Dubai a contender to buy Man Utd

A private entity with the money required to buy us will always have extremely strong ties to a state. I don't see a big difference. Even in a lot of western countries, corporations have an enormous influence on the legislative or diplomatic process.

Direct ownership of a state is a different thing. The person sitting in the owners box matters. Human rights matter.
Can't we get bought by one of those good countries, you know, like... Iceland?

*waits for someone to tell me how evil Iceland is*

eaters of Rudolph and puffins. Also have volcanos - quite possibly housing super villains. Produced Bjork. How much more evil can you get?
Indeed. Pretty obvious to suggest potential Middle East buyers are in the frame if United might be put up for sale. Also sure we'll get linked with billionaires from China, the US and god knows where else in time.

Incoming Jack Ba links. Old Trafford to be renamed Stadium AliBaba. No more pies. Only bao buns.
Cover me in baby oil and sign up Mbappe - I’m sold!
Direct ownership of a state is a different thing. The person sitting in the owners box matters. Human rights matter.
Like I said, I've seen very little objection towards the glazers funding one of the most evil (measured by the amount of damage they do to the number of lives, ie deaths & displacement) institutions in the world, the GOP.

This isn't whataboutism, it's about people having double standards, because they're either unaware or because one is western, the other brown.

If you're moaning about a midget oil state's human rights abuses, and want us sold because of badly we're run and not because we're owned by republican affiliated oligarchs, you're being a hypocrite.

If you've always cared about the Glazers connection to the GOP and that is your primary reason for wanting them gone, then fair play, but we both know that's not the majority of people wanting the glazers out.

And as I've previously stated, there is almost no one on the planet with the necessary amount of wealth to buy United, that isn't a scumbag.

For those unaware (or in denial)about my premise, add up the death toll from the Iraq and Afghan invasion and the deaths caused by Covid denial and see how they stack up against the genocides committed by Russia and China in the last 20 years.
A private entity with the money required to buy us will always have extremely strong ties to a state. I don't see a big difference. Even in a lot of western countries, corporations have an enormous influence on the legislative or diplomatic process.

You don't see the difference between, say, an american billionaire and an investment fund owned and run by a state?
You don't see the difference between, say, an american billionaire and an investment fund owned and run by a state?
With the american billionaire making money off bombing civilians all across the world ?

There's no saint here.
"yeah let's buy this club to curry favor amongst their politicians and launder our horrible reputation... What's that, they're in our pockets already? They sell us weapons? ... They let us buy real estate??... you know what we could use? Some fans who argue on the Internet on our behalf... 3.4B, write the check"

This is correct.
If this happens, would City's PL titles "count" again or would United's future titles not count? Asking for a friend.
For the record, I would be against this take over for United.

But the Manchester City contention is about a number of issues. Such as alleged fake sponsorships, hidden spending effectively leading to unlimited spending and throwing money at lawyers to avoid having to adhere to FFP rules. All alongside the human rights abuses of the UAE.

See below.
Post a tweet suggesting <insert foreign buyer of substantial wealth and questionable morality here> is a contender to buy United, get lots of clicks.

It's almost as if the media know exactly how to play the United fanbase. They're in our heads :nervous:
What will happen to assets owned by these emirates when the oil runs out or people stop wanting it, which will happen in the next 30 years. They’re rich now on oil, but without oil it’s a small patch of sand that keeps it’s residents quiet by waving taxes because they can fill it in with oil revenue.
Asking the questions that plastic city fans never did.
You're not going to get morally spotless billionaire owners.

The Glazers have stolen billions from the working class, the United fans.

If we're gonna have asshole owners I'd rather have some who invest in the club instead of taking money out.

I somewhat agree.
An ideal owner would be the fans.
fans had the chance to own the club before the Glasers hostile takeover. It’s never going to be fan owned, a complete pipe dream that every proposed buyer is judged against.
Both owned by an emirate nation, Manchester city and Manchester United finally put their differences to become one super club, under their new name symbolizing the merging of the two clubs: Manchester United.

Dubai is a tyranny who jails journalists for searching for truth.

Like I said, I've seen very little objection towards the glazers funding one of the most evil (measured by the amount of damage they do to the number of lives, ie deaths & displacement) institutions in the world, the GOP.

This isn't whataboutism, it's about people having double standards, because they're either unaware or because one is western, the other brown.

