E3 2011

I can't wait for this to end, they would need Shenmue 3 to even salvage anything from this conference and I'm more likely to win the lottery than that.
New machines are always worth bothering with. Even if it's only crappy teaser videos.

I'll read up on the details later, or most likely tune in right in the end when they'll most likely make the announcement. I can't stomach a Nintendo conference in its entirety.
I'm still baffled by that "scan your favourite car" thing.

Really, microsoft..really?
The Fable game looked like a specific kinect based on rails shooter, but i don't even want to think about what they're going to stick onto Mass Effect.

So far, it is the utterly pointless "say your reply out loud" as opposed to push in the appropriate direction and press a button. Revolutionary.

The other part it showed was ordering your team mates around during battle.
Brilliant so not only does Kinect make you look like an idiot but it now makes you sound like one as well.

Yes. You talk to the tv, then Shephard says something completely different. Incredible stuff.