Dubai a contender to buy Man Utd

City were relegation fodder before Shiek Monsour brought the club. Compared to the major European clubs, they spent little in the transfer market, their stadium was outdated and had a meagre fanbase.

Despite the barren run of trophies, United continually outspend the European elite, has one of the largest stadiums in the world and has an equally large fanbase.

A buyer wouldn't have nearly the same impact on United as Monsour had on City, regardless of their net wealth.
I don't think this matters. I'm talking about titles after a hypothetical purchase by a state. It's the same unlimited pit of money and sportswashing.
The fans don't have any say.

Not so sure, particularly if its a quick sale in the off season or closer to off season. If it gets done fairly sharpishly and you have the likes of De Jong, Lautaro Martinez brought in and a few exciting signings I think fans will be divided and their resolve broken. If fans allowed the Glazer takeover to happen they won't put up much of a fight against a Citysque takeover.

The protests against the ESL would suggest the fans have a say.
Its not freaking weird. Manchester City and Liverpool are run much better by the board/owners. That's why they are miles ahead. Don't attack me. Not my fault you have been clueless about what's happened since Ferguson retired.
Yeah, it's weird. New manager, improved playing staff, and gradual improvement in results to start the season doesn't align with "won't win a title under the Glazers" Yes, they are terrible owners who should be sacked, but I think major trophies can be won despite them.
They're definitely not one step away. Makhtoum has been entrenched in all kinds of controversies including the kidnapping of his own daughter who attempted to flee Dubai, one of this wives had to flee the country with her two kids to avoid abuse. Once can see why he would want to sportwash away all of this by presenting his subjects a shiny new gift to rebuild his credibility.
:lol: I know this is a serious subject, but domestic abuse by the Emir is incredibly benign and tiny stuff compared to the US and Afghan invasion and the deaths caused by covid denial.
The glazers funded the politicans that did that, before and after the fact. You're making a really good case for the Emir being a more moral owner than the Glazers.

I'd rather say you're incredibly simplistic to assume that everyone who may somehow have done or contributed in some way to something that is in some way or to some degree morally problematic are on an equal footing.
You make it seem the the Glazer's contribution to the GOP are just a few pennies that fell out of their pockets and ended up there by accident.

They've organized fundraisers for Bush and Trump. That's giving their own money and persuading other oligarchs to do the same, spanning at least 2 decades (possibly even longer, I haven't looked into it that deeply). They've done so before and after their policies that killed a million people. They live in a free country in which they could just fund the corporate dems, or make the decision to not contribute and be slightly less wealthy in return.

A US oligarch and active republican donor is just as evil, if not more so, than the emir of dubai.

You really shouldn't separate financial backers of politicians from the politicans in the US. they're one and same. There is no way to win an election of a significant scale in that system. In many ways the US is an oligarchy.
Yeah, it's weird. New manager, improved playing staff, and gradual improvement in results to start the season doesn't align with "won't win a title under the Glazers" Yes, they are terrible owners who should be sacked, but I think major trophies can be won despite them.
It's still early. Only 6 games played. Declaring we can win a title is a bit premature.
It's not whataboutism when we're literally owned by oligarchs who fund the campaigns of human rights abusing politicians.

It's not hard to understand, it's that you've been unable to make a case for why a state owning the club is worse than an oligarch owning the club.

On a technical level, sure. On a moral level, absolutely not. The state in question is owned/run by human (rights abusing) garbage. The billionaire in question funds human (rights abusing) garbage.
I'm not here to write a 10,000 word essay to please you. If you cannot see the difference between being the owner being an actual ruler giving orders to his security forces to squeeze the population, and a trust fund billionaire giving money to anyone who will keep his taxes low, then you won't get it no matter how many times I explain it to you. There is a difference. You just don't want to see it because of (insert personal reason).

Enjoy our Emirati overlords when they come. That's all I have to say on the matter
:lol: I know this is a serious subject, but domestic abuse by the Emir is incredibly benign and tiny stuff compared to the US and Afghan invasion and the deaths caused by covid denial.
The glazers funded that before and after the fact. You're making a really good case for the Emir being a more moral owner than the Glazers.

