Dubai a contender to buy Man Utd

Imagine taking your muslim kid to watch his favorite team and the current owners are donating monies to israel leading to muslims being killing or sentenced to life imprisonment in palestine for demanding basic human rights.

" Nah nah kiddo, its ok, they're the lesser evil "

If they have given money to israel , link it please. If this is true, I wont go anymore
Hahaha another gullible pawn for the western media. When did the Dubai leader invade a country illegally and kill millions of innocent civilians ?

:confused: Neither I nor anyone else in this thread have accused Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum of that. Your post is therefore irrelevant drivel. Have a nice day.
If they have given money to israel , link it please. If this is true, I wont go anymore

America has been funding Isreal since the 90s, and they still are to this day. They send financial aid to many nations all over the world, as do we Brits. I don't know why that makes our countries evil, though.

Looking forward to finding out from @VidaRed very soon :cool:
Tongue in cheek with glazers funding the republicans who in turn are curtailing or even banning abortion.

You'd be hard pushed to find any United fans who are in favour of the continued Glazer family ownership. They are surely the most despised people in the red half of Manchester - this is a given but also not really relevant to this thread, which is largely a debate about a potential Dubai ownership vs all other possible ownership options. If United are truly up for sale, there will be a great many suitors, the vast majority of which will not be nation states with appalling human rights records.
Does anyone here have a candidate in mind who has a sainthood to go alongside around 5bn in loose change? Because otherwise this whole virtue signalling is pointless, glazers are scumbags who happily donate to war criminals, middle easterners are scumbags who are human rights abusers and even the sub's current champion by the looks of it is a scumbag who will happily advocate to beggar his countrymen so that he can get out regulations and pollute your waters killing your environment and harming your citizens to make money for himself. There is no clean billionaire who can buy us out there.
The way some are going on, you would think we can just cherry pick an honest, charity working, multi billionaire Man Utd fan.
America has been funding Isreal since the 90s, and they still are to this day. They send financial aid to many nations all over the world, as do we Brits. I don't know why that makes our countries evil, though.

Even if it did, it would not be relevant to this thread, unless the UK/US Governments were considering purchasing Manchester United Football Club (they are not).
Does anyone here have a candidate in mind who has a sainthood to go alongside around 5bn in loose change? Because otherwise this whole virtue signalling is pointless, glazers are scumbags who happily donate to war criminals, middle easterners are scumbags who are human rights abusers and even the sub's current champion by the looks of it is a scumbag who will happily advocate to beggar his countrymen so that he can get out regulations and pollute your waters killing your environment and harming your citizens to make money for himself. There is no clean billionaire who can buy us out there.
I hope you are not generalising on 350m people.
America has been funding Isreal since the 90s, and they still are to this day. They send financial aid to many nations all over the world, as do we Brits. I don't know why that makes our countries evil, though.

Looking forward to finding out from @VidaRed very soon :cool:

Well, we all pay taxes to, so if a country is evil, every citizen of that country is evil if were gonna use that logic. If the Glazers themselves are giving money to Israel, its something different.
You'd be hard pushed to find any United fans who are in favour of the continued Glazer family ownership. They are surely the most despised people in the red half of Manchester - this is a given but also not really relevant to this thread, which is largely a debate about a potential Dubai ownership vs all other possible ownership options. If United are truly up for sale, there will be a great many suitors, the vast majority of which will not be nation states with appalling human rights records.
The fans don't like the Glazers because they are bad owners who pocket a lot of the clubs money. It has nothing to do with them being Americans so that's not even a comparison. If we had American owners who were doing good no one will complain but yet the laws in America is one of the worse. A country were an adult can rape a kid and spend 30 days in jail.

:lol: yes, where it is illegal to be homosexual. Super advanced.
Their country, their rules. In USA you can't have abortion in most states, billionaires sex trafficking etc. No country is perfect so get out of here with your holier than thou attitude.
Feck that, I'd hate to have cnuts like these involved with our club, let alone owning it.
Hope you join another club when this happens and make sure you take along negative fans we have had on here recently too.
I'm all for it, any Utd fan who's not can support someone else, give up your season ticket if you have one, let someone else take your place, let the rebuild of Utd begin
I find the attempts to disassociate morality from power very disingenuous.

The Glazers have supported some terrible politicians who have done terrible things. That is not the same as being the ones who do those terrible things. States have the power of life, death and freedom over their populace. The Glazers might well support executing gay people, they don't have that power.
Absolutely sickening to know the leaches ;
(i)who didn't spend a dime of their money to buy the club...
(ii) ...get to walk away with several billions in profit...
(iii) ...while the buyer probably also inherits their debt from their "purchase" of the club.

