Elon Musk's epic bacon adventures

Me too. Not sure why I put "clearly" and "fairly" together. But it was definitely well-intentioned. More than likely an element of God complex in there too. He probably quite fancied being the knight in shining armour coming in to save the day. All the more so with him getting a lot of stick over his businesses recently.

Whatever, he evidently committed a fair bit of time/resources to try and help the rescue effort and I'm willing to accept he was mainly motivated by a desire to help the kids. That's because I believe people are more nuanced and generally well meaning than the one-dimensional monsters they tend to be portrayed as by assorted Twitter folk intent on taking them down. Yes, even very rich people.

The first paragraph I could more get on board with. The second, not so much. Did you read the article by his ex-wife? His more nuanced side is more nuances of narcissism.
The first paragraph I could more get on board with. The second, not so much. Did you read the article by his ex-wife? His more nuanced side is more nuances of narcissism.

Nope. I've never read anything by his ex-wife. I know very little about the bloke (as "weird fanboys" go, I'm obviously not a very good one). My only interest in him is because of the stuff his businesses are focused on. More effective use of renewable energy. I'm absolutely a fan of that sort of thing.

As far as this latest drama goes, I'm really arguing partly out of being a devil's advocate and partly because I have an issue with Twitter-fuelled pile-ons, where people get crucified by hordes of virtue-signalling bell-ends because of a few ill-advised tweets. It's possible he really is a vile, narcissistic shit-head who cares about nothing other than making himself stupendously wealthy. It's also possible he's a short-tempered but brilliant and well-intentioned businessman who cares deeply about the future of the planet. I don't know enough about the guy to be sure, one way or another. Although I'd say it's likely the truth is somewhere in between. It usually is.
Me too. Not sure why I put "clearly" and "fairly" together!

But it was definitely well-intentioned. More than likely an element of God complex in there too. He probably quite fancied being the knight in shining armour coming in to save the day with his team of actual rocket scientists. All the more so with him getting a lot of stick over his businesses recently.

Whatever, he evidently committed a fair bit of time/resources to try and help the rescue effort and I'm willing to accept he was mainly motivated by a desire to help the kids. That's because I believe people are more nuanced and generally well meaning than the one-dimensional monsters they tend to be portrayed as by assorted Twitter folk intent on taking them down. Yes, even very rich people.

His MO is to take on highly improbable ideas and get them through in ridiculously short time frames. He's been laughed at for every single one of his business ventures by a lot of people. I'm sure he absolutely believed that he could solve the problem. He soiled himself badly with the pedo comment though, especially given that Thailand is one of the World's best places for caving.

Dude is a narcissist though, quite an odd character. His ex wife said revealed some very unusual behaviour from him but nothing to mark him out as a total sociopath.
:lol: virtue signaling

Give it up pogue. If you are really concerned with pile ons you ought to consider what happens when a billionaire with a cult following says something like this to a guy who consults about public transit

:lol: virtue signaling

Give it up pogue. If you are really concerned with pile ons you ought to consider what happens when a billionaire with a cult following says something like this to a guy who consults about public transit

That's a good article but a weird tweet to promote it. He obviously intended to get a rise out of Musk to gain some exposure and it worked. He insulted Musk (says he has a hatred of sharing space with strangers; a "pathology") and got an insult in return, which will massively increase the circulation of his blog. Job done.

Obviously, the risk is provoking Musk's followers to give him shit in return but I'd say, on balance, the strategy worked for him overall.
That's a good article but a weird tweet to promote it. He obviously intended to get a rise out of Musk to gain some exposure and it worked. He insulted Musk (says he has a hatred of sharing space with strangers; a "pathology") and got an insult in return, which will massively increase the circulation of his blog. Job done.

Obviously, the risk is provoking Musk's followers to give him shit in return but I'd say, on balance, the strategy worked for him overall.

im it sure how that is an insult. It's a logical conclusion from the things musk promotes
This article is fantastic and its argument could/should be made more broadly. What he it says doesn't just apply to transportation. Its also the reason why Musk isn't anywhere near as impactful as his followers claim.
Nope. I've never read anything by his ex-wife. I know very little about the bloke (as "weird fanboys" go, I'm obviously not a very good one). My only interest in him is because of the stuff his businesses are focused on. More effective use of renewable energy. I'm absolutely a fan of that sort of thing.

