Elon Musk | Owner of X and complete loser

Why it is idiotic? Pretty much all companies at this stage are agreeing that work from home does not work that well, and are requesting employees to be 3-4 days at office. Same for anecdotal evidence, pretty much everyone I know agrees that they don’t work near as much from home as they do from office.

Everyone I know, bar one or two people, says the opposite.
When t'internet first became widespread we used it wisely for two minutes. Then it became a source of illegal music download and easy to access porn. Most of it unmonitored therefore underage I imagine. Matters were rectified.

I realise the human species have since got dumber but there are still enough brain cells around to rub together. There has to be a breaking point with technology where sensible heads finally get together and "do something about it".

It's not like the US is a technology issue. They have dumbed down their people and public discourse so far and are so trapped in their two party system, that you don't need elaborate (deep) fakes, you just flat out tell them what to believe and they'll buy it, even if it means that 1+1 has to equal 3 sometimes.. I think that if there is a way out of this it's probably through education, learning critical thinking at school.
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Why it is idiotic? Pretty much all companies at this stage are agreeing that work from home does not work that well, and are requesting employees to be 3-4 days at office. Same for anecdotal evidence, pretty much everyone I know agrees that they don’t work near as much from home as they do from office.
I think it's more CEOs looking at the five year leases they signed in Jan 2020 on million dollar a month offices in major cities and seeing no one in them tbh.
Productivity arguments I get, but claiming it’s morally wrong? :confused:

His point seems to be that working from home is an additional privilege that is afforded to people who are already privileged. So it’s morally wrong to create an even bigger divide in society. If you’re a janitor or cleaner at the offices which have emptied out, or work in a sandwich shop around the corner, then you haven’t seen any of the improvement in quality of life that the better paid employees have been enjoying since WFH became much more acceptable/popular.

Of course, we all know he’s just trying to be an edge lord. Regurgitating a lefty rant he read on Reddit.
I think it's more CEOs looking at the five year leases they signed in Jan 2020 on million dollar a month offices in major cities and seeing no one in them tbh.
also given the recent spate of layoffs all around employees are forced to work even harder and take on more responsibilities while also making themselves available outside the usual work hours.
I think it's more CEOs looking at the five year leases they signed in Jan 2020 on million dollar a month offices in major cities and seeing no one in them tbh.
If work from home would reduce the costs while increasing the margins, trust me, every company would go permanently to that. Companies care only about the profits (I think we can all agree on that) so if W4H brings more profits, they would do so. They want now people to work from office, because surprise surprise, people work more, harder and better from office which ultimately helps companies get higher margins.
If work from home would reduce the costs while increasing the margins, trust me, every company would go permanently to that. Companies care only about the profits (I think we can all agree on that) so if W4H brings more profits, they would do so. They want now people to work from office, because surprise surprise, people work more, harder and better from office which ultimately helps companies get higher margins.
I don't think productivity is the reason. I manage a team that were remote all through COVID and are split now between remote and hybrid. The hybrid workers waste up to 2.5hrs a day in commutes that they'd spend far more productively working at home.

The main benefit is in feeling human and that your colleagues are real people. You build personal connections in the office. When I go to the office, I actually get nothing done because I'm meeting people all day and working on personal relationships.
I don't think productivity is the reason. I manage a team that were remote all through COVID and are split now between remote and hybrid. The hybrid workers waste up to 2.5hrs a day in commutes that they'd spend far more productively working at home.

The main benefit is in feeling human and that your colleagues are real people. You build personal connections in the office. When I go to the office, I actually get nothing done because I'm meeting people all day and working on personal relationships.
Most big companies are very heavily data driven and very good at it. Pretty much all of them, independently from each other, have come to the same conclusion that working from office (at least a few days per week) is better than working from home.

For what is worth, the company I work on did this analysis and started giving hard requirement to work 3 days per week from office and soft requirements to work all the time from office. Their analysis showed that during covid, the productivity of teams who were already in place suffered just a bit. However, the productivity of teams with many newcomers, who do not know each other, was very low. Considering that in big tech companies, employees change place every 2-3 years, every team essentially becomes full of newcomers in 2-3 years, so the productivity suffers.

Again, if it wouldn’t be this way, they would not have pushed for people to come to offices. ‘Leasing the offices’ makes no sense, big tech companies (Apple in Cupertino, Google in Mountain View, Intel and Nvidia in Santa Clara, Meta in Palo Alto) own their offices. While they might lease some in other places, the majority of workers work in Silicon Valley.
Most big companies are very heavily data driven and very good at it. Pretty much all of them, independently from each other, have come to the same conclusion that working from office (at least a few days per week) is better than working from home.

For what is worth, the company I work on did this analysis and started giving hard requirement to work 3 days per week from office and soft requirements to work all the time from office. Their analysis showed that during covid, the productivity of teams who were already in place suffered just a bit. However, the productivity of teams with many newcomers, who do not know each other, was very low. Considering that in big tech companies, employees change place every 2-3 years, every team essentially becomes full of newcomers in 2-3 years, so the productivity suffers.

