But the ongoing, never ending Gaitan already a done deal rumors, just prove my point that much of what gets published this time of year is totally untrue and there is no fire, just a lot of smoke being blown around.
Every summer we get linked to around 100 players, no way there are 100 fires to go with them.
We have already had stories this summer of Conte being ready to quit, Rafa ready to quit at Newcastle, but very little of substance behind them. The same holds true with this story. It began as a made up opinion by de Brun based on such things as the tone of Ed's voice in an interview, within 24 to 48 hrs suddenly all sorts of journo's are repeating the story as if they have some inside sources. So it is not inconceivable, but if you pay attention to how the story unfolded and where it started, it is easy to see there very well could be smoke without a fire.