Enzo 'Terry' Fernandez | Vice-Captain of Chelsea

£120m and couldn't outrun a random Dortmund player.

I agree the price is obscene but that's an odd way to criticise him. It's not a random Dortmund player, and also some people can just be physically faster then you.

Defensively he messed up by committing which gave Adeyemi the chance to burst past him.
I agree the price is obscene but that's an odd way to criticise him. It's not a random Dortmund player, and also some people can just be physically faster then you.

Defensively he messed up by committing which gave Adeyemi the chance to burst past him.

This is the problem. Its become such an issue with football where players over 75m are criticised for any action without context.

This is why so many fail, the pressure and silly ways of looking at things from rival fans.
I agree the price is obscene but that's an odd way to criticise him. It's not a random Dortmund player, and also some people can just be physically faster then you.

Defensively he messed up by committing which gave Adeyemi the chance to burst past him.

Plus he’s a central midfielder, not a centre back. So 1v1 defending can be less than flawless and he can still be a terrific player. Ademyi would have found it even easier to burn past Paul Scholes, that’s for sure.
I agree the price is obscene but that's an odd way to criticise him. It's not a random Dortmund player, and also some people can just be physically faster then you.

Defensively he messed up by committing which gave Adeyemi the chance to burst past him.

Adeyemi is like one of the fastest kids in Europe. It was definitely a mistake from the coaching staff to leave Enzo as the last man back but once Adeyemi had the 1v1 with so much space ahead of him, Enzo was a sitting duck I’m afraid. I don’t know what else he could have done, Adeyemi had half the pitch to build up momentum. I’d still like to commend Adeyemi’s composure in that situation.
I agree the price is obscene but that's an odd way to criticise him. It's not a random Dortmund player, and also some people can just be physically faster then you.

Defensively he messed up by committing which gave Adeyemi the chance to burst past him.
That, and usually you'd have a much faster player or defender hanging back in case of a counter. Not sure how Enzo ended up being left as the last man back there but probably safe to assume it won't happen in the future again (assuming it was planned - didn't watch the match).
Don't see what difference that would make; Adeyemi might have been the fastest player on the pitch. I think it would be the same result with Chilwell not taking the corner.

Well in that scenario Chilwell is the last man back - and I'd trust him more than Enzo in a 1v1 situation.
Everyone bar Alphonso Davies gets cooked in a 1v1 with Adeyemi.

Enzo is gonna become a good to great player. I think that is pretty obvious. But €120m is still way too much at this point in his career.
Do they though? Don't misunderstand me Adeyemi is clearly a skilful player but Enzo got owned there. I think a proper cb or fullback would have at least push him to the side Enzo basically left him one on one vs the keeper.
Plus he’s a central midfielder, not a centre back. So 1v1 defending can be less than flawless and he can still be a terrific player. Ademyi would have found it even easier to burn past Paul Scholes, that’s for sure.

That was terrific from Adeyemi. He would have beaten pretty much any midfielder in that moment, very few defenders would have stood a chance, maybe the pacy ones like Saliba, VVD from 2 yrs ago, Varane from 2 yrs ago. Araujo
Adeyemi is like one of the fastest kids in Europe. It was definitely a mistake from the coaching staff to leave Enzo as the last man back but once Adeyemi had the 1v1 with so much space ahead of him, Enzo was a sitting duck I’m afraid. I don’t know what else he could have done, Adeyemi had half the pitch to build up momentum. I’d still like to commend Adeyemi’s composure in that situation.

That's the key here. That's a bit of a silly mistake from the coaching staff.
As good a goal as it was, Enzo did not cover himself with glory at all.

It all comes down to decision making and rather than slow the player down with his body shape, he allowed himself to get twisted and in the end roasted.
He gave the attacker the opportunity to run past him.

Thiago in that situation would have stopped him.

But you expect better decision making from a £100m player, but he'll learn from this for sure.
Do they though? Don't misunderstand me Adeyemi is clearly a skilful player but Enzo got owned there. I think a proper cb or fullback would have at least push him to the side Enzo basically left him one on one vs the keeper.

Enzo just couldn't keep up with him in a sprint race, and I don't think anyone else would have either. In the first half the commentators said Adeyemi this season recorded the speed record for any player in the history of the Bundesliga. If you allow a pacy player like that the space he had to push the ball forward and run at full speed there's only ever going to be one winner.

