Elon Musk's epic bacon adventures

Has he been a dick in twitter before the last couple of weeks? I follow him but don't remember much, however he has been shocking recently, worse than Donald.
I like how posters were defending him on here earlier and then after the pedo comment are no longer saying a word.
Is called a cnut - is defended vociferously by weirdo web fans - publically acts the total cnut - pause - Is called a cnut - is def...

I get that the world is scary and we just want our dad to save us from it. Musk, Trump, Peterson and the rest of these cnuts are not our dads. Unless they are in which case you have my humblest sympathy.

I genuinely believe that these types are propped up by fear more so than the more comforting idea; that of a new found layer of public stupidity which us smarties are immune to.

very stable genius
Just one screenshot? Cant find it on his feed. Screenshots are easy to fake.
Any credible source?
Just one screenshot? Cant find it on his feed. Screenshots are easy to fake.
Any credible source?

I posted them direct from his twitter feed in the cave rescue thread. They no longer show up so I assume he deleted them.
I get the argument being made about how his own creations/his own work could be good for humanity as a whole, even if he's a cnut himself, but what I don't get is people who're baffled at him getting called a cnut after tweets like the one that's been discussed here. Guy is quite clearly a bit of a knob, irrespective of how talented or important he may be. And his talent/importance shouldn't somehow excuse the fact he's clearly a knob.
Yeah, the diver can theoretically be the boogey man, but do you really want to go against a real life hero :lol:

Pick your fights, you fecking idiot.