E3 2011

Jesus christ I would say 99% of the people at E3 or watching it could give two shits about games like that.
Shit got real, there was an audible gasp from the nerdy 30 somethings that used to practise swinging light sabers around in their frontrooms when that came up.
For people who like this kind of thing and have bought Kinect already there is going to be lot coming out for them.

It will do even better this xmas. I still will never buy it. Sucks for those of us who dont want to jump around their sitting room. Looks like we are getting left out

:lol: at Microsoft performing marketing suicide.

Don't think I can post links here but reading the reactions of Xbox gamers at GT and XBoxAchievements makes it doubly :lol:
This is seriously making me consider selling my Xbox. If it were not for Gears of War 3 I probably would.
On the bright side this is over in 10 mins.

I just hope Sony don't spend the whole conference flapping on Move, I won't hold my breath though. Won't even bother with the Nintendo conference.