You make it seem the the Glazer's contribution to the GOP are just a few pennies that fell out of their pockets and ended up there by accident.

They've organized fundraisers for Bush and Trump. That's giving their own and persuading other oligarchs to do the same, spanning at least 2 decades (possibly even longer, I haven't looked into it that deeply). They've done so before and after their policies that killed a million people. They live in a free country in which they could just fund the corporate dems, or make the decision to not contribute and be slightly less wealthy in return.

A US oligarch and active republican donor is just as evil, if not more so, than the emir of dubai.

When you say GOP, are you referring to the American Republican party?
What will happen to assets owned by these emirates when the oil runs out or people stop wanting it, which will happen in the next 30 years. They’re rich now on oil, but without oil it’s a small patch of sand that keeps it’s residents quiet by waving taxes because they can fill it in with oil revenue.

AbuDhabi has oil. Dubai has no oil.
:lol: I know this is a serious subject, but domestic abuse by the Emir is incredibly benign and tiny stuff compared to the US and Afghan invasion and the deaths caused by covid denial.
The glazers funded the politicans that did that, before and after the fact. You're making a really good case for the Emir being a more moral owner than the Glazers.

You make it seem the the Glazer's contribution to the GOP are just a few pennies that fell out of their pockets and ended up there by accident.

They've organized fundraisers for Bush and Trump. That's giving their own money and persuading other oligarchs to do the same, spanning at least 2 decades (possibly even longer, I haven't looked into it that deeply). They've done so before and after their policies that killed a million people. They live in a free country in which they could just fund the corporate dems, or make the decision to not contribute and be slightly less wealthy in return.

A US oligarch and active republican donor is just as evil, if not more so, than the emir of dubai.

You really shouldn't separate financial backers of politicians from the politicans in the US. they're one and same. There is no way to win an election of a significant scale in that system. In many ways the US is an oligarchy.

Yes, but there is no comparison between an absolute monarch kidnapping his own family members and people in a democratic nation contributing to one of two available political parties. Makhtoum is representing the credibility of the state he leads and all of the policies he himself has enacted along the way. Private owners such as the Glazers or any others are just that - private individuals engaged in business. There is therefore light years difference between the two which should be very obvious. This is in no way an endorsement of the Glazers of course. Just a statement that one should not want United in the hands of any nation state, especially one with a terrible human rights record a ruler who is increasingly unhinged.
The protests against the ESL would suggest the fans have a say.
That would be interesting. Will we get #glazersin trending instead? Basically we’re saying glazers out, singing songs about their death, demanding they sell the club, targeting sponsors and targeting their offsprings businesses - but now they are willing to sell insisting they don’t sell it to Dubai or any other state or any American investment group such as Apollo or any dodgy billionaire. Seems a very narrow group we want glazers out to doesn’t it? It’s basically Ratcliffe or nobody.
After over 33 years I’m Not sure I could continue to support the club if they were bought as a sportswashing project. I despise city, PSG and their ilk for using and abusing the game, I’m not sure people who would be happy with this understand (or want to understand) why many would be against it so no point in trying to educate them.

I’d rather be stuck with Glazers, paying idiot taxes for players because of their incompetence, at least the club would be standing on its own two feet. Part of me wonders if this is glazers flag kite excercise to get this sort of response.
I'm against Dubai buying us out for a number of reasons....

Their records on Human rights is just appalling.
Treatment of Ethnic minorities is terrible with them treating them as almost a servant class
Their treatment of Women and restrictions on their rights...

But most of all I don't want them to turn Old Trafford into some huge mega stadium on a palm leaf sized series of islands in the Ship Canal like the rest of the hideous vanity projects they tend to go for. When they use traditional Arabian architecture I'm less appalled, so maybe they should go with proper Local themed architecture who can create a modern masterpiece of a stadium without the usual solid gold tap nonsense that would make even Trump think was over the top.
Your schtick is so predictable, but I'll humor you just this one time. Mmk?

I think it would be a travesty if United went the way of City, Newcastle, and PSG's ownership model. The end.

You definitely have some underlying agenda so can only assume you support City or another similar club.