Again, if it wouldn’t be this way, they would not have pushed for people to come to offices. ‘Leasing the offices’ makes no sense, big tech companies (Apple in Cupertino, Google in Mountain View, Intel and Nvidia in Santa Clara, Meta in Palo Alto) own their offices. While they might lease some in other places, the majority of workers work in Silicon Valley.

While I don't think working from home full time is a good thing long term (I still think employees need to bond in real life), there's still a LOT of huge companies that consider that 2-3 day of WFH increases productivity. It's not all or nothing.
Most big companies are very heavily data driven and very good at it. Pretty much all of them, independently from each other, have come to the same conclusion that working from office (at least a few days per week) is better than working from home.

For what is worth, the company I work on did this analysis and started giving hard requirement to work 3 days per week from office and soft requirements to work all the time from office. Their analysis showed that during covid, the productivity of teams who were already in place suffered just a bit. However, the productivity of teams with many newcomers, who do not know each other, was very low. Considering that in big tech companies, employees change place every 2-3 years, every team essentially becomes full of newcomers in 2-3 years, so the productivity suffers.

Again, if it wouldn’t be this way, they would not have pushed for people to come to offices. ‘Leasing the offices’ makes no sense, big tech companies (Apple in Cupertino, Google in Mountain View, Intel and Nvidia in Santa Clara, Meta in Palo Alto) own their offices. While they might lease some in other places, the majority of workers work in Silicon Valley.
Can't really argue against data I don't know, so. I also see the value of occasional meetups in the office - I try to do it myself regularly even though I don't have to.
While I don't think working from home full time is a good thing long term (I still think employees need to bond in real life), there's still a LOT of huge companies that consider that 2-3 day of WFH increases productivity. It's not all or nothing.
Yeah, I think a balance might be the best. Not neccesarly the best for productivity, but the best combination of work-life balance and productivity. I tend to take Thursday off, and at times Wednesday. I do feck all on those days, but I guess that's fine, as long as I work enough in the other days.
So you agree that calling it morally wrong is idiotic, then? Why are you still defending him? He doesn't know who you are, he's not going to invite you to his house.
Why are you criticising him on the Caf? Not like he frequents here?
OP is allowed to get what Musk is on about and agree with him. It's hardly defending him, just holding a similar point of view.
Yeah, any variation of that one is deffo one of the two.
Bigotry aside, what do they think the word "pronoun" means? Did they just "learn" it in connection with the trans debate and think it only means something in that context?
Bigotry aside, what do they think the word "pronoun" means? Did they just "learn" it in connection with the trans debate and think it only means something in that context?

That is pretty hilarious tbh :lol:

Clearly similar to how some people on the right think woke is some blanket term to be applied to anything they don’t like to their left.
Why are you criticising him on the Caf? Not like he frequents here?
OP is allowed to get what Musk is on about and agree with him. It's hardly defending him, just holding a similar point of view.

Who said he wasn't allowed to agree with him? You can hold whatever your opinion you want, and I can call you out on it if I feel it's fair. In this case he jumped to Musk's defense before quickly agreeing that the main part of it, clearly the part that the original poster had a problem with, was obviously wrong. Revan has a history on here of defending Musk to a sometimes embarrassing degree.

To his credit he does sometimes see through Musk, and he used to be a lot more adamant about defending him.
Why it is idiotic? Pretty much all companies at this stage are agreeing that work from home does not work that well, and are requesting employees to be 3-4 days at office. Same for anecdotal evidence, pretty much everyone I know agrees that they don’t work near as much from home as they do from office.
Man I love being able to post conjecture without having to back it up. It's what makes the caf great.
That is pretty hilarious tbh :lol:

Clearly similar to how some people on the right think woke is some blanket term to be applied to anything they don’t like to their left.
It doesn't even need to be to their left, just something that annoys them slightly for no apparent reason. I mate told me he heard a guy at the beach saying the city has gone woke because they put more trash bins at the beach. Insanity.
it’s not really that complicated. take away the govt subsidies he received and his father’s diamond fortune and he is nothing more than a bald twat who rages like an incel.

You're being too reductionist, and you probably know it yourself.
Why it is idiotic? Pretty much all companies at this stage are agreeing that work from home does not work that well, and are requesting employees to be 3-4 days at office. Same for anecdotal evidence, pretty much everyone I know agrees that they don’t work near as much from home as they do from office.

Do you have anything to back up the claim in bold?
Everyone I know, bar one or two people, says the opposite.

The way I look at it, seasoned executives/engineers/PM's etc can work as productively from home as from the office. If they've got the work discipline and work ethic that is.

Younger employees, who don't know their ass from their elbow (talking about finance, law, startups) need to be in the office to learn from seasoned employees. If you're a junior trader / investment banker/ lawyer / marketing person you really better off showing up in the office to learn from your seasoned colleagues - that's obvious.

Morality's got nothing to do with it