Gaming Elden Ring - Fromsoftware

Ooh matron. I might try dual twinblades for a bit then as I already have them. Will stick bloody slash on one of em.

Dual blades with bloodloss is completely broken, especially if you've got a mimic tear. I've got two gargoyle twinblades + 24 with something like 120 blood loss on each. It just shreds things with jump attacks. Add the mimic tear and its almost impossible to lose.
Eurgh. These Gargoyles are giving me Dark Souls flashbacks. Absolute nightmare fighting 2 at once.
That fight was a nightmare for me. I was out of flasks and got killed but managed to get a hit in myself which dropped the last one, very lucky!

I'm at the Consecrated Snowfield and that fecking Death Rite Bird is such a poorly designed pain in the arse boss.
Q for From Software vets: Really enjoyed Elden Ring but my save file corrupted at Fire Giant and I can't go through it again.
I see Seikiro is on sale on Steam - never played - should I give that a go?
Q for From Software vets: Really enjoyed Elden Ring but my save file corrupted at Fire Giant and I can't go through it again.
I see Seikiro is on sale on Steam - never played - should I give that a go?
I’ve only played BB and ER and I am thoroughly enjoying Sekiro.
Q for From Software vets: Really enjoyed Elden Ring but my save file corrupted at Fire Giant and I can't go through it again.
I see Seikiro is on sale on Steam - never played - should I give that a go?

Its easily my favourite From game, the combat is just incredible as you reach the final run in of the game, From haven't hit those heights before or since. However there's no build variety and relatively little exploration, so it also depends on what you want from the game.
Adore the Soulsborne games and Elden Ring but never had an urge to play Sekiro. Saw footage of a boss fight where you fight two giant apes and thought; "Nope. That's ridiculous."
Q for From Software vets: Really enjoyed Elden Ring but my save file corrupted at Fire Giant and I can't go through it again.
I see Seikiro is on sale on Steam - never played - should I give that a go?
Yes, it's brilliant, though very different. There is only one playstyle, though that one playstyle as a result, is much more refined. The difficulty is also brutal, but the balance is better. One of those games that you can truly master in the sense that a boss seems impossible at first, but by the end you can defeat him flawlessly.
I'm trying to 1vs1 Radagon and Elden beast without a spirit summon as a sorcery build. It's really hard, though not impossible, unlike the Godskin duo on whom I just caved and summoned anyway. That fight simply isn't designed to fight solo it seems.
Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree is an OP place, everything wants you dead inside one or two hits. Gank city more like.

Its a lovely looking area with some good exploration ruined by the enemy choice and placement. Its like they originally wanted to have unique enemies for the area but ran out of time and just reused enemies from previous areas but doubled or tripled the numbers & hit points to make it feel end game.
But the world doesn't create the gameplay, the player and the games mechanics do. Even BoTW is just a sandbox, it just happens to be the most flexible sandbox available.

Many people bounce off that with similar complaints as yours towards ER. The problem you seem to having is comparing apples and oranges.

The world in ER is purposely sparse and "bare". The big event happened years a go and your exploring the dying embers of that world. Similar to almost all Souls games. Based on your tastes I don't think any From game is going to be your cup of tea. There are some common trends that go through all their games, Sekiro may be the exception but still has an awful lot of similarities at the same time.

This. If you are completely unfamiliar with FROM games, i get that the world might feel barren and desolate, but thats the mood they go for in all of these games so if you are expecting a busy, living world with towns and questboards and shit, this might feel a bit alien.

And while i do agree that the open world feels quite empty at times, its also worth keeping in mind that it also rewards exploration big time. Some of the best items in the game (weapons, ashes, upgrade stones etc) are found hidden on the overworld map and not behind some big boss in a big castle

I can understand that some people prefer the more linear style of the Dark Souls games, but its pros and cons on both. I found that an open world have given ER much better replay value than previous titles since the freedom you have now allows for much more variety at the start of the game where as the older titles forced you down the same path again and again
I fecking hate gargoyles. Those two and Black Blade Kindred can feck right off.