The mistake was pushing too many players forward for the corner. Also I'm not really sure if having Enzo as the furthest one back was a great idea to begin with because there's definitely some value having a player of his shooting and passing ability lurking outside the penalty box for stray balls. Having Ziyech give the corner and leaving both full-backs to sit deep would have been a much better choice and going forward the coaching staff should to stop taking this kind of silly risks with attacking set-plays unless we're already behind and in desperate need of a goal. Not sure if it's down to Potter or if Barry is still the man responsible for set-piece strategies but it was a really weird choice to make either way.
He’s looked decent. That’s it. Nowhere near worth €120m. Not many players are. He looks like a player you could pick up for less than half the price.
Enzo just couldn't keep up with him in a sprint race, and I don't think anyone else would have either. In the first half the commentators said Adeyemi this season recorded the speed record for any player in the history of the Bundesliga. If you allow a pacy player like that the space he had to push the ball forward and run at full speed there's only ever going to be one winner.

The mistake was pushing too many players forward for the corner. Also I'm not really sure if having Enzo as the furthest one back was a great idea to begin with because there's definitely some value having a player of his shooting and passing ability lurking outside the penalty box for stray balls. Having Ziyech give the corner and leaving both full-backs to sit deep would have been a much better choice and going forward the coaching staff should to stop taking this kind of silly risks with attacking set-plays unless we're already behind and in desperate need of a goal. Not sure if it's down to Potter or if Barry is still the man responsible for set-piece strategies but it was a really weird choice to make either way.
I agree, it's mostly a set up problem. If in a corner you end up in a one vs one situation you definitely feck up. I think Enzo could've done better but being fair that was impressive by Adeyemi.

Also considering Enzo has a great shot from distance it doesn't make sense to leave him so deep down. I don't think that was planned it just happened due to disorganization most likely.
Thiago in that situation would have stopped him.

Thiago got an early yellow, no? Terzic even said afterwards that there was a similar situation during H1 where Adeyemi stopped and passed and the coaching staff thought: "Next time take on 38yo Thiago who's already on a yellow in a sprint duel and let's see how that works out".
Thiago got an early yellow, no? Terzic even said afterwards that there was a similar situation during H1 where Adeyemi stopped and passed and the coaching staff thought: "Next time take on 38yo Thiago who's already on a yellow in a sprint duel and let's see how that works out".

Yeah he got booked for the handball goal
Yeah he got booked for the handball goal

And James was also on a yellow card which might explain why he wasn't staying back. Chilwell should definitely have been there instead of being the corner taker though. The delivery from Chilwell to Havertz was great but having him take the corner left us exposed at the back.

Either have more men stay behind to deal with the counter attack better, or at the very least someone who can hack the runner down early in their half and take one for the team with a yellow card.

A yellow seems a bit harsh considering he was pushed.

Yeah I thought so too. He didn't even celebrate the ball going and immediately raised his hands to imply there was something fishy with the 'goal' so I don't think it was in any way a deliberate handball from him and more a result of him being slightly pushed while jumping.
Don't think he had to see yellow for that but imho it looked, regardless the shoving, still deliberate. It was stupid by him and he can hardly complain. Shoving wasn't pen worthy either (in case he thought they'd have a look at that in the process) he immediately knew it was a brainfeck and apologised right away.

A yellow seems a bit harsh considering he was pushed.

Yeah I'm biased but I wouldn't have given anything since it was pretty clearly instinctual and he immediately owned up to it. Not too much to complain about though - unlike the James yellow which was a total joke of a decision.

And James was also on a yellow card which might explain why he wasn't staying back. Chilwell should definitely have been there instead of being the corner taker though. The delivery from Chilwell to Havertz was great but having him take the corner left us exposed at the back.

Either have more men stay behind to deal with the counter attack better, or at the very least someone who can hack the runner down early in their half and take one for the team with a yellow card.

Yeah and I keep coming back to it - why even have Ziyech on the pitch if he's not going to take corners, considering all he does at this point is swing in crosses?
Thiago got an early yellow, no? Terzic even said afterwards that there was a similar situation during H1 where Adeyemi stopped and passed and the coaching staff thought: "Next time take on 38yo Thiago who's already on a yellow in a sprint duel and let's see how that works out".
Did Thiago get sent off? They targeted him but he didn't get a second yellow. That speaks volumes.