If you're moaning about a midget oil state's human rights abuses, and want us sold because of badly we're run and not because we're owned by republican affiliated oligarchs, you're being a hypocrite.

If you've always cared about the Glazers connection to the GOP and that is your primary reason for wanting them gone, then fair play, but we both know that's not the majority of people wanting the glazers out.

And as I've previously stated, there is almost no one on the planet with the necessary amount of wealth to buy United, that isn't a scumbag.

For those unaware (or in denial)about my premise, add up the death toll from the Iraq and Afghan invasion and the deaths caused by Covid denial and see how they stack up against the genocides committed by Russia and China in the last 20 years.
It is whataboutism. Sorry. I don't care the colour of the skin of who owns us (mixed raced myself) or who they . I just do not want a state owned entity owning us. Is that so incredibly hard to understand?
The xenophobia whenever any middle Eastern owners are mentioned is hilarious. The Western nations are the biggest murders in the world but oh no not some brown people. So transparent.
Hard truth.

The western billionaires have made a tonne of money financing and profiting from wars all across the world.
Sure, I think it's clear where we'll disagree here. No point in rehashing the same old ethics argument that goes around in circles anytime a rumour like this pops up - its a personal judgement at the end of the day ey.

I'd personally be gutted if we were bought by any of these dodgy regimes, but appreciate many see it differently.

Everyone with that kind of money is dodgy.
I'm aware, I'm gay.

It's undeniable Emirates is less crap than Saudi Arabia on a wide range of issues. You're just repeating what I saw with regards to that being a low bar.

We're owned by Republican donors, who would be fine (and have been in the past) with the same funamentalist nonsense as long as they keep their low taxes, subsidies and deregulated business.

The people the Glazers are in bed with have done far more damage to far more people on a global scale (and probably within the US population alone) than Dubai ever could.

The difference is the Glazers own us to turn a short term profit. The arabs are likely to have a less myopic game plan.

Whoever has amassed the wealth needed to buy is in 99,9% of cases, complete and utter human garbage.

Finding a less scummy person/institution than Dubai to get us out from under the glazers is a relatively unimportant consideration to me.

Quite shocked at how many people would be okay with this. You will never be able to troll oil clubs again.

And there's the whole oppresive oil state stuff.
If Dubai buys us, technically we will be a tourist/financial club, not an oil club. Oil contributes to less than 1% of Dubai’s GDP.

I was basically going to say the same thing.
Indeed. Pretty obvious to suggest potential Middle East buyers are in the frame if United might be put up for sale. Also sure we'll get linked with billionaires from China, the US and god knows where else in time.
let's hope not the billionaires who own the Mail though!
I'd rather see United be used as a cash cow by the Glazers than see it become a PR firm for a dictatorship. I want rid of the Glazers, but there are worse things.
Dubai, UAE, USA, UK... All the same shit beast on this earth..

Yemen is getting drowned in UK bombs daily via Saudi, the middle east has been flattened numerous times by the US and the UK and for no good reason other than lies and media propaganda. Could Dubai etc step up and come into the 21st century in regards to womens and LGBT rights? Of course they could and they should but to paint the UK in any better light is just kidding yourself.
Everyone with that kind of money is dodgy.

Sure, but there's a difference between a Musk or Radcliffe and a Putin or Kim Jong for example, im sure you'd agreee.

It's far from black and white 'Billionaire = Bad'
There’s a difference between being owned by unscrupulous individuals who belong to one state or the other, and the actual states themselves… It seems almost stupefyingly obvious to point this out before the “OMG you hypocrites, what about X!?” becomes all encompassing…

It would be absolutely insane for Manchester United to be owned outright by the United States of America, and I’m pretty sure everyone would be against it. But we’re not.
Dubai, UAE, USA, UK... All the same shit beast on this earth..

Yemen is getting drowned in UK bombs daily via Saudi, the middle east has been flattened numerous times by the US and the UK and for no good reason other than lies and media propaganda. Could Dubai etc step up and come into the 21st century in regards to womens and LGBT rights? Of course they could and they should but to paint the UK in any better light is just kidding yourself.

It's not kidding ourselves mate. Have you been to Dubai? It is propped up with slave labour and those people are treated like shit on a daily basis. And Dubai is much better than Saudi/Qatar and some others.

Just because UK and USA are bad doesn't mean every shade of grey is the same.
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