Despite this only being rumours at the point you seem keen to start the oneupmanship and bating. Little bit weird.
How will Dubai buy the club when it already in few billion dollars debt to AbuDhabi?
:lol: I know this is a serious subject, but domestic abuse by the Emir is incredibly benign and tiny stuff compared to the US and Afghan invasion and the deaths caused by covid denial.
The glazers funded the politicans that did that, before and after the fact. You're making a really good case for the Emir being a more moral owner than the Glazers.

You make it seem the the Glazer's contribution to the GOP are just a few pennies that fell out of their pockets and ended up there by accident.

They've organized fundraisers for Bush and Trump. That's giving their own money and persuading other oligarchs to do the same, spanning at least 2 decades (possibly even longer, I haven't looked into it that deeply). They've done so before and after their policies that killed a million people. They live in a free country in which they could just fund the corporate dems, or make the decision to not contribute and be slightly less wealthy in return.

A US oligarch and active republican donor is just as evil, if not more so, than the emir of dubai.

You really shouldn't separate financial backers of politicians from the politicans in the US. they're one and same. There is no way to win an election of a significant scale in that system. In many ways the US is an oligarchy.
As an American who is aware of the political climate and campaign contributions, this is primarily conjecture and garbage. First of all the Glazers are not oligarchs. The US has over 700 billionaires. Secondly, the super wealthy traditionally give campaign contributions to both political parties in order to gain influence through lobbyists for business purposes. Unless you can directly link the lobbying actions of the Glazers to any foreign policy decisions made by the US government, your comparisons are utter nonsense.

This is one of the worst, most uninformed posts I've ever seen.
You definitely have some underlying agenda so can only assume you support City or another similar club.

Despite this only being rumours at the point you seem keen to start the oneupmanship and bating. Little bit weird.
The internet isn't a real place. Try fresh air.
I'm not here to write a 10,000 word essay to please you. If you cannot see the difference between being the owner being an actual ruler giving orders to his security forces to squeeze the population, and a trust fund billionaire giving money to anyone who will keep his taxes low, then you won't get it no matter how many times I explain it to you. There is a difference. You just don't want to see it because of (insert personal reason).

Enjoy our Emirati overlords when they come. That's all I have to say on the matter
Not anyone, the republicans, including Trump and Bush. They have the choice of donating to corporate democrats as well. Apparently they're justified in their behaviour because their taxes stay low, but somehow no such convoluted rational applies to the Emir that wants to stay in power (and pandering to conservative elements is part of that).
You haven't explained anything, or given a strong argument as to why the owner of a small (relative to the US) state is morally more bankrupt than an oligarch backing the most vile and evil political faction in the most powerful nation in the world (presumably because you'd have to write me a 10,000 word essay). You've simply restated your stance in each posts with a variation on "you don't get it".

And because "i don't get it", there's no need to give an argument. That's convenient.

When you say GOP, are you referring to the American Republican party?
Yes, my bad.
Aside from all the other reasons this is a shit idea, this would also put us under the thumb of City's owners somewhat.

Yes Dubai has a certain level of autonomy within UAE, but in real life terms, when the rulers of Abu Dhabi tell them to jump, the rulers of Dubai ask how high?
You definitely have some underlying agenda so can only assume you support City or another similar club.

Despite this only being rumours at the point you seem keen to start the oneupmanship and bating. Little bit weird.
He is being really weird. Just because I said I can't see Manchester United winning a title under the Glazer ownership. His response was it was weird.
He is being really weird. Just because I said I can't see Manchester United winning a title under the Glazer ownership. His response was it was weird.

Yes I know. As I say, he’s an agenda and his posts in this thread, along with the whole passive aggressive routine, pretty much confirm it.
Not anyone, the republicans, including Trump and Bush.
I’m fairly sure I’ve read on here before that Joel Glazer is a democrat and donated to Clinton. Edward or whoever is the Glazer trump man - to my knowledge not all the glazers donate to Trump?

