England | right wing knuckle draggers on the streets


The master race.
I hope he’s remembering his Greggs fondly when he’s meeting big Bob in the showers. Moron
telling of 2024 britin that all of these being sent down are white
Judge should increase the sentence for thinking the judge is as stupid as he is.

His lawyer said “He was keen to tell police he is of mixed heritage and said he was shouting not ‘who the f*** is Allah’ but ‘Who the f*** is Alan?’ He said the gestures he was making was not racist but more he was making gestures to imply they were cry-babies.”

He would have been better saying he was singing a well known song and he said Alice not Allah.

Judge should increase the sentence for thinking the judge is as stupid as he is.

His lawyer said “He was keen to tell police he is of mixed heritage and said he was shouting not ‘who the f*** is Allah’ but ‘Who the f*** is Alan?’ He said the gestures he was making was not racist but more he was making gestures to imply they were cry-babies.”

He would have been better saying he was singing a well known song and he said Alice not Allah.

Good to see the guy with all the pro camera equipment and boom mic wading into the action when that poor lad was set upon in Piccadilly Gardens a few weeks back has been caught and jailed. I remember seeing him in the video of the incident and it striking me how much of a twat you'd have to be to do that, but it turns out he was even more of one than I could possibly have imagined:

Warren Gilchrest - who runs his own social media channel - describes himself as a 'freedom fighter' and 'critical thinker'. He filmed the sickening attack, and was eventually brought to justice after cops watched the footage.

The video also led to detectives making a disturbing discovery at his home. As Gilchrest was arrested at the property on North Road, Clayton - 10 days after violence flared in the city centre - a hoard of Nazi paraphernalia was found, including images of the Swastika; a depiction of two young, saluting children; and other right-wing flags.

Manchester Crown Court was also told Gilchrest has 18 previous convictions for 67 offences. Up to 31 of those were for sex offences against children under 13. He has 14 offences of failing to comply with the notifications of the sex offender register on his record. Gilchrest was last before the courts in November 2023 for possession of an offensive weapon in a private place, namely two batons.

Gilchrest has now been jailed for three years - and made the subject of a criminal behaviour order for five years, banning him from the city centre - having admitted violent disorder in relation to the disorder in Manchester as trouble broke out across the UK.

Good to see the guy with all the pro camera equipment and boom mic wading into the action when that poor lad was set upon in Piccadilly Gardens a few weeks back has been caught and jailed. I remember seeing him in the video of the incident and it striking me how much of a twat you'd have to be to do that, but it turns out he was even more of one than I could possibly have imagined:


I don't know if the % has remained the same after further arrests, likely not, but a while back the Met commissioner said around 70% of all the people arrested at that point had lengthy criminal records, some football banning orders in there too. These people were trying to convince us they were out there protesting because brown people don't want to assimilate, respect British culture and commit crime with impunity.
Good to see the guy with all the pro camera equipment and boom mic wading into the action when that poor lad was set upon in Piccadilly Gardens a few weeks back has been caught and jailed. I remember seeing him in the video of the incident and it striking me how much of a twat you'd have to be to do that, but it turns out he was even more of one than I could possibly have imagined:

Nazi nonce, so predictable.
Another few today. Gran with 22 previous convictions got 'carried away'.

Hull riot: Grandmother locked up after 'truly shocking' footage showed her hurling racist abuse at police and provoking violence​


Whole bunch of the Hull ones are older, including 55-year old Stuart 'Gordon Ramsay on meth' Randall.

Two more jailed after 'mindless violence' during Hull riot​



Hull riot: Grandmother locked up after 'truly shocking' footage showed her hurling racist abuse at police and provoking violence​

That is a rather unfortunate self-censorship of the slur there. There is only one word that my brain will immediatly jump to if you write "P***s". Makes the article a lot funnier, though.

What the hell... certainly there is some sort of punishing fee for fecking with the court like that, no? At the very least child protection services should check on the family when the mother just buggers off to her vacation when her kid is due to appear in court. That should certainly indicate neglect.
Frank Ferguson, head of the Crown Prosecution Service special crime and counter terrorism unit, said: “During police interview, Lucy Connolly stated she had strong views on immigration, told officers she did not like immigrants and claimed that children were not safe from them.