It's linked somewhere in this thread I think. Or the Thai one.
Sharpen those pitchforks and make the rich man feel the power of your wrath!

Okay. Sure. No problem.

I mean, have you seen some of the sycophantic drones that follows him around? He linked his own apology to a sympathetic article posted by one of his fans FFS! He’s insulated himself into a bubble of justified arrogance.

So yeah, he should be called a prick when he’s being a prick. Maybe it’ll help. We’re doing God’s work. And if he picks up his ball and does a John Galt ‘cos everyone was so mean and wouldn’t accept him as their God-King, feck him.
A stupid (and pretty distasteful) comment he posted on twitter is what defines him. All his technological achievements count for nothing now. Even if he apologises it's probably insincere anyway, as was his attempt at trying to rescue kids.
A stupid (and pretty distasteful) comment he posted on twitter is what defines him. All his technological achievements count for nothing now. Even if he apologises it's probably insincere anyway, as was his attempt at trying to rescue kids.
Yes. Let's just lynch him and take all his money, close all his ''shady" businesses, and be done with it. Let's see how iron he will be then. I know.
A stupid (and pretty distasteful) comment he posted on twitter is what defines him. All his technological achievements count for nothing now. Even if he apologises it's probably insincere anyway, as was his attempt at trying to rescue kids.
What achievement... He didn't create PayPal, he didn't make SpaceX's engine, his underground tunnels and tube are fictional and only serve the rich, Japanese have done it better.

Tesla is potentially his only profitable company, they produce top quality batteries but EV is already an existing market. The technology for EV isn't there, there aint enough lithium to support mass electric car production and the tech itself needed to be replaced. They're also leading on car autopilot but it's still a gamble at this point and I'm sure Google, Microsoft, Uber and who the feck know how many smaller companies are on it. It's not like Tesla's clear front runner on anything, they've missed their delivery goals for a while now
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A stupid (and pretty distasteful) comment he posted on twitter is what defines him. All his technological achievements count for nothing now. Even if he apologises it's probably insincere anyway, as was his attempt at trying to rescue kids.
Is this a bait?
What technology achievement... He didn't create PayPal, he didn't make SpaceX's engine, his underground tunnels and tube are fictional and only serve the rich, Japanese has done it better.

Tesla is potentially his only profitable company, they produce top quality batteries but EV is already an existing market. The technology for EV isn't there, there aint enough lithium to support mass electric car production and the tech itself needed to be replaced.

They're also leading on car autopilot but I'm sure Google, Microsoft, Uber and who the feck know how many smaller companies are on it.

I don't think they're ahead on driverless cars mate. Musk is happy to play outside in public with the Tesla models but the Volvo versions of the same product are better. I'd imagine most car companies are in the same ballpark.

Musk is undoubtedly a phenomenal businessman but an absolute tool alongside it.
I don't think they're ahead on driverless cars mate. Musk is happy to play outside in public with the Tesla models but the Volvo versions of the same product are better. I'd imagine most car companies are in the same ballpark.
I meant to say they were the first to test it on their products.
What achievement... He didn't create PayPal, he didn't make SpaceX's engine, his underground tunnels and tube are fictional and only serve the rich, Japanese have done it better.

Tesla is potentially his only profitable company, they produce top quality batteries but EV is already an existing market. The technology for EV isn't there, there aint enough lithium to support mass electric car production and the tech itself needed to be replaced. They're also leading on car autopilot but it's still a gamble at this point and I'm sure Google, Microsoft, Uber and who the feck know how many smaller companies are on it. It's not like Tesla's clear front runner on anything, they've missed their delivery goals for a while now
How dare you. Elon Musk is a chief designer at his companies. Are you telling me that cars would work without Elon's totally original ideas? Put him right @Vato cars don't work without paint innit.
How dare you. Elon Musk is a chief designer at his companies. Are you telling me that cars would work without Elon's totally original ideas? Put him right @Vato cars don't work without paint innit.
No, I refuse. He's this week's person whose life needs to be ruined and everything he has ever done dismissed because of a tweet.
No, I refuse. He's this week's person whose life needs to be ruined and everything he has ever done dismissed because of a tweet.

