Enzo 'Terry' Fernandez | Vice-Captain of Chelsea

Still makes zero sense, they played France then but not now

It seems like racism is deeply ingrained in South American culture unfortunately. For some reason the players have thought this song is a) funny and b) acceptable which is why the continue to sing it, and it’s neither.
That’s not a good look at all, for anyone involved. The fact that they didn’t even play France and are in fact just singing a racist song two years later makes it even worse. They chose to sing that of all the things they could have sung
Also, why the feck they are talking about France and Mbappe? What are they actually trying to do here after winning Copa America? Is this what they do after winning a match or a tournament? To sing about other nationalities and players of colour which has no relation to the competition they participated in? What’s going on?
its common in people who come from a culture/nation of racism to look down on races not the same as yours to the point they become obsessed with it and it’s all they can talk about and it’s just constantly on their mind.

Maybe because they just played Colombia too who also have many black players. Also have to remember Argentina as a nation is the cream of the crop of racism and its embraced.
Footballers are really thick. Hopefully Martinez and Garnacho didn’t participate in that.
From the video you can't actually make out them singing it. Garnacho is a bit of a loner on that team and looked like he was sitting at the back by himself. Not sure about Martinez. Unless other videos come out I don't think it will be a big problem for us.

Basically the last 10 seconds of the vid that's out is the racist chant and you really can't make out any of the voices other than Enzo, who's Insta live it's on. The first 30 or so seconds is a chant about the Argentina national team (the part where you can see Martinez singing).
Found it hard to make out who’s who when watching it. Hopefully it doesn’t circle back to us as we could do without some drama at the club for a while.
It seems like racism is deeply ingrained in South American culture unfortunately. For some reason the players have thought this song is a) funny and b) acceptable which is why the continue to sing it, and it’s neither.

Yes, but, it's particularly prevalent in nations that are vast majority white. Like Argentina and Uruguay.

They're also dumb as feck. They're making jokes about descendants of Cameroonians and Nigerians having French passports. As if their nation isn't full of descendants of Spanish and Italians colonisers.
Still makes zero sense, they played France then but not now

Probably makes more sense if you're a racist who enjoys singing racist songs. Because at that point you don't really need an excuse to start singing a favourite racist song from a previous tournament.
Yes, but, it's particularly prevalent in nations that are vast majority white. Like Argentina and Uruguay.

They're also dumb as feck. They're making jokes about descendants of Cameroonians and Nigerians having French passports. As if their nation isn't full of descendants of Spanish and Italians colonisers.
Great point.
Yes, but, it's particularly prevalent in nations that are vast majority white. Like Argentina and Uruguay.

They're also dumb as feck. They're making jokes about descendants of Cameroonians and Nigerians having French passports. As if their nation isn't full of descendants of Spanish and Italians colonisers.
They're proud of the fact that they're descendants of Europeans. I had the unfortunate experience of travelling on an overnight train full of Argentinians at the 2018 World Cup and every footie conversation I had with the randoms on the train ended up with them bragging about being superior because they are more European than the English. I think a lot of them just really don't like black people, frankly.
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They just do these things, because Louis van Gaal subbed off Riquelme back in the 90s. It's all Van Gaal's fault.
It is true that singing those kind of things is common here in Argentina. River fans always chants against Boca for having a indigenous fans, Chigago fans sing against Almirante Brown fans for allegedly crossdressing and working as prostitutes to make ends meet, and more than one song has death threats in them.

He is still stupid as shit for doing that and transmiting it over Instagram, but I don't think it is about having hating black people like the KKK did, more like growing in a society that doesn't have too many african descendants and now knowing the pain that some words can inflict.
From the video you can't actually make out them singing it. Garnacho is a bit of a loner on that team and looked like he was sitting at the back by himself. Not sure about Martinez. Unless other videos come out I don't think it will be a big problem for us.

Basically the last 10 seconds of the vid that's out is the racist chant and you really can't make out any of the voices other than Enzo, who's Insta live it's on. The first 30 or so seconds is a chant about the Argentina national team (the part where you can see Martinez singing).
I think that says a lot: he starts trying to cut out the recording as they’re singing the song. So he clearly knows it was wrong. Still stupid enough to not clip it well enough to remove it from Instagram though.
Footballers are really thick. Hopefully Martinez and Garnacho didn’t participate in that.

I'd be very surprised if Emi Martinez did not participate given his past lack of class.
I'd be very surprised if Emi Martinez did not participate given his past lack of class.
Surprisingly he didn't. According to reports he was trying to light an effigy of Mbappe at the front of the bus at the time.
Surprisingly he didn't. According to reports he was trying to light an effigy of Mbappe at the front of the bus at the time.

Well, at least no gloves were abused on this occasion!
Yes, but, it's particularly prevalent in nations that are vast majority white. Like Argentina and Uruguay.

They're also dumb as feck. They're making jokes about descendants of Cameroonians and Nigerians having French passports. As if their nation isn't full of descendants of Spanish and Italians colonisers.
Yeah, but those were white.
Copying comment from soccer:

For reference, these are the full lyrics:

“Listen, spread the word;

They play in France, but they are all from Angola;

How nice it is! They are going to run;

They are ‘cometravas’* like fecking Mbappé;

Their mom is Nigerian;

Their dad, Cameroonian.

But in the document ...Nationality: French”.