Tory childminder

So much for I'm not racist, I childmind ethnic kids too.
What chance does that boy have? It's good to see so many of the rioters facing justice, but in some cases it's also such a sad reflection of modern society.
Yes, but it's an indication of how far/much society has changed. I can remember when women were chastised as 'poor mothers' if they went out to work, and created legions of 'latch-key' kids.
Maybe the child will get better looked after if he were to get 'banged-up''. Of course given his age he will not serve time, but presumably will still have a record, until he reaches maturity.
Yes, but it's an indication of how far/much society has changed. I can remember when women were chastised as 'poor mothers' if they went out to work, and created legions of 'latch-key' kids.
Maybe the child will get better looked after if he were to get 'banged-up''. Of course given his age he will not serve time, but presumably will still have a record, until he reaches maturity.
Raising children is one of the hardest things to do, yet it would seem as though we're failing as a society. I was saddened at how many rioters were not only young children, but also young children out causing trouble with their parents. Is it any surprise this sort of incident is no longer rare: Three children and two teenagers arrested over murder of 80-year-old in park
Frank Ferguson, head of the Crown Prosecution Service special crime and counter terrorism unit, said: “During police interview, Lucy Connolly stated she had strong views on immigration, told officers she did not like immigrants and claimed that children were not safe from them.

Tory childminder

So much for I'm not racist, I childmind ethnic kids too.
That’s rich coming from somebody who wanted to burn down a hostel.
Never heard of him before, but jesus, what a piece of work. Associate editor of the Spectator. Why do they platform these hatemongers? He clearly thinks most people are beneath him, regardless of their geographical origins.
He's a Nigel Farage on steroids who also regularly pops up on Piers Morgan shows.

Like you said, he's a nasty piece of work spouting his hate to anyone willing to hear, and there are many.
Raising children is one of the hardest things to do, yet it would seem as though we're failing as a society. I was saddened at how many rioters were not only young children, but also young children out causing trouble with their parents. Is it any surprise this sort of incident is no longer rare: Three children and two teenagers arrested over murder of 80-year-old in park
It certainly is, but I hesitate to blame 'society'. It's 'true society' should do all it can to ensure its children are well fed and educated and live in premises that are safe and clean; however, when children are left to become feral, or parents abdicate their responsibility; how much should 'society' (read State) intervene?
This child's parent went off on holiday instead of attending to her child's predicament, but what about when parents take kids out of school to go on holiday, does 'society' apply the same judgments?
This child's parent went off on holiday instead of attending to her child's predicament, but what about when parents take kids out of school to go on holiday, does 'society' apply the same judgments?

Parents aren't allowed to take kids out of school to go on holiday and can be and often are fined for doing so.

It's an absolutely fecking ridiculously unfair, stupid & disgusting rule.
Parents aren't allowed to take kids out of school to go on holiday and can be and often are fined for doing so.

It's an absolutely fecking ridiculously unfair, stupid & disgusting rule.
I don't think it is, the real problem is that the travel industry can up the prices as much as they do

In the US, my kids had to catch up on lessons they missed, or they lost marks/credits, when there were school closures, for weather events, they days lodst were tacked on to the end of the school year
I don't think it is, the real problem is that the travel industry can up the prices as much as they do

In the US, my kids had to catch up on lessons they missed, or they lost marks/credits, when there were school closures, for weather events, they days lodst were tacked on to the end of the school year

Believe me it is a stupid rule. As you say it ensures travel companies get top money around school holidays so that hits many working families very hard. Those well off don't care regarding the fines as they can afford to pay them so just put it in with the price of the holiday.

The biggest issue I have with it is that I live and work in a seasonal area in one of the most popular holiday destinations in the UK. And like myself and anyone else living in a similar area, we simply cannot take a week, let alone two weeks off to go on holiday. Most businesses here and in neighbouring counties of Cornwall and Dorset don't allow workers time off during the holiday season anyway.

I understand the need for ways to combat school absences, and I absolutely agree kids not going on holiday if they are in their in their final year or during exam time, but I cannot see why younger kids especially, or teenagers in their early or middle years aren't allowed time off for a family holiday, especially in areas like here.

Family time is so important and a family holiday has the potential to be more beneficial and even educational to kids than being at school is. The schools could give the kids assignments or ask them to write about where they visited, local cultures, history etc. That way families like mine could take time to go on holiday without fear of ridiculous fines or inquisitions from schools or social workers as to why our child's attendance dropped. It really seems that's all they seem bothered about and schools are also put under pressure to ensure good attendance rates.

Head teachers do have the power to grant holidays for special reasons, however, from experience and speaking to my daughter's head teacher, they are often under so much pressure with the attence rates that they are incredibly reluctant to do so as they can lose funding if their attendence rate falls below a certain percentage.

Ultimately what we have is an extremely ridiculous, poorly thought out knee jerk rules and fine system that punishes a large number of people unfairly, one that the rich can just ignore and that was only introduced to target shit parents who can't be arsed to send their kids to school or ensure they do go to school. Those same parents still don't and if they get fined just plead poverty or ignorance and ignore the fines or just pay them off £2 a week.