Edit - Actually just read an athletic article on it. Joel has donated to local republicans. Avram is the democrat. Ed/Edward/proper cnut is mates with Trump.
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Yeah, it's weird. New manager, improved playing staff, and gradual improvement in results to start the season doesn't align with "won't win a title under the Glazers" Yes, they are terrible owners who should be sacked, but I think major trophies can be won despite them.
By the way I hope your right. I hope we win titles but I am just being level headed. Don't call me weird for doing that. Erik Ten Hag has only been in the job for 5 minutes basically.
Yes I know. As I say, he’s an agenda and his posts in this thread, along with the whole passive aggressive routine, pretty much confirm it.
Pretty much. No need to call fans weird who are being level headed.
Only Mike Keegan reporting this then? clearly rubbish if that's the case.
:lol: I know this is a serious subject, but domestic abuse by the Emir is incredibly benign and tiny stuff compared to the US and Afghan invasion and the deaths caused by covid denial.
The glazers funded the politicans that did that, before and after the fact. You're making a really good case for the Emir being a more moral owner than the Glazers.

You make it seem the the Glazer's contribution to the GOP are just a few pennies that fell out of their pockets and ended up there by accident.

They've organized fundraisers for Bush and Trump. That's giving their own money and persuading other oligarchs to do the same, spanning at least 2 decades (possibly even longer, I haven't looked into it that deeply). They've done so before and after their policies that killed a million people. They live in a free country in which they could just fund the corporate dems, or make the decision to not contribute and be slightly less wealthy in return.

A US oligarch and active republican donor is just as evil, if not more so, than the emir of dubai.

You really shouldn't separate financial backers of politicians from the politicans in the US. they're one and same. There is no way to win an election of a significant scale in that system. In many ways the US is an oligarchy.

The Glazers also donate sizeable sums to the Democrats.
There’s a difference between being owned by unscrupulous individuals who belong to one state or the other, and the actual states themselves… It seems almost stupefyingly obvious to point this out before the “OMG you hypocrites, what about X!?” becomes all encompassing…

It would be absolutely insane for Manchester United to be owned outright by the United States of America, and I’m pretty sure everyone would be against it. But we’re not.

You would think but these threads always seem to prove otherwise.

Is that Julian Assange? Do you think it’s a good thing that he is prosecuted and trialed for doing what most would see as journalistic work? Some think it’s fair because he published classified military i formation illegally obbtained. I disagree, I think it’s a travesty.

Wait, is this the Sell Utd to Dubai Thread? Is your point that the treatment of Assange is equal to routinly detaining and torturing journalists without prosecution and trials for publishing legally obtained information about the regular life of most people in the country? If so, I don’t follow you. Degree of violence, degree of democracy, degree of justice, degree of freedom - all that matters.
There’s a difference between being owned by unscrupulous individuals who belong to one state or the other, and the actual states themselves… It seems almost stupefyingly obvious to point this out before the “OMG you hypocrites, what about X!?” becomes all encompassing…

It would be absolutely insane for Manchester United to be owned outright by the United States of America, and I’m pretty sure everyone would be against it. But we’re not.

Yes, it’s a very obvious distinction, but the amount of times people have regurgitated the comparison makes me wonder if they genuinely don’t see a difference, or they do but they want a sale of this nature so feel the need to hamfistedly equate the situations.

As you said, if the USA decided to purchase your club the same people would be opposed to it.
That would be interesting. Will we get #glazersin trending instead? Basically we’re saying glazers out, singing songs about their death, demanding they sell the club, targeting sponsors and targeting their offsprings businesses - but now they are willing to sell insisting they don’t sell it to Dubai or any other state or any American investment group such as Apollo or any dodgy billionaire. Seems a very narrow group we want glazers out to doesn’t it? It’s basically Ratcliffe or nobody.

I mean, give me a choice between a blood-sucking parasite who masquerades as a billionaire tycoon (Joel Glazer) and a state from the UAE with a long history of human rights issues that would use the name of our club to wash the stain from their reputation, well, I'm probably going with the parasite. The lesser of two evils if you like.

And I hate bugs :eek:
What even is an Emirate? A stadium, a country, an airline?

Am I an Emirate?
an emirate is the area under the jurisdiction of an emir. an emir is a head honcho, a big cheese, el duderino, the gaffer.
are you the gaffer?