Ah bless, he has to block me cause he can't hold a debate against me
Right, where to start with ripping apart your sentiments, here....we...go
Times have indeed changed, but unless you were in favor of sacking Ferguson or over ruling him to the point of installing a DoF above him then little could change with him there, could it?
Next bold part - Yes it is indeed 6 years, but he inherited an absolute shit show from Ferguson and Gill by having Moyes as manager. On top of that the team badly, badly needed to be rebuilt as Fergie left an ageing team with I believe nearly 10 players aged 29 and older, some like Scholes and Giggs were pushing 40 FFS!
Again, yes it is 6 years and yes you are a spoiled brat no more and no less. You and I and millions of others grew up in a time with a world class manager that stayed at the club 3 decades just about and that will never happen again, at any club with that level of success. But many think its perfectly normal to expect that constantly and United shouldn't be without titles for any period of time.... NEWFLASH... We went 40 years without a title pre Busby, then another 27 from Busby to Ferguson.
We've not ever been a team to consistently challenge for leagues...EVER. Sorry to completely burst your bubble but that's the absolute cold, harsh facts laid bare! It's a competitive league and runs in cycles, always has and always will.
As for your sentiments about "top coaches"... Both are considered top coaches. I dislike Jose, but reality is he is considered a top coach. That was your statement, you said we can't attract top coaches which is BS! We can and have!
Nice spin on your narrative too by applying hindsight to enforce your idiotic sentiments. When Jose was hired many believed we would do a 180 and return to being successful, but let me guess in all your infinite wisdom you didn't want him or believe that? You never wanted Jose
There's so much wrong with your little list
paying Fellaini over his clause -
This is what happens when Moyes dithers all summer long chasing unrealistic targets and backs you into a corner on D-Day. You are bargaining from the losing side, its playing a losing hand.
hiring 3 desperados on the last day of transfer window to close Herrera deal and then briefing they weren't there for us -
The Spanish lawyers?
He was new to the job, of course issues would happen, do you not blame Gill in anyway for our failing structure? Where is your vehement hatred towards him for tucking tail and running and not assisting the new hire? Nah, just easier for simpletons like you to just pass the blame to Ed.
not getting any value for our players -
Where would we get value on them? 

Did you expect world record fees for border line obese Anderson who needed an oxygen tank on the side of the pitch after his transfer? Did you expect big fees for injury prone Rafael or RVP? Oh maybe we should of demanded a world record fee for squad level players like Cleverly and Welbeck who demanded 1st team football over RVP & Rooney and forced a move. The players moved on for the most part were not worthy of big fees and reality is this, if they aren't cutting it at United and going to smaller clubs, its simple common sense that we will lose out on fees. But common sense seems a foreign concept to you.
overpaying every single one -
Same as above but in reverse. Players are moving to a bigger club, they know we have the funds and agents demand it. But to state "everyone" is utter bollicks. No we didn't over pay on every single one as you put it.
wages all over the place -
That is as much on the manager as it is him. Again I've given the example of if a manager is demanding a player to be signed or stay, as CEO he has to be seen to support his appointment / manager doesn't he? So in your wee list here you prove my point you blame Ed for supporting AND...NOT supporting the manager.
- a team with no identity whatsoever -
How in the feck is the team on him? Is it his fault players can't cross? Is it his fault players can't finish? He allowed his appointments (LVG / Jose) to role out their own identities.
hiring Ole who never operated on this level with the support of Phelan? -
Suppose you think Real are a joke too by hiring ZZ? Maybe Barca were morons as well for giving the job to Pep? Oh Chelsea too now appointing Lampard? Worst sentiment of the lot this.
leaving Herrera deal to expire because Jose didn't fancy him, but Ole clearly does -
He didn't leave it at all, Herrera was a sneaky feck who wanted out for ages. Help if you knew what you were on about a bit. As per his interview here, he admits last March that he already had an offer and was unlikely to renew well over a year ago. So reality is, he had an offer 2 years ago and wanted out. https://www.mundodeportivo.com/futb...-premier-league-messi-cristiano-valverde.html
giving extension to Mourinho and not backing him when he was already in meltdown -
Why are you ignoring everything that happened prior to that?
Why are you ignoring his embarrassing Sevilla failure? His disgusting post match interview where he humiliated the club and promoted himself? What about Jose admitting he couldn't motivate players publicly through April and May? What about Jose publicly supporting the renewal of Fellaini's contract and weaking the clubs power in said discussions?? Most importantly here, we get plebs like you then blaming Woodward for him staying!!! What about Jose giving an interview in the US and telling supporters not to attend matches? Jesus, you've some warped fecking head and are full blown biased and have a skewed, ill informed agenda.
briefing the press behind his back or basically going in the season doomed to fail -
WTF are you on about here even? This is the biggest load of BS! If you want to talk about leaks to the press, What about Mendes (Jose's agent) leaking the news of LVG's sacking right after he won the FA Cup?
Jose went public and stated himself outright in interviews that he already had wrote off the season - https://www.independent.ie/sport/so...ike-everyone-else-says-mourinho-37342611.html.
What kind of message is that as manager to give to your players? How in the feck is that Woodwards fault?
Meanwhile Poch who didn't get a single player at all, made a champions league final.
stating that our performance on the pitch don't have relation to money making which is the dumbest thing I heard ever -
Well, matter of fact it didn't. If we had succeeded on field our revenues would of just increased further is all. On field we failed, meanwhile our revenues continued to grow because Ed and business side were doing their job. Pity our fecking managers didn't follow suit!
The irony and double standards in your last line, brilliant...absolutely brilliant. You are completely, utterly brainwashed and a lost cause and clearly extremely ill informed as you've posted things here that I've disproved.
A very simple question, do you honestly believe that if Ed is removed from the role of CEO, We will become successful again?