Dubai a contender to buy Man Utd

How true is this, surely Ratcliffe is the most sensible option??
There are rumors now that SRJ bid talk was PR stunt to fuel the protests. He is a United fan, him starting the story to boost protests isn't far fetched thou.
I'm all for Glazers out, but to be whoring ourselves to any one interested reflects pretty poorly. I'm neither for or against ICD or Radcliffe, but can't be a situation where we go beg people to buy us.
Also we aren't in control of who to be soled to, it is up to the Glazers to decide what is best option for them, we have little to zero say in the matter, new owner will do lot of PR and win back majority of the fanbase, and if they invest in the club players and facilities wise, majority fanbase will be happy with them no matter how evil or how good anyone think they are. Our fanbase whole issue with Glazers are that they don't invest in the club and take money out of the club, this will end that and who wouldn't like us spending like City and PSG, sure at first there will be some loud voices, once money keeps coming in those will be moved to the background. This is the reality.
I somehow think Elon Musk would buy the club just for the publicity it brings.
I'd rather we be relegated than owned by Dubai. Mind, I'd also happily take relegation if it got rid of the Glazers. Fan ownership, in some form, is the only good form of club ownership - but if we have to be bought by a billionaire I'd take Ratcliffe over any of the other options on the table
There are rumors now that SRJ bid talk was PR stunt to fuel the protests. He is a United fan, him starting the story to boost protests isn't far fetched thou.
Hes publicly said only a few months ago (when he did the Chelsea interview) that he wanted to buy United. I think he is genuinely interested.

The bid talk was to fuel the protest so that Glazers can be pressured into selling yes, so that ultimately he can buy.

He won’t be the only buyer though
Works great for Barca. In truth there are downsides to every ownership model, but state funded surely is the worst of the lot
It can work any way, really. But the point is that the fans actually control the club and should have its best interests at heart. Which is basically the best motivation there is for club ownership. Things can obviously still go down the toilet. But they can also work out really well and the fans could ensure that a once beloved cultural institution doesn’t become a mere front for sportswashing and other despicable things.
Glazers PR absolutely working some supporters.

ETH has got us on our best run in 2 years and they brief the media that a human rights violator country wants to buy the club and suddenly it's "would rather have the glazers"

and so there goes that glazers out campaign

Couple of big transfer buys + 4 wins on the bounce ( 2 of them over liverpool and arsenal)+ middle east wants to buy rumor

Is Neil Ashton still the United PR spin guy? Blinder by him
Next seasons local derby, Dubai V Abu Dhabi :drool:
I see the moral fighting brigade is here, I say we could not get better owners than these astute businessman that are the Sheiks.
Pretending football journalist who turn up on match day to record things such as "... he missed a crucial header in the 76th minute" have 'sources' in the world of global financial commerce is hilarious.

Their 'sources' estimated a £20m transfer budget. We're not even entirely sure what species the Glazers are they're so secretive. But Mike knows what they're looking for from any sale? Right oh

The desperation fans have to believe any story that says they might sell has meant bullshit on an industrial scale is incredibly fertile and lucrative ground
Only interested in this happening so I can witness how the fans who have spent the last decade looking down on City will contort themselves to support/rationalise this.
...... The glazers write the check and that’s it. In a sense they are sugar daddy owners albeit on a law abiding scale.
Bad take on it. They may be signing the checks but they are only allowing us to spend our own money. Sugar daddies put money in, Glazers are leeches.
This is an interesting development. The price tag floated isn't as high as expected. Is this an attempt to smoke out interest? Start an auction that pushes the price northwards?
Bad take on it. They may be signing the checks but they are only allowing us to spend our own money. Sugar daddies put money in, Glazers are leeches.

But that's always been the case for the entire history of the club as long as any if us remember
Glazers PR absolutely working some supporters.

ETH has got us on our best run in 2 years and they brief the media that a human rights violator country wants to buy the club and suddenly it's "would rather have the glazers"

and so there goes that glazers out campaign

Couple of big transfer buys + 4 wins on the bounce ( 2 of them over liverpool and arsenal)+ middle east wants to buy rumor

Is Neil Ashton still the United PR spin guy? Blinder by him
What? There were loads of banners in the stadium today. It was sang all game. Fans were in the stadium singing it after the game. Gary Neville discussed it again. It's all over social media, still.
This is an interesting development. The price tag floated isn't as high as expected. Is this an attempt to smoke out interest? Start an auction that pushes the price northwards?

What development? Mike Keegan has no clue. Are we seriously buying this? How many more 'rumoured bids says Chris Kamara' stories does there have to be before we wake up to what's happening?

United sells papers. This story is in vogue.

