I’m not looking to win the internet mate.I think your comprehension has failed you. The statement I made isn’t one that can be proven right or wrong one currently. I said I think leaving the future of our young players under his care would be negligent. You can’t be “proven” right for an assertion like that until many years later, but thankfully, I’m confident he won’t be here that long.
Secondly, I posted videos of pretty much everyone that’s done post-mortem for yesterday. At least videos I’ve bothered to watch. No my fault Ten Hag is being called a bust in pretty much all of them - it’s a reflection of the work he’s done. “5 goals is 6 games” isn’t an opinion piece. It’s simply Redknapp reiterating what Ten Hag has served up.
Redknapp makes me chuckle.
Have a lovely day!