Melodramatic, attention seeking space-attacker
Apparently from his new album 'Recovery'
It's amazing
It's amazing
It's anything but sounds like an old Backstreet boys song with someone pretending to be eminem rapping over it.... really isn't. It's the weakest Hip Hop song I've ever heard.
He shouldn't need those strings & reverb to manufacture grandiosity. Same song with an understated backing track and a gospel choir instead of vocal layering = good.
Em probably knows a little bit more than you when it comes to making music, that said a lot of his stuff is overproduced these days it seems, hell not even these days for the past several years. That was why I loved The Warning it was simple and he was mad
Doubt it.
At this point in his career, manufactured ambience is unnecessary posturing. He should try something new; maybe go for a low-key approach and let his lyricism do most of the work, with production emphasis on punctuating key passages instead of on creating atmosphere. His storytelling ability and delivery are more than strong enough to do that on their own.
Sure he has his signature symbiotic bond with the syncopated second downbeat marked by the same machine he's used since God-knows-when, but I'm sure with a little sleight-of-hand a good producer could get him a 'one-guy-in-a-room-with-just-his-mind-and-a-mic' sound without sacrificing any production value.
Em probably knows a little bit more than you when it comes to making music
The generation that bought all his music thinks Avril Lavigne is "hardcore punk rock", Hilary Duff has "a great voice", Ashlee Simpson is "a brilliant entertainer" and Simple Plan "the best rock band in the world".For me Eminem has just passed an entire decade of being ridiculously overated.
Still can't fathom how he's in most people's Top 10.
Especially when you compare him to the artists he's lined up with in those lists.
This is also the worst song I've heard from him.
No, it probably isn't, and it fairness I haven't heard all of his songs anyway.
But, it is pretty bad, at least in 95 I could listen to him and appreciate his choice of music, and his talent, but his direction, style and flow have become unlistenable.
What the feck is that beat as well?
Oh ffs, you and Mockers are on a wind up, so this is worse than 'just lose it' he's actually spitting some good ryhmes
Just enjoy it
Just enjoy it
Let’s be honest, that last Relapse CD was “ehhhh”
Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground
Just enjoy it
Look at me I sold 500k records, going on world tours, selling out arenas, yes I am paraphrasing but that is basically what I got from the first part, which makes it no different to what most other rappers say. Hip Hop artists used to at least try and express their feelings and say what was happening around them, now it is just who has the biggest crew, who wears the most gold and who "rolls on the fattest rims", no substance to it whatsoever. IMO.
Just lose it was more entertaining
In a choice between a stupid pop song that knows it's a stupid pop song and a stupid pop song that thinks its serious and important....I chose a) every time.
It also debatably had a better beat...since there wasn't an opportunity to stand up for a key change in an all white suit in that one.
Seriously Boss...that beat is an embarasment to Hip is the singing, I don't know how you can listen to it
So you basically didn't listen to it
Nah, as I say, just the first bit and then I lost the will to live. I gave up on Hip Hop many years ago. When I was younger I used to love it; Schooly D, BDP, Public Enemy, EPMD.
I stopped listening to newer stuff mid 90's and never really heard anything since that has made me change my mind about the newer stuff, granted I don't go out of my way to find it now.
But if you could introduce me to something decent I might give it a go, but if it is stuff like Eminem or Drake then I doubt I would be impressed.
...and they've clearly stop producing beats are having to live off the scraps of the pop charts
Very true....which is why I mostly listen to that and UK hip hop....occasionally popping into these threads to be patronising.
The flow is weird for me's that nu skool hip pop flow I don't like...maybe I'm just being resistant to change, but I can't really stand that kind of quicked up slightly shifted bar wise rap used for doing over pop or house stuff, it doesn't feel fluid.
He's not a patch on what he was when he rapping on stuff like's him making a rather weak beat irrelevant.