If only we could compel them to take the debt with them on their way out.
My guess is that the figure quoted is what the Glazers want in their pocket, with the debt also being paid off in addition. Takes the total to nearer 4.5bn
Their country, their rules. In USA you can't have abortion in most states, billionaires sex trafficking etc. No country is perfect so get out of here with your holier than thou attitude.

This is an argument that no country should be allowed to own a football club, not an argument that they should. I do hope you realise that.
Would be interesting to see how the United fans react if this does happen. Since they have always trolled City fans about having these types of owners.

Even then it wouldn't be the same thing, as City came from nowhere to dominate simply due to cash.
United already have the status.
Okay newbie.
Why, do you get paid on here if you aren't a newbie? Being a regular here is probably your biggest achievement in life :lol: :lol:

Unless you think being new on this forum means one just started supporting United?
In what context?
They have done it in different contexts before as the "friends of Israel". They were very close to Israel PM Olmert. But all of this is irrelevant, they have done what is worse, they were all in for endorsing and donating for the re-election of Bush, the person who was responsible for the suffering of 30m people in Iraq and responsible for the death of at least 300k lives. How horrible is that?

This is my last post in this thread, because I feel this thread will be closed anyway in few hours :D.
Their country, their rules. In USA you can't have abortion in most states, billionaires sex trafficking etc. No country is perfect so get out of here with your holier than thou attitude.
Most states? It's banned in 12 states. Billionaires sex trafficking?! :lol: what in God's name are you waffling about?
I would prefer Ratcliffe but if Dubai guys are actually serious we have to consider it. The trouble is you can't often get the perfect owner which isn't ideal at all
The only “we have to consider it” are the Glazers - nobody else gets a say unfortunately.
Personally, I don't care much for the sportswashing concept. Will always think they are pigheaded backwards cnuts and if owning a football club makes them "better" that says more about us people than it does about them.

The Glazers can also go feck themselves, but my reasons are not even remotely linked to geopolitics either. They are a different type of cnut.

As far as the club is concerned we want and need them out. We don't want Dubai, but still need the Glazers out. I'm very much in the Ratcliffe camp but ultimately it's the Glazers that will sell to their highest bidder and I'll have either over them.

Human rights in Dubai won't change if they don't buy United, will they? If anything, their Western exposure should bring them under greater scrutiny. I for one am of the idea the World Cup won't sportswash Qatar but instead has made the world aware of how bloody mental they are given their comms re "expected fan behaviour". Bring it on I'd say, isolating them doesn't make things better for those stuck there.
They have done it in different contexts before as the "friends of Israel". They were very close to Israel PM Olmert. But all of this is irrelevant, they have done what is worse, they were all in for endorsing and donating for the re-election of Bush, the person who was responsible for the suffering of 30m people in Iraq and responsible for the death of at least 300k lives. How horrible is that?

This is my last post in this thread, because I feel this thread will be closed anyway in few hours :D.

Do you have a source for that? I had a quick look and found nothing, other than a few donations to Jewish charitable causes in America.
Does anyone here have a candidate in mind who has a sainthood to go alongside around 5bn in loose change? Because otherwise this whole virtue signalling is pointless, glazers are scumbags who happily donate to war criminals, middle easterners are scumbags who are human rights abusers and even the sub's current champion by the looks of it is a scumbag who will happily advocate to beggar his countrymen so that he can get out regulations and pollute your waters killing your environment and harming your citizens to make money for himself. There is no clean billionaire who can buy us out there.

but still.. there are some options in between saint-hood and slave-states, though
The only “we have to consider it” are the Glazers - nobody else gets a say unfortunately.
I'd hope in the face of close enough bids "authorities" can tilt it in the best direction. Problem is the best place to find a people's lobbyist is with local MPs. How do you get them to condemn Dubai while City's OK? You can always argue that's for the Stockport MP to shut up about.

Let's see if any of you walk the talk. Start by not watching any of the World Cup.
Points for having a strawman argument literally within your first sentence, followed by hypocritical use of "virtue signalling" in your second, but you lose points for not fitting in snowflakes somewhere.
This whole thread is a strawman argument, people pointing out issues with everyone like they have a choice to pick a really virtuous owner with no sins. Sadly snowflakes can't see it ( i hope this earns those lost points back).