Emergency Board Meeting called to discuss the future of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

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Making ourselves an even bigger laughing stock, if being undecided is true they really are clueless.
They have NO INTENTION of sacking him. The briefings are happening for a reason.

The only way we get him out is via riot action, I’m being deadly serious.

These 4 are the pro-Ole contingent.
Name and shame, especially the 4th guy.
It means Zizou said no and Bodger is haggling over a January budget and his salary
It means they will give him a few more days break, no tweet anything, hide behind a pillow and hope things get better and he wins one game then all is forgotten

Nah, surely not.

Why go to the bother of calling an emergency board meeting if it wasn't to sack Ole?
Probably because the have no idea for a replacement. Same as before. Club totally unprepared. So in that sense I guess GNev is right.
Ole will be sacked but due to lack of options will be asked to take over as interim manager. Quite possible with our board no?
Undecided? How can you have a meeting after that and be undecided?

That’s like your wife shagging your dad and then shitting in your face and being undecided whether to dump her
They have NO INTENTION of sacking him. The briefings are happening for a reason.

The only way we get him out is via riot action, I’m being deadly serious.

Nah he's out. Else they wouldn't call a SECOND emergency board meeting.
What our board seems unable to understand is that there are about 100 managers out there more capable than Ole, who would probably accept a 6 month contract, with the wages we pay, if we can't find our ideal candidate now.

I mean there are no internationals till March, and no summer tournament. We can at least try with Mancini, who also has PL experience.
Still at the wheel :lol:

And what if Zidane says no? We stick it out with Ole? Should be gone regardless.
Yeah, Ole’s kind of win…totally dominated, saved by Schmeichel and being clinical. What an achievement !

He will be a failure here, will win a minor trophy at best and leave us in shambles in few years…

It will be a joke to hire a Liverpool failure who crumbles when it matters. But a yes man is all we deserve apparently…

I'm not going to talk through the match analysis, but that clearly isn't how the game went.

Having said that, I'm not a big fan of Rodgers myself, but the 'schooling' bit didn't quite happen for Tuchel went it mattered.
It's possible this is simply buying time to give them the opportunity to inform Ole and the staff in person tomorrow. And sort the announcements etc.

On the other hand, the board are fecking morons so who knows.
That's a really shitty way to look at it. An underdog put together on a much smaller budget needing their keeper to make saves to win a cup final, who can imagine. They beat Chelsea in the Cup Final literally 2 weeks before they won the CL Final. It is an achievement and something Ole has never done.
What will be shitty is to have him as a manager. He is not good enough. He showed he can’t cross the line every time it matters. Win a cup is fine but the league is bred and butter. He crumbled with Liverpool and two times with Leicester.
The biggest resistance to sacking him is the settlement. The glazers can't afford a large surprising expense right now with the stock price so vulnerable. They're trying to cash out at a higher price.

If they cared about the club they would have sacked him many games ago. But as you can see with their ulterior motive - they're trying to sell high.
It's ironic that the banisher of deadwoods has himself turned into one that we simply can't get rid of.

In the trophy room,
It's not too good,
Norwegian deadwood.
Can't we get Wenger till end of season?

Steve Bruce?

Giggs might be free in a couple weeks :eek:
The board should sack Ole and then fire themselves. The are completely useless. They have failed in their job.

They should have sacked Ole in September, when it was obvious that he cannot manage this team. But then they did not even sack him after the 0-5!!! Why? They missed on Conte and now there are no good options. They wasted this year for no reason at all. They are completely incompetent. Perhaps each of them is great in some other occupation in life, that's fine, but they are not fit to be in our board.
Mark my words...I will stand by them if I’m wrong...he has known he is gone for a long time...but he is staying on to avoid another interim manager situation when clearly the boards choices to replace him are not available.

I would imagine this will come out afterward...that he took one on the chin and continued on to buy the board time to get whoever it is they are chasing. He has said loads of times about honest and open conversations with the board and has cleverly worded it so as to say everyone is just focused on what’s best for the club.

I love the guy. This must be destroying him. He was never the man for the job and Ed should have always had a plan b. The whole situation is quite upsetting.
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