*cometravas is a slang term that loosely translates to someone who likes fecking transgender people. Come means to eat which is used to talk about fecking someone and travas is short for transgender

^ from reddit, just adding a bit more explanation.
"Their dad is German

Their mother, Portuguese

But in the document ...Nationality: French”

Funny how it would never occur to any slow witted racist to sing this about Antoine Griezmann. Which shows you what It's really all about.
"Their dad is German

Their mother, Portuguese

But in the document ...Nationality: French”

Funny how it would never occur to any slow witted racist to sing this about Antoine Griezmann. Which shows you what It's really all about.
We (Germans) don’t claim him.
And you made me check: „His father Alain Griezmann, a town councillor, is from a family who migrated to France from Münster, Germany, in the first half of the 19th century.“
Isn't about 95% of Argentina from European descent? Racist people are silly.
Not really, most of the descendant from europeans intermingled with the natives, and as a result the majority of the population is some shade of brown. People here call themselves white despite clearly having aboriginal/african blood mixed in.

Which thinking about it makes the chant even worse.
And in all honesty, probably another problem for Ten Hag/INEOS to deal with before the start of the season (and a handful of other clubs).

It’s a pretty serious issue and whatever Chelsea decide to do with Enzo will put pressure on other clubs to act in a similar way.
Chelsea won't have the backbone to bin a 100m pound player, remember they stood by John Terry back in the day. They will condemn, fine him and move on from this.
Not really, most of the descendant from europeans intermingled with the natives, and as a result the majority of the population is some shade of brown. People here call themselves white despite clearly having aboriginal/african blood mixed in.

Which thinking about it makes the chant even worse.
Not really talking about skin color, but about the fact that 97% of Argentina have European ancestors.
He is in big trouble, deservedly so. I can see him getting banned for a long time and Chelsea will have a lot of pressure to act accordingly.
Footballers are so dumb it's painful. No reason absolutely to be singing that song considering it's racist undertone, that even disregarding that they weren't playing France. You'd have to think Chelsea will punish him for this. Football should be rid of this nonsense.
The chant has been around for two years it seems, so hard to claim innocence and "context" when they all knew what the chant represents. The lack of internal justice on this is sickening.

This has to be taken seriously by every club and federation which the player(s) involved (hard to tell clearly who other than Enzo that is involved).
Chelsea won't have the backbone to bin a 100m pound player, remember they stood by John Terry back in the day. They will condemn, fine him and move on from this.

I’m sure there are morality clauses in players contracts and it’s a new ownership group, but yeah I find it difficult to envision a scenario where Chelsea terminate the contract of a £100m signing. Sad as it is, I could definitely envision a scenario where Chelsea just bin the player if it was someone less valuable to the club like Petrovic or Casadei.

Worse case scenario for Enzo, he’s slapped with a hefty fine and banned for x amount of games and then asked to publicly apologise and privately make nice with his black teammates.
There eventually needs to be serious bans for this kind of thing, otherwise it will never stop. The Como statement that came out today is ridiculous and show how normalized racism is in high profile sport.

This isn’t just a song, it’s how they really feel, and that is very difficult to change. A serious punishment will, at the very least, condemn their abhorrent views. They will still be assholes, but at least they will be punished for being one.
I’m sure there are morality clauses in players contracts and it’s a new ownership group, but yeah I find it difficult to envision a scenario where Chelsea terminate the contract of a £100m signing.

Worse case scenario for Enzo, he’s slapped with a hefty fine and banned for x amount of games and then asked to publicly apologise and privately make nice with his black teammates.

This seems impossible. You can’t sing things like this and then have the respect and friendship of those same people.

Chelsea would send out a message cutting ties and it would probably make the group stronger in doing so. Retaining the security and comfort of their black players is more important.
I’m sure there are morality clauses in players contracts and it’s a new ownership group, but yeah I find it difficult to envision a scenario where Chelsea terminate the contract of a £100m signing. Sad as it is, I could definitely envision a scenario where Chelsea just bin the player if it was someone less valuable to the club like Petrovic or Casadei.

Worse case scenario for Enzo, he’s slapped with a hefty fine and banned for x amount of games and then asked to publicly apologise and privately make nice with his black teammates.
Very interested to see the club's stance on this. Will they back him like Liverpool? Or will they hang him out to dry like you said, which could open the door to push for a move away to a CL club?
This seems impossible. You can’t sing things like this and then have the respect and friendship of those same people.

Chelsea would send out a message cutting ties and it would probably make the group stronger in doing so. Retaining the security and comfort of their black players is more important.

Enzo could claim cultural stupidity and ignorance (which I wouldn’t buy for a second) and/or foolishly got swept up in a drunken celebratory moment. I’m not saying that would solve it but it might be enough for teammates to say ok let’s move on.
Thick as pig shit to go live and start singing that, he won't even understand the backlash either.
These are the alleged lyrics:

“They play for France but they are from Angola
His mother is Nigerian,
His father Cameroonian,
But on the passport: French.”

If these are INDEED the actual lyrics. The world has gone made deeming it racist.
Could you explain in detail what you mean by that?
Very interested to see the club's stance on this. Will they back him like Liverpool? Or will they hang him out to dry like you said, which could open the door to push for a move away to a CL club?

There’s no chance the club will release a statement defending Enzo. I thought there might have been a chance the club just said nothing and hoped it would quietly go away and be forgotten but Fofana has made sure that’s not possible, so now they have to deal with it.
These are the alleged lyrics:

“They play for France but they are from Angola
His mother is Nigerian,
His father Cameroonian,
But on the passport: French.”

If these are INDEED the actual lyrics. The world has gone made deeming it racist.

You don't think mocking French players for having African heritage is racist?
These are the alleged lyrics:

“They play for France but they are from Angola
His mother is Nigerian,
His father Cameroonian,
But on the passport: French.”

If these are INDEED the actual lyrics. The world has gone made deeming it racist.

This type of comment is popping up a fair bit it seems. And as I said in the other thread, why don’t you ask Fofana if he thinks it was racist?