And the Death Rite Bird in Snowfield. Feck him too

Summoned someone in and beat them last night. Felt bad because they died just before I finished them off so they wouldn't have got a reward. :(
Its a lovely looking area with some good exploration ruined by the enemy choice and placement. Its like they originally wanted to have unique enemies for the area but ran out of time and just reused enemies from previous areas but doubled or tripled the numbers & hit points to make it feel end game.
Yeah that's what it seems like. It's a shame because like you say it's a lovely looking area.

I managed to get through it anyhow and have reached the dreaded Melenia :nervous:
Got the platinum trophy the other day, one of the easier ones to be fair, now going for max level, going to be a grind but should be fun to complete all the NG.

Great game.
It really is a great game. I'm quite happy taking my time, doing an hr or 2 a night just soaking up the world and exploring all the nooks and crannies. Part of me doesn't want it to end so I'm quite plodding along.

Was focusing on Ranni's quest last night and got as far as flipping that tower upside down, tried to cross the bridge at the top/bottom and some fat guy gave me a pasting.
It really is a great game. I'm quite happy taking my time, doing an hr or 2 a night just soaking up the world and exploring all the nooks and crannies. Part of me doesn't want it to end so I'm quite plodding along.

Was focusing on Ranni's quest last night and got as far as flipping that tower upside down, tried to cross the bridge at the top/bottom and some fat guy gave me a pasting.

You can run past him on your horse and go into the tower. He’s one of the most bullshit non-boss enemies in the entire game.
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I've completely missed loads of the side quests.
How many of you are using guides or have you just stumbled on them naturally?
I decided to go for the Platinum now rather than come back to it. These games are sometimes difficult to come back to after a long break, so I may as well do it now. The only thing is, I didn't save scum so I'm going to have to do it the natural way, ie., go through the game again. Thankfully, I can probably just run through it rather quickly.

I've been spending a lot of time helping people kill bosses, recently. Mainly, Commander Niall, Melania, and Mohg Lord of Blood. I think I got about 60 rune arcs!
I've completely missed loads of the side quests.
How many of you are using guides or have you just stumbled on them naturally?

I’ve stumbled on a side quest by pure chance so as a result, I’m occasionally backtracking to older areas to see if anything’s changed, especially when a major boss is defeated.

The Souls games are full of stuff like that, but when applying an open world to it and you’re aware it’s like that, you are tempted to examine every square inch of the map.
I've completely missed loads of the side quests.
How many of you are using guides or have you just stumbled on them naturally?
You have to use guides for quests, to be honest.

The majority of them are painfully obtuse. Ranni's is ridiculous.
I’ve stumbled on a side quest by pure chance so as a result, I’m occasionally backtracking to older areas to see if anything’s changed, especially when a major boss is defeated.

The Souls games are full of stuff like that, but when applying an open world to it and you’re aware it’s like that, you are tempted to examine every square inch of the map.

I've stumbled on a few but I keep hearing about Ranni's and I've not done that.

You have to use guides for quests, to be honest.

The majority of them are painfully obtuse. Ranni's is ridiculous.

I gathered as much
I decided to go for the Platinum now rather than come back to it. These games are sometimes difficult to come back to after a long break, so I may as well do it now. The only thing is, I didn't save scum so I'm going to have to do it the natural way, ie., go through the game again. Thankfully, I can probably just run through it rather quickly.

I've been spending a lot of time helping people kill bosses, recently. Mainly, Commander Niall, Melania, and Mohg Lord of Blood. I think I got about 60 rune arcs!
It took me 5 play throughs to get platinum because I am an idiot.

I was on play through 4 and only had one boss left. Thought I activated it by killing Fia but no that ends the questline.
It took me 5 play throughs to get platinum because I am an idiot.

I was on play through 4 and only had one boss left. Thought I activated it by killing Fia but no that ends the questline.

Feck that.

Obviously, I've already got the one ending, so when I get to the point of no return for the other two, I'll just make a save. I'm not doing three playthroughs. I love the game, but not that much. The only reason I decided to go for the platinum is that it's relatively easy (definitely the easiest FromSoftware platinum), and I already had most of the trophies.