I meant in general, swap Thiago with Enzo and Adeyemi wouldn't have got past.

Enzos young, Thiago has experience and would know when to step in, how to shepherd the players.
Enzo did nothing, but will learn from that.
A gentle reminder that even a man with the quality, experience and pedigree of Casemiro, took a bit of time adapt to his new team in the EPL. And that people were saying all sorts about him after the first 4-5 games.
Did Thiago get sent off? They targeted him but he didn't get a second yellow. That speaks volumes.

I meant in general, swap Thiago with Enzo and Adeyemi wouldn't have got past.

Didn't see the full game but I was specifically quoting the BVB manager who said they (Adeyemi) should have targeted Thiago more? I agree that Thiago may have stopped him with his experience without a foul but I wouldn't say it's a given. I guess there is a reason they set up Chelsea's side to avoid having Thiago having 1v1 sprint duels over half the pitch. Also Thiago is quite a threat at corners so why place him in such a scenario where he could still easily be overrun and also be unable to use his presence in the oppo's box at set-pieces?
I'm not sure why people are making out that the situation was impossible for Enzo to defend. He was in prime position to defend. Just because you don't have the pace it doesn't mean you can't anticipate, get your body position right, make it hard for the attacker. If it was only about pace wingers would roast their fullback every single time because most of the time they're fast and certainly more talented. Poor defending.

I like his ability as a controlling midfielder, though. Pretty sure he is going to bring a lot to Chelsea once he settles down.
Didn't see the full game but I was specifically quoting the BVB manager who said they (Adeyemi) should have targeted Thiago more? I agree that Thiago may have stopped him with his experience without a foul but I wouldn't say it's a given. I guess there is a reason they set up Chelsea's side to avoid having Thiago having 1v1 sprint duels over half the pitch. Also Thiago is quite a threat at corners so why place him in such a scenario where he could still easily be overrun and also be unable to use his presence in the oppo's box at set-pieces?
I think your missing the point entirely here.

I'm not questioning the set up of Chelsea, I'm questioning the decision making of Enzo in that particular moment, and making a statement that someone of Thiagos experience wouldn't have been bypassed so easily.
Which I don't think is such an outlandish statement to make.

Enzo made a major incorrect decision and will learn from it, my point is you expect those decisions to be correct from a player that cost £100m plus.
I'm not sure why people are making out that the situation was impossible for Enzo to defend. He was in prime position to defend. Just because you don't have the pace it doesn't mean you can't anticipate, get your body position right, make it hard for the attacker. If it was only about pace wingers would roast their fullback every single time because most of the time they're fast and certainly more talented. Poor defending.

I like his ability as a controlling midfielder, though. Pretty sure he is going to bring a lot to Chelsea once he settles down.
Absolutely. We’ve seen tons of players defend with intelligence and strong tackling against packer players. You don’t have to get taken to the cleaners by the attacker.

I’ve always said that I like Enzo as a talent and he seems to have a lot of natural talent. However he has a long way to go to prove it at Chelsea and some are just assuming that to be a done deal.
Could have taken him out but at the expense of a define red card. Best case scenario is Chelsea go a man down with 30 mins to play but hold out for the draw and try and win the return fixture at home. The issue with Chelsea though seems something that synonymous with Potter and it's a lack of goals.
I think your missing the point entirely here.

I'm not questioning the set up of Chelsea, I'm questioning the decision making of Enzo in that particular moment, and making a statement that someone of Thiagos experience wouldn't have been bypassed so easily.
Which I don't think is such an outlandish statement to make.

Enzo made a major incorrect decision and will learn from it, my point is you expect those decisions to be correct from a player that cost £100m plus.
Oh, it‘s about the fee. I agree but that‘s also something I actually don‘t care discussing about.

my point was that ThiagoSilva isn‘t automatically solving that situation, additionally was on a yellow card already and that it also makes sense to place him in front of the oppo‘s goal during set pieces.
Plus he’s a central midfielder, not a centre back. So 1v1 defending can be less than flawless and he can still be a terrific player. Ademyi would have found it even easier to burn past Paul Scholes, that’s for sure.

Scholesy wouldn't have jockeyed him for 50 yards and then stood still and been raced past. Costing his team the game.
Young and learning. I'll blame the coaching staff for that setup though. Reminds me of our defence last season in the CL that went awol from a corner kick.
Honestly reminds me of Carrick at Spurs but with less defensive nous.