What I really don’t understand, is why he maintained so much power after coming within a gnats dick of losing his job in the summer?
Why did he get any input on signings? Why did he get to bring in his own new coaches? Why does he still have the authority to insist upon braindead, childishly shite and laughable tactics?
It was widely reported at the end of last season that Wilcox had stepped in and insisted on a change in tactics that clearly had a positive effect on those last few games.
He then went through the review and instead of being taken aside and told “you’re hanging on by a thread here mate - time to cop on and get in line or you’re out of here”, it appears we said “let’s ignore everything that’s happened til now, we’re backing you 100% to do whatever you want again next season”.
It makes no sense. Instead of laying the foundations for a structure in which the coach is a cog in a functioning machine, we have hamstrung ourselves even further by putting yet more eggs in his basket.
Yes many of us in the fanbase and in the media were calling for him to be given more time, but not a single person would’ve questioned the club if they’d come out and said “we have parted ways because Eric did not accept the terms of the new direction in which the club intends to go”.
The guy is obsessed with a tactic that clearly and demonstrably does not work in this league. He also is completely incapable of motivating his players consistently. There can be no excuses for keeping him in the role now, other than the same inability to get past ego that plagued the former administration.
Yesterday was every bit the Liverpool 7-0 hammering he should’ve been sacked after years ago. Only Spurs are Spurs and couldn’t punish us accordingly.