Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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Unless I've got a bloody good reason not to I'd tend to back a manager on decisions like this. Mainly because they generally have the best interests of the overall club or team performance in mind, even if it's because that performance is associated with their own ego. If they're any quality as a manager they still do it because of the bigger team picture. They don't generally want to be losing players they have in their squad because it's one less option, but they do it if there's a good reason. The difference with players is they can be individualistic, it's all about me.

So it's likely the right call. Its not even terminal, by all accounts. It's not looking good but there's still an option for Sancho to relent and try and mend things. It will be difficult because he has to swallow his pride and then rectify everything he was doing wrong at the club which judging by performance was a lot. So that's a long road back. But the manager is not actually making it an impossibility.
Maybe, but if it genuinely means he can't ever perform to the required standard, then he needs to move to somewhere where that's not such a problem, somewhere less demanding. If it was a physical issue preventing a level of consistency, the same thing would apply.

But it's all speculation, we don't know whether he really has a mental health issue or not. We do however know he's great at making dumb decisions.

Also, there are players who had mental health issues who all still did amazing things on the pitch: Gazza, Maradona, Tony Adams to name but three.

Quite often those who are neurodivergent are stand out performers. Being wired differently to 95%> of the population means you think differently and against the mould.

I'm convinced Scholes is autistic. It's hereditary and I know his son is an autistic person. He's also known to be socially awkward, etc.
Looking forward to seeing what Avaiable can do when we bring him in in January. Bit weird that he's the only player ETH is willing to talk about though.
Can someone distill down the impasse please or post a link?

Ten Hag doesn't mince words. Sancho took offence and posted on social media. Ten Hag demands he make an apology or he's out of the squad. Sancho refuses. Ten Hag kicks him out of the first team. Sancho gets upset again, still refuses to apologise and leaks stuff to the media (allegedly). Ten Hag bans him from first team fascilities and training until he apologises. Sancho refuses.

The impasse is that Sancho needs to apologise, but he won't.
Ten Hag doesn't mince words. Sancho took offence and posted on social media. Ten Hag demands he make an apology or he's out of the squad. Sancho refuses. Ten Hag kicks him out of the first team. Sancho gets upset again, still refuses to apologise and leaks stuff to the media (allegedly). Ten Hag bans him from first team fascilities and training until he apologises. Sancho refuses.

The impasse is that Sancho needs to apologise, but he won't.
Interesting. Thanks!
Top owners would have hired experienced football people whom in turn would value what a player does off the pitch as much as they do on the pitch. Unfortunately we don't have that. We have businessmen who wants everything aligned on them making maximum profit. That leads to hiring yes men at the football front who will give thumbs up to everything from signing popular players to agreeing to gruesome preseason tours that would end up crippling half the squad. In such circumstances important things like character profiling players get ignored.

Funny how opinions change....

No he's not a luxury signing. He's an excellent player that would help us big time in winning the EPL. However if our owners can't afford a Ferrari then they should at least buy a bus ticket. The alternative would be to walk it to home.
I doubt Sancho will ever play for a 'top club' again. This incident has exposed his immaturity and lack of professionalism. A player's ego should never be in the driving seat of his career. That is a recipe for failure.

I'd be surprised if he plays for England in the near future too....although Southgate does have a peculiar selection strategy.
I doubt Sancho will ever play for a 'top club' again. This incident has exposed his immaturity and lack of professionalism. A player's ego should never be in the driving seat of his career. That is a recipe for failure.

I'd be surprised if he plays for England in the near future too....although Southgate does have a peculiar selection strategy.

I doubt Southgate will be in charge of England by the time Sancho rediscovers any type of previous form.
Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth. Jose publicly moans to see a reaction from the player. His whole man management is confrontational. Does not work on current generation of players.
He is at Roma and not a top club is because his football tactics have become old. Not because he moans about his players at press meet.

I dont buy the idea that the current generation of players is that soft. Jose was first successful with players from England's "golden generation". Terry was a magnet for controversy, Lampard was practically born into the Premier league and Cole was nicknamed Cashley. These weren't working class heroes. They were all over hyped millionaires who had pop star girlfriends who went to Chelsea for massive money. He was still successful with them.

The complaints about the "current generation" were just another way of deflecting blame.
I feel like him being on FIFA at 3am needs to be published more. Destroys all credibility he has.
I hope United start putting in clause in the salary related to appearance, performance, attitude and behaviour. If his non-appearance has an impact of the wages that he pick up, he wouldn't be so stubborn as not to apologise. Making XI should contribute 20-30% of their salary especially for XI players so it keeps them motivated to stay in the team. Back-up players should be 40-50% on XI appearance so they are motivated to replace XI. That's should be how wages are structured. Not like Greenwood, Antony, Sancho and Maguire continuing to pick up high salary while sitting out games for various reasons.
I hope United start putting in clause in the salary related to appearance, performance, attitude and behaviour. If his non-appearance has an impact of the wages that he pick up, he wouldn't be so stubborn as not to apologise. Making XI should contribute 20-30% of their salary especially for XI players so it keeps them motivated to stay in the team. Back-up players should be 40-50% on XI appearance so they are motivated to replace XI. That's should be how wages are structured. Not like Greenwood, Antony, Sancho and Maguire continuing to pick up high salary while sitting out games for various reasons.

