of tariffs in general. No idea on the history of their imposition- the UK/EU issue is unique. I agree that you'd hope pragmatism would prevail.

Yeah, and i didn't meaning to single you out or anything here Jip. But I just don't subscribe to the notion that tariffing on a damaging scale is inevitable, particularly with circumstances being what they are presently.

ETA: Have you read any of the Treasury's report btw?
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Channel 4 news doing a decent breakdown of one of the Leave campaigns favourite lies.

Channel 4 news doing a decent breakdown of one of the Leave campaigns favourite lies.

That may as well have Remain's name on it, not Channel 4's. It even closed with the now jaded nonsense about Norway.What it did not refute, however, is that we could be bringing billions of pound back for important issues such as healthcare and infrastructure investment.

Europeans do not need an overbearing EU government for the purposes of trade, human rights or consumer protection. And what we need least of all, is this corrupt shower who care not a damn for what the citizenry think. Even tee Guardian admitted in this weeks' Politics Weekly that they'll be next-to-no improvement shold Remain triumph in the referendum.
I haven't been in this debate cause I am not British, but this is the most :lol:-worthy tweet I have ever seen.

Was it meant to be serious or it is a parody of angry xenophobic Brits who want to leave?

I am British but live in France but most of what has been posted on this thread is a parody of reality
That may as well have Remain's name on it, not Channel 4's. It even closed with the now jaded nonsense about Norway.What it did not refute, however, is that we could be bringing billions of pound back for important issues such as healthcare and infrastructure investment.

Europeans do not need an overbearing EU government for the purposes of trade, human rights or consumer protection. And what we need least of all, is this corrupt shower who care not a damn for what the citizenry think. Even tee Guardian admitted in this weeks' Politics Weekly that they'll be next-to-no improvement shold Remain triumph in the referendum.

Well maybe it wouldn't appear so remain-y if it wasn't refuting such an obvious mis-representation of the truth by Leave hey?

But when you base a whole campaign on absolute fantasy it must be a little bit annoying when people point to the facts.
But when you base a whole campaign on absolute fantasy it must be a little bit annoying when people point to the facts.

Do you mean Britain being at the heart of a liberal and progressive European Union, upon which any country could base its economic stability? Oh wait...

Channel 4 appeared to be engaging in some misrepresentation of their own there, but then they can join the FT for this week. It doesn't say much for the media when the most renowned financial newspaper in the country is caught praising such a flawed report.
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Do you mean Britain being at the heart of a liberal and progressive European Union, upon which any country could base its economic stability? Oh wait...

As opposed to the alternative, a Britain marginalised, ostracised and subservient to the whims of the EU because a bunch of charlatans promised us milk, honey, and gobbies for everyone if we leave. See I can be hyperbolic too.

I think thats the most disappointing thing about this debate, because the EU is not perfect, nor should we assume that our membership in it is now – or will always be – a good thing. Yet only one side of the debate actually appears to have any interest whatsoever in discussing the arguments. For all the criticism of the Remain campaign's claims of a post Brexit UK they, at least, exist. The Leave Campaign have seemed content to whine about Remain, push half-truths, and lie. You will claim that the UK will not be beholden to EU law after a Brexit, but yet -still- no case has been made for what we would do. It seems, to me at least, a tactic admission that no post-EU Britain would actually be worth the uncertainty of leaving Europe. You might argue otherwise, but until Leave can come up with a coherent plan, it seems awfully like they're dodging the question. In fact, looking at their 35 page pdf all they actually do is scaremonger about a future in the EU, but, of course, only one side of this debate is Project Fear.

This is a decision -and this is probably the one point that we actually agree on- that is one of the most important that we will have to make as a country for the foreseeable future. Surely what we need is an informed debate. Blatantly lying to the electorate as Vote Leave are doing with this ridiculous figure is to no-ones benefit. Yes you can argue that we'd have greater control over the money if we left, but according to polling issues of sovereignty are less important to people than economics, so I guess Vote Leave see lying about the economics to be a better vote winner.
Certainly has the danger of backfiring, or even dignifying the Brexit camp's notion of being independent to external voices.

Except from when the Icelandic PM says we should leave, then they're all over that. :nervous:
Anyone watching bbc question time at the moment? Seems like quite a pro brexit audience tonight and even the majority of the panel seem anti EU other than one. Good to see the bbc getting views from both sides as it seemed to mainly be leaning towards pro EU panel members in previous weeks.
Anyone watching bbc question time at the moment? Seems like quite a pro brexit audience tonight and even the majority of the panel seem anti EU other than one. Good to see the bbc getting views from both sides as it seemed to mainly be leaning towards pro EU panel members in previous weeks.
Just watching it on BBC iPlayer at the moment. Gosh, Paddy Ashdown's tediously boring tonight. Can't be helping the remain campaign.
Have to laugh at the Brexiters. You want to go running to his country for trade agreements but he's not allowed to express his opinion. While at the same time hailing any important foreign figure that says UK should leave.
Did everyone read his Telegraph article? Essentially highest level scare mongering and re-affirming of praise in the progress made through the Union and our friendship.