Sorry for being off topic but it's something I feel strongly about and something that has and continues to effect me and my family, friends, staff and tens (,maybe hundreds) of thousands of others.
Believe me it is a stupid rule. As you say it ensures travel companies get top money around school holidays so that hits many working families very hard. Those well off don't care regarding the fines as they can afford to pay them so just put it in with the price of the holiday.

The biggest issue I have with it is that I live and work in a seasonal area in one of the most popular holiday destinations in the UK. And like myself and anyone else living in a similar area, we simply cannot take a week, let alone two weeks off to go on holiday. Most businesses here and in neighbouring counties of Cornwall and Dorset don't allow workers time off during the holiday season anyway.

I understand the need for ways to combat school absences, and I absolutely agree kids not going on holiday if they are in their in their final year or during exam time, but I cannot see why younger kids especially, or teenagers in their early or middle years aren't allowed time off for a family holiday, especially in areas like here.

Family time is so important and a family holiday has the potential to be more beneficial and even educational to kids than being at school is. The schools could give the kids assignments or ask them to write about where they visited, local cultures, history etc. That way families like mine could take time to go on holiday without fear of ridiculous fines or inquisitions from schools or social workers as to why our child's attendance dropped. It really seems that's all they seem bothered about and schools are also put under pressure to ensure good attendance rates.

Head teachers do have the power to grant holidays for special reasons, however, from experience and speaking to my daughter's head teacher, they are often under so much pressure with the attence rates that they are incredibly reluctant to do so as they can lose funding if their attendence rate falls below a certain percentage.

Ultimately what we have is an extremely ridiculous, poorly thought out knee jerk rules and fine system that punishes a large number of people unfairly, one that the rich can just ignore and that was only introduced to target shit parents who can't be arsed to send their kids to school or ensure they do go to school. Those same parents still don't and if they get fined just plead poverty or ignorance and ignore the fines or just pay them off £2 a week.

Sorry for being off topic but it's something I feel strongly about and something that has and continues to effect me and my family, friends, staff and tens (,maybe hundreds) of thousands of others.

The fines are in place to make it as expensive to go on holiday through school time as it is in the summer holidays. If the fines weren't there then kids of parents that didn't care wouldn't just miss the odd days they'd miss loads of school.

It should be the headteachers decision, but they should have a % that each child can miss rather than an overall %. If you've been in 98% of the year then missing a week for a holiday sounds fine. If you're already down at 50% then sorry, you'll have to pay the fine.
The fines are in place to make it as expensive to go on holiday through school time as it is in the summer holidays. If the fines weren't there then kids of parents that didn't care wouldn't just miss the odd days they'd miss loads of school.

It should be the headteachers decision, but they should have a % that each child can miss rather than an overall %. If you've been in 98% of the year then missing a week for a holiday sounds fine. If you're already down at 50% then sorry, you'll have to pay the fine.
Perhaps it's time to review when holidays are, the UK has a quite a few "fixed" holidays, (or at least they did when I was a kid) 2 weeks at Easter, a week in the autumn and a week in the spring and about 8 weeks in the summer

Kids in the US don't get 2 weeks at Easter nor a week in the autumn, they do get a longer summer break so the total amount of holidays is broadly similar, different areas also stagger the summer break, mine finished around the end of May and started again mid-August whlst some areas I know finish a month later and restart a month later.
I've never taken ketamine but does it not do the opposite of what coke does?

Basically yeah, drug heads will use it to come back down after taking too much.

9 years for one of the thugs who set fire to a wheelie bin and tried to burn down the hotel with asylum seekers in it.

Good. feck him. Possibly deserved more but 9 years is still pretty good.

I've avoided twitter the past few weeks and have been much happier as a result, but I'm tempted to have a peak at how the far right talking heads respond to this. Will they ignore it, or will they proclaim it to be unfair treatment of a heroic peaceful protestor who has not been listened to enough?
Good. feck him. Possibly deserved more but 9 years is still pretty good.

I've avoided twitter the past few weeks and have been much happier as a result, but I'm tempted to have a peak at how the far right talking heads respond to this. Will they ignore it, or will they proclaim it to be unfair treatment of a heroic peaceful protestor who has not been listened to enough?
Probably the latter.

The cheek of this fecking guy. Beats up a black guy, shouts at a Syrian woman and calls another a 'terrorist slag' for wearing a keffiyeh, which he then forcefully removed from her, but in court he insisted he "should not be viewed as racist"!

Two years and four months in jail.

What is up with the judge?

Violent racist gets arrested and sentenced for being a violent racist, despite lying about being a peacemaker. Where is the 'genuine tragedy'?