No player would join the club if a structure like that was implemented. It may have worked during the 1950's but not in the present day.
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I just dont know where all this warm understanding for the manager was when Pogba f... with Mourhino. All of the sudden the whole CAF is standing behind our unproven manager while one of the all time greats got murdered here.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Just guess whose going to be selected for extra drugs testing...I'd schedule one for the morning after a 3am gaming session.

Problem solved I suspect.

The only drug he's taking is copium. How unprofessional can this guy be. Its not like he worked the whole day like normal people job. He has a ton free time almost everyday and still decide to game until 3am. That wont be a problem if he performed like prime Ronaldinho every match but the fact is he's always anonymous in the pitch. Any other field of work he's fired already. He makes 350k sitting on his arse playing fifa all night jerkin off while majority of people struggle to make ends meet and would kill to get into his position. What an ungrateful entitled cnut
Funny how opinions change....

That's a bit unfair isn't it?. Fans lack the resources or the expertise to delve deep into a prospective transfer signing character especially if the player plays in a league he doesn't follow closely. Clubs on the other hand should have people employed precisely for that, people with the right football contacts (with clubs and agencies) who can give a better idea on the player's behaviour in training etc. That's the supposed difference between a caf poster and a United DOF/ scout etc whose being paid thousands of pounds in football. Murtough is supposed to know better then devilish, gaffs etc

On paper sancho made sense. He was young, homegrown, talented, his stats was off the charts etc. The issues were deeper then what one could see with his naked eye in terms of performance and stats and were beyond the realms that can be reached by the average football fan
To me, it looks like Sancho is a less talented version of Hazard. They have a similar mentality and laid-back attitude, carried by natural ability. Difference is that Hazard had significantly more of it so he was able to coast for a lot longer before falling off.
How does everyone know without any uncertainty that Sancho games till 3am? Am I missing something? We have no insight into his personal life. Not defending him, just stating the obvious.
How does everyone know without any uncertainty that Sancho games till 3am? Am I missing something? We have no insight into his personal life. Not defending him, just stating the obvious.
You got teenagers posting it on social media when they come up against him on fifa because his online ID is known from before
How does everyone know without any uncertainty that Sancho games till 3am? Am I missing something? We have no insight into his personal life. Not defending him, just stating the obvious.

If his previous club talked about it as a problem, what are the fecking odds that they made it up out of thin air?
I feel like him being on FIFA at 3am needs to be published more. Destroys all credibility he has.

As it should, FIFA's a shit game. Would've a lot more respect for him if he was up playing Baldur's Gate 3.
I just dont know where all this warm understanding for the manager was when Pogba f... with Mourhino. All of the sudden the whole CAF is standing behind our unproven manager while one of the all time greats got murdered here.

You being a Mourinho acolyte really does add up with your posts.
Ok, bye...

Clear case of him being unprofessional, immature and an idiot. No place for this at the club. I thought he played with more drive when he came on this season, he could have made the RW his own but if he thinks he's bigger than the team, screw him
Its actually sad how a few of you are ignorant (or you just like nitpicking without an argument) about the fact that Mourhino truly is one of the greats in the modern history of football (IMO but really has the track record to prove it) but that wasnt my point. (or the fact that some of the CAF agrees with it or not)
There are a lot similarities between ETHs view of Sancho and Mourhinos on Pogba. Its just that the fabase is still on ETHs side and nobody has the minerals to at least acknowledge this argument and that is a bit sad because I thought we came to talk about football acknowledging each others opinion and not making fun of each other with no intention of making an argument.
You being a Mourinho acolyte really does add up with your posts.
You being a Mourinho acolyte really does add up with your posts.
Sure mate Im not hiding it (in terms that there hasnt been a manager close to him since SAF left not that I like his defensive brand of football either) just like Im not hiding that Lindelof and Pogba are the worst signings ever. That still doesnt tarnish my argument about this being similar to the Mourhino-Pogba case and this site not standing by its manager then. So if you have something to say on that matter please do without calling me out... or you know say nothing at all.
How does everyone know without any uncertainty that Sancho games till 3am? Am I missing something? We have no insight into his personal life. Not defending him, just stating the obvious.

It's well know what his tag(?) is and people are streaming whilst playing against him. It gets screenshot and then posted around. The joke is he is getting paid 350K a week to do it.
Find it odd that some journos/fans outside of the United seem to be on Sancho's "side" in all of this.

I'm sure they all continually disrespect their managers continually in their jobs and everything is just fine.

Having said this yesterday - was good to see Brucey and Andros Townsend talk some sense about it after the game yesterday.

Basically, don't piss about with the manager, stop being an entitled shit an apologise and what ETH said wasn't bad/personal anyway, so grow the feck up.
How does everyone know without any uncertainty that Sancho games till 3am? Am I missing something? We have no insight into his personal life. Not defending him, just stating the obvious.
You know when you game online and you play against other people? Well they have clocks at their homes and they can see the time. They also know where Sancho is based so therefore they know what time it is where he is. So when they say that Sancho was up at 3am playing FIFA, it's because they were playing against him (and beating him) and they could tell the time that these incidents occurred.
When the team is playing well the managers position becomes stronger. Sancho who?

Hard to find anything to complain about from last nights it's not a surprise to see some outlets going with the 'Palace were awful' narrative.
When the team is playing well the managers position becomes stronger. Sancho who?

Hard to find anything to complain about from last nights it's not a surprise to see some outlets going with the 'Palace were awful' narrative.

To be honest even when we were playing badly it was still Sancho who. A lot of people didn't even notice him missing from the squad vs Arsenal.... :lol:
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