Although, annoyingly, I couldn't get the armaments trophy on the first playthrough because I got locked out of the one weapon due to progressing the story too far.
So now that I've finished most of this, I like to just help out people with the hard bosses, but Elden Ring has been balanced in such a way that for some boss fights, using player summons just makes them much harder. The Radagon / Elden Beast fight is exponentially more difficult with 3 people than it is with just a spirit summon, since the latter doesn't add a metric feckton of HP to a boss that's already a massive damage sponge. Add to that the extremely erratic AoE's Radagon does when he's switching aggro all the time, just makes it that much more annoying. Without others I can now basically beat Radagon with a blindfold on, but with others I constantly get clipped by an AoE that changes direction at the last second.

Due to a disasterous rage-quit-related lost save file, I've started again as the Elden Ring itch is strong. Gotta say, round 2 is so much more fun, wish I'd approached it this way the first time. I crept about always avoiding fights until I could master them, stuck in areas clearing them out only to be rewarded with a mushroom and so forth. This time I'm blitzing through, levelling when needed and getting killed all the time, but not fixated on it. Also impressive how much stuff I missed the first time (was at Fire Giant) - entire areas!

Am melee this time (arc/dex) and finding it way more fun than sorcerer.
Finished Ranni's quest just now. Don't think I'll be using the reward from it though. Also don't think I'll be hanging around in that godawful Lake of Rot area. Altus Plateau next I guess...
Finished Ranni's quest just now. Don't think I'll be using the reward from it though. Also don't think I'll be hanging around in that godawful Lake of Rot area. Altus Plateau next I guess...

You finished it before making Altus Platesu? You will be so OP
I've been to Altus Plateau already, just haven't really explored it much because I've been concentrating on this quest. Don't mind being a touch OP for a while :lol: I think I'm level 85.

More thinking about the somber smiting stones and spirit ashes you can pick up in the areas. If you have a weapon that used somber the rest of the game should be a breeze.
I just beat the final boss! And then as I was on a high I went and smacked the piss out of that stupid Death Rite Bird in the Consecrated Snowfield. Now to clean up the rest of bosses I missed before NG+1...

The final boss was a right pain in the arse...
Radagon was tough enough, but then to have to deal with that stupid floaty thing... it became a game of patience, dodging and hitting at the right time. Tedious.
Due to a disasterous rage-quit-related lost save file, I've started again as the Elden Ring itch is strong. Gotta say, round 2 is so much more fun, wish I'd approached it this way the first time. I crept about always avoiding fights until I could master them, stuck in areas clearing them out only to be rewarded with a mushroom and so forth. This time I'm blitzing through, levelling when needed and getting killed all the time, but not fixated on it. Also impressive how much stuff I missed the first time (was at Fire Giant) - entire areas!

Am melee this time (arc/dex) and finding it way more fun than sorcerer.

If you really want to blitz through the early game, go to behind Redmane Castle and pick up Flaming Strike. Its a suberb AoW and more importantly, it allows you to put fire scaling on your weapon which is incredible at the start since you can invest your stats into health/endurance.

And if you really want to go fast:
Finish Varres questline which gets you to Moghs palace. Run back to the grace at the cliffs. Hands down the best rune farming spot in the game
More thinking about the somber smiting stones and spirit ashes you can pick up in the areas. If you have a weapon that used somber the rest of the game should be a breeze.

Ah ok. I'm quite happy dual wielding +14 twinblades at the moment although I have now got the Nagibata and the Moonveil Katana's so might respec and give those a whirl at some point. Are any of the great/boss weapons actually any good? Seems like a fair few are strength based and I'm not playing sorceror this time around so any of that ilk are useless to me as well.

Also I should say, when I said Altus Plateau, I just meant continue on the main story quest for a bit which seems to have lead me into Lyndell anyway. There is an area North West of Altus which I don't have the map for yet. I went across a broken bridge and reached a dead end. Assume I'm missing something?
Ah ok. I'm quite happy dual wielding +14 twinblades at the moment although I have now got the Nagibata and the Moonveil Katana's so might respec and give those a whirl at some point. Are any of the great/boss weapons actually any good? Seems like a fair few are strength based and I'm not playing sorceror this time around so any of that ilk are useless to me as well.

Also I should say, when I said Altus Plateau, I just meant continue on the main story quest for a bit which seems to have lead me into Lyndell anyway. There is an area North West of Altus which I don't have the map for yet. I went across a broken bridge and reached a dead end. Assume I'm missing something?

A ladder should be on the cliff face near that broken bridge.