He's so cool though compared to Dave. And I've met Dave, he actually came across as a decent bloke to face and to speak to but there is undeniably massive Obama envy within me.

You are fundamentally insane.

What a put down :lol:
Am I the only one that thinks majority of the undecided late voters will break for the In campaign?

If it only it were satire:

Racist ✓
Mention Churchill ✓
Bring up WW2 ✓
Moan about human rights ✓
Lost control of borders ✓

It's basically ticks all of the little Englander boxes
Have to laugh at the Brexiters. You want to go running to his country for trade agreements but he's not allowed to express his opinion. While at the same time hailing any important foreign figure that says UK should leave.
That's because we are well aware that the people who want us to stay haven't got the interests of the UK at heart. They are concerned about the impact us leaving will have on the EU. Not only is the Euro on a downward spiral (remember the Euro...the currency everyone said we should adopt and if we didn't that would be the end of us) but financially we are the second largest contributor to the EU. In other words they will suffer financially if we leave. Plus it may also encourage the other dissatisfied member states to consider holding a referendum on whether to stay in or not. Those are the real concerns of so many who want us to stay.
Am I the only one that thinks majority of the undecided late voters will break for the In campaign?

If it is a nice June day, they'll probably favour Pimm's and a BBQ over a ballot box.

Have to laugh at the Brexiters. You want to go running to his country for trade agreements but he's not allowed to express his opinion. While at the same time hailing any important foreign figure that says UK should leave.

On the contrary, it is the EU/Remain who will sell the UK out for the sake of a trade deal with the US. It is because Obama is being a damned hypocrite about the EU that his intervention is criticised.
That's because we are well aware that the people who want us to stay haven't got the interests of the UK at heart. They are concerned about the impact us leaving will have on the EU. Not only is the Euro on a downward spiral (remember the Euro...the currency everyone said we should adopt and if we didn't that would be the end of us) but financially we are the second largest contributor to the EU. In other words they will suffer financially if we leave. Plus it may also encourage the other dissatisfied member states to consider holding a referendum on whether to stay in or not. Those are the real concerns of so many who want us to stay.

You don't keep track of currencies then, it's the pound on a downward spiral
You are fundamentally insane.

Insanity is sanity in this world currently. Are you telling me you really think Obama is a great guy and America isn't one of the most disgustingly corrupt countries on earth?
Insanity is sanity in this world currently. Are you telling me you really think Obama is a great guy and America isn't one of the most disgustingly corrupt countries on earth?
Yes. Maybe if you spent less time researching chemtrails and instead learned about the real world, you wouldn't talk such unremitting shite.

In other news, Boris fecked up today I see with his response to Obama. That guy cannot be allowed to be PM.
Yes. Maybe if you spent less time researching chemtrails and instead learned about the real world, you wouldn't talk such unremitting shite.

In other news, Boris fecked up today I see with his response to Obama. That guy cannot be allowed to be PM.

Sorry but it is you who hasn't learnt about the real world if you think Obama and America are doing anything good.
Am I the only one that thinks majority of the undecided late voters will break for the In campaign?

I think this may be the case. I hope it isn't but if people are undecided I can see them either not voting at all or voting to remain out of uncertainty and fear. If someone isn't sure I think its highly unlikely they are going to end up voting for the more extreme end of the spectrum and vote leave.

How about you get back to us after the next Eurozone based cock-up? It isn't Sterling being used to oppress people, or which threatens to destabilise the continent's economy (again).

I've read that, doesn't say anything of substance. If the Eurozone goes into crisis the UK will go into crisis anyway whether they're in the EU or not. They won't suddenly become isolated from the world economy. The reason the pound has dropped in value is since the Brexit gathered pace and the finance markets are worried the UK might be daft enough to get out.
You watch what happens to the pound if the UK does actually make the biggest mistake in several generations.
I believe the pound should stay outside the Euro as it has done but not outside the EU.

I don't want a massive debate on the subject but I'm a Brit living in France and with no intention ever to move back to the UK. I live in France not "Europe" - France makes the majority of it's own regulations and living in France is my choice for better or for worse but they are not the same basic regulations as Italy or Spain or Germany or Holland or wherever, People talk as if all countries are the same within the EU with the same regulations and Britain is governed by Europe and does not have it's own regulations, On the whole,this is basically untrue.

Another point I've noticed in the debate, people talking of the NHS and frightened it's going to be privatised or run out of money or some other doom scenario if they stay in the EU.
France's health service is debatably the best health service in the world, certainly far far better than the UK - that's not disappearing or being privatised - don't get this argument at all.
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