Elon Musk | Owner of X and complete loser

I think Jordan Peterson's ban was for something like that, but I could be wrong.
He made it a big stand, because the ban would be reversed if he deleted one tweet, but he refused to delete, ranted on youtube, etc (and has now won)
Isn’t the problem not that you can’t make general claims like “only people with uteruses can be called women” etc etc but rather that you can’t target those sorts of things at individuals. Dead naming is (was?) banned I think.
Do you have any examples?

You've been hit by

You've been struck by

A smooth criminal DJ Jeff drive-by comment
He's still researching all those dogs murdered by the Canadian police.
It sounds like she’s disgusted he’s lied about something like that, which she has absolutely every right to be. It should be no surprise that they have no relationship to speak of given their daughter has openly disowned Elon already.
Depends, if what she's said is the truth then how are you going to blame her for publicly correcting a statement he made in public?
So even if it were true you'd rather she kept it a secret?

It depends how he's 'lied'. If he wasn't in the room, for example, then have at him - but if both parents are mourning the loss of a child in the same space, it's a bit churlish of one party to feel the need to specifically correct the other about such a detail. Assuming both were there, then it's not that unreasonable for them to both say they had been holding the child at the time of passing, even if technically only one of the parents could have been doing so. Just as it's not that unreasonable that either party may misremember the specific order and timings due to grief.

Some of the comments from his fanbois are qutie insufferable. Not sure which is more annoying now.

I really hope he does. Since being such a master coder, and genius inventer. Coding OS for mobile devices must be a cakewalk.
If he succeeds, it will give the industry the jolt they need to innovate. If he fails, it will give me immense joy.
Deleted my active account and created one with lists only: passive Twitter-as-a-glorified-news-bulletin now.
It's probably already been mentioned but I'm sad to see to Sam Harris leave his twitter account. Wherever you put him in the spectrum, he often talks a lot of sense and I am aware of some of the stuff he's said that's been considered controversial for good reasons.
This whole obsession with paedophilia is front and centre for right wing cranks at the moment. They’re weaponising it for political gain. Not ideal to see Musk has swallowed this agenda, hook line and sinker.
Given the fact they're all mostly nonces, is the highest irony.
It's probably already been mentioned but I'm sad to see to Sam Harris leave his twitter account. Wherever you put him in the spectrum, he often talks a lot of sense and I am aware of some of the stuff he's said that's been considered controversial for good reasons.

If even Sam Harris has had enough controversial "free speech", you know something is very wrong indeed. It was a surprisingly pointed statement by him.

The prevailing opinion among "free speech absolutists" appears to be that this platform, in order to become healthy, must helplessly publish the malicious lies of any maniac, at scale, regardless of the consequences.
Good luck with that.
— Sam Harris (@SamHarrisOrg) November 19, 2022
If even Sam Harris has had enough controversial "free speech", you know something is very wrong indeed. It was a surprisingly pointed statement by him.

From quitting Patreon because they banned Lauren Southern for being an actual sea pirate trying to block rescue ships, to quitting Twitter because they don't ban enough people. Interesting journey.
If even Sam Harris has had enough controversial "free speech", you know something is very wrong indeed. It was a surprisingly pointed statement by him.

Dont agree with his views and he hangs out with the intellectual dark web right wing virgins but good on him for seeing some sense for once.
Dont agree with his views and he hangs out with the intellectual dark web right wing virgins but good on him for seeing some sense for once.

He distanced himself from them years ago, they hate him now.

Interesting that he's managed to make himself persona non grata on both the left and the right - for very different reasons of course. I like his podcast though, he seems to me like a sensible dude for the most part.
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I feel dirty already, but that Tweet bij Elmo was in response to a picture about Madagascar wildlife which has been isolated for 88 million years or some such (easy to find in the thread) and he responds to that. This may be a bit farfetched?

I'm gonna take a shower now.
I feel dirty already, but that Tweet bij Elmo was in response to a picture about Madagascar wildlife which has been isolated for 88 million years or some such (easy to find in the thread) and he responds to that. This may be a bit farfetched?

I'm gonna take a shower now.

Not far fetched at all. Obvious, in fact. Always find it mad how people on Twitter rush to pile on someone without doing even the most basic of research. Instead of taking 5 seconds to read the tweet being responded to, they’ll spend 5 minutes screen grabbing to craft their “gotcha” tweet. So weird.
Not far fetched at all. Obvious, in fact. Always find it mad how people on Twitter rush to pile on someone without doing even the most basic of research. Instead of taking 5 seconds to read the tweet being responded to, they’ll spend 5 minutes screen grabbing to craft their “gotcha” tweet. So weird.
I meant calling it a nazi dog whistle is far fetched.

this will annoy some people; i cant wait for twitter to collapse

Revelling in a company collapsing and its employees becoming jobless… nice.

Anyway you’ll likely be waiting forever anyway.

A dislike for Musk is fine, your other view point there is likely as bad as anything you dislike him for