Hardly one tweet. Even if you just mean this incident, it's two tweets. Plus, there's been ample evidence of him being a cnut in other tweets posted in this thread alone.
To be fair, his tweet tried to ruin someone's life and reputation as well. Or are baseless accusations of pedophilia ok when it's someone you think is ace?
To be fair, his tweet tried to ruin someone's life and reputation as well.
So this time two wrongs make a right? Even if he apologised for it the witchhunt needs to go on?
If we all got crucified for the times we lost our cool and posted something in anger, there wouldn't be many posters left in here. And yeah, I get that he's a public figure but we all make mistakes and deserve a second chance from time to time. I don't think we can even understand what kind of pressure a person like Elon Musk must be under most of the time. At least that's what I imagine. I really don't see the need in trying to completely ruin a person's lifework because of a tweet. I don't even specifically like the guy or anything, but just think that these modern internet crusades are a bit ridiculous and over the top. People don't have the ability to forgive anymore it seems.
So this time two wrongs make a right? Even if he apologised for it the witchhunt needs to go on?
If we all got crucified for the times we lost our cool and posted something in anger, there wouldn't be many posters left in here. And yeah, I get that he's a public figure but we all make mistakes and deserve a second chance from time to time. I don't think we can even understand what kind of pressure a person like Elon Musk must be under most of the time. At least that's what I imagine. I really don't see the need in trying to completely ruin a person's lifework because of a tweet. I don't even specifically like the guy or anything, but just think that these modern internet crusades are a bit ridiculous and over the top. People don't have the ability to forgive anymore it seems.
A wise man once said, “chat shit get banged”.
So this time two wrongs make a right? Even if he apologised for it the witchhunt needs to go on?
If we all got crucified for the times we lost our cool and posted something in anger, there wouldn't be many posters left in here. And yeah, I get that he's a public figure but we all make mistakes and deserve a second chance from time to time. I don't think we can even understand what kind of pressure a person like Elon Musk must be under most of the time. At least that's what I imagine. I really don't see the need in trying to completely ruin a person's lifework because of a tweet. I don't even specifically like the guy or anything, but just think that these modern internet crusades are a bit ridiculous and over the top. People don't have the ability to forgive anymore it seems.

There's only one wrong here and that's Musk making a basless claim that the guy is a paedo and thereby damaging his life and reputation.
No, I refuse. He's this week's person whose life needs to be ruined and everything he has ever done dismissed because of a tweet.

That tweet was an attempt from him to ruin someone else's life. He's got plenty of past behaviour of being a cock. Bizarre post.
There's only one wrong here and that's Musk making a basless claim that the guy is a paedo and thereby damaging his life and reputation.
That tweet was an attempt from him to ruin someone else's life. He's got plenty of past behaviour of being a cock. Bizarre post.
I agree that it was a disgusting thing to do. I haven't even followed the whole thing but read somewhere (here?) that the diver first accused Musk of making love with his submarine?

If it's true that's pretty low too surely considering he was just trying to help? Not defending Musk for his comment here but why don't we hear more about this?
I agree that it was a disgusting thing to do. I haven't even followed the whole thing but read somewhere (here?) that the diver first accused Musk of making love with his submarine?

If it's true that's pretty low too surely considering he was just trying to help? Not defending Musk for his comment here but why don't we hear more about this?

He told him to shove his submarine up his arse (or words to that effect) which is an incredibly common expression in the UK.
I agree that it was a disgusting thing to do. I haven't even followed the whole thing but read somewhere (here?) that the diver first accused Musk of making love with his submarine?

If it's true that's pretty low too surely considering he was just trying to help? Not defending Musk for his comment here but why don't we hear more about this?

Maybe it didn't happen? What seems to be reported is that he said it wouldn't be of any use (a PR stunt) and he could, and I'm parphrasing here, stick it up his arse.
oh man the little billionaires life is going to be ruined because people are pointing out that he is a sociopath who exploits workers and throws hissy fits when people don't treat him like a fecking messiah, won't someone think of the rich