Apple could afford us. What an interesting development. Now I've said that I reckon they'll buy for £4.25bn next Thursday. Question is, will Sir Jim sell us to them knowing the Saudis, Bezos, The Knights, Musk and Dubai have also put in bids

We all need to have a bloody word with ourselves
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It’s the sportswashing people have a problem with, not the running of the club from a business perspective
Most of those people are hypocrites, I want the best for the club, and the Emirates are one of the safest options out there, if not the best one.
Another actor shows his face. Im excited about the movement. 2 potential bidders so far. Lets hope for some news that a sale is something the Glazers actually would do!
A lot of people are engaging their brains, and there are threads for it. This thread is about a tyranny living of slavery buying the club to work as a public telations firm for them, and people are reacting that here in this thread. This is not the thread to ask for ‘alternatives’, because this is a worse evil than the existing alternatives.
You’re completely missing my point. Numerous people on this forum are demanding the glazers sell. Many wanted fans to storm the pitch and rip up seats to get games cancelled. Relegation is apparently better than being owned by the nasty glazers. There are protests against them at every game, online stuff targeting sponsors to impact club income and continued chants wishing death to them. If they sell they’re going to sell to the highest bidder. It’s that simple. You can’t engage in activity to drive them out and then fecking moan because they don’t sell to some mythical perfect owner people have made up in their head. This is now Pandora’s box. I don’t particularly want to be run by a state - but there’s every chance this is the road we’re on. There’s also no “good” owner - Ratcliffe himself is a billionaire brexiteering climate change denying Tory and I have no doubt is a monumental cnut. You’re right - there are levels - but ultimately the club is now for sale which 99% have demanded and what happens next is the consequence of that.
It's easy to be brilliant when you're playing with unlimited money cheat code. City have spent obscene amount of money on players and upgrading their training facilities and club infrastructure, as well as getting the best possible people for their jobs. They wouldn't have that if they didn't get cash injected up the ass with oil

Oil money has been vital of course, can we deny that it's been money well spent?
Look at their squad and what they've achieved compared to ours, despite similar financial output on players.
They got it spot on from structure, to manager, players (for the most part). So to say that we'd be "screwed" if Dubai buys us simply isn't true.
You have a very narrow view of the world. Blood is on the hands of every government in this world. Difference in you and I is that I understand that, whereas you cherry pick which one to get all judgmental with.

You seem to think you know a lot about me, but do you, or is it just your prejudices thinking for you?

What I do understand is that the argument ‘every government has blood on their hands’ is nonsensical in this context. Every man does bad stuff some times. That does not mean that jaywalking and running a rental killer firm is equally problemtaic. I’m pretty sure you see the difference. Similarily, knowing someone who runs a rental killer firm is not the same as doing PR for said firm. Don’t you agree?

So doing commercial work for a tyrant who keeps huge amounts of people in practical slavery is not the same as being ambivalently owned by a consortium who exploits the capitalist system to get rich. It is nothing alike, and only an Adolf Eichmann would argue it is the same thing.
If Sheikh Mansour UAE already own the blue half of Manchester. Why would another UAE royal family buy United? This story I believe is just not true
You’re completely missing my point. Numerous people on this forum are demanding the glazers sell. Many wanted fans to storm the pitch and rip up seats to get games cancelled. Relegation is apparently better than being owned by the nasty glazers. There are protests against them at every game, online stuff targeting sponsors to impact club income and continued chants wishing death to them. If they sell they’re going to sell to the highest bidder. It’s that simple. You can’t engage in activity to drive them out and then fecking moan because they don’t sell to some mythical perfect owner people have made up in their head. This is now Pandora’s box. I don’t particularly want to be run by a state - but there’s every chance this is the road we’re on. There’s also no “good” owner - Ratcliffe himself is a billionaire brexiteering climate change denying Tory and I have no doubt is a monumental cnut. You’re right - there are levels - but ultimately the club is now for sale which 99% have demanded and what happens next is the consequence of that.

No, I got your point. But you missed my point about there being lots of other threads for that. This is a thread about becoming a PR tool for a tyranny. It’s obvious that if we are sold, there is a risk of being exploited by some mafia or dictatorahip. If your only point was an I-told-you-so to people who have protested The Glazers, it’s a cheap shot and not really relevant. What is very relevant, is that it’s not indifferent what kind of owners we have. There is a huge difference between being owned by a ‘cnut’ and someone who makes people disappear or get tortured for doing regular journalistic work or human rights work. Enormous difference.
Don't know if anything has changed recently but Dubai was a relative pauper in comparison to the UAE, Qatar and Saudi. In fact it wasn't really that long ago that the UAE bailed out Dubai when the global market crash happened.
I will take it. Anything to get rid of the parasites. We will worry about the rest later. Just need to get sold once.