Dubai a contender to buy Man Utd

Most states? It's banned in 12 states. Billionaires sex trafficking?! :lol: what in God's name are you waffling about?
Wait, are you that vulnerable? Epstein, Weinstein, R Kelly etc you know how long it took them before they were brought to justice even thou the whole of America knew they were predators? I mean there was a joke in Hollywood that a young girl in Hollywood has to have sex with Weinstein before they get a role and that was years ago. If you think most millionaires and Billionaires don't prey on kids then I don't know what to say.

You know in Dubai sex trafficking, rape etc can lead to a death sentence but in America some get to be in jail for only 30 days :lol:. The only reason you are againstDubai taking over os because of their "human rights" but yet USA is worse, I know because I live there. You can't judge one country and be blind to the others.

Yes most states that allowed abortion now don't, that's what I mean.
The fans don't like the Glazers because they are bad owners who pocket a lot of the clubs money. It has nothing to do with them being Americans so that's not even a comparison. If we had American owners who were doing good no one will complain but yet the laws in America is one of the worse. A country were an adult can rape a kid and spend 30 days in jail.

And if the US Government try to buy Manchester United Football Club, I'll be opposed to it. Thus far, they haven't.
but still.. there are some options in between saint-hood and slave-states, though
Like who? As i pointed out Ratcliffe is just as shitty, he pollutes your environment thus directly harming you, his co. is sportswashing their bs already, his support of brexit was basically so that those pesky eu regulations about pollution shouldn't mess with his bottomline, screw the people and consequences they might face because of it.
Wait, are you that vulnerable? Epstein, Weinstein, R Kelly etc you know how long it took them before they were brought to justice even thou the whole of America knew they were predators? I mean there was a joke in Hollywood that a young girl in Hollywood has to have sex with Weinstein before they get a role and that was years ago. If you think most millionaires and Billionaires don't prey on kids then I don't know what to say.
What a ridiculous thing to say.
Why, do you get paid on here if you aren't a newbie? Being a regular here is probably your biggest achievement in life :lol: :lol:

Unless you think being new on this forum means one just started supporting United?
Wait, are you that vulnerable? Epstein, Weinstein, R Kelly etc you know how long it took them before they were brought to justice even thou the whole of America knew they were predators? I mean there was a joke in Hollywood that a young girl in Hollywood has to have sex with Weinstein before they get a role and that was years ago. If you think most millionaires and Billionaires don't prey on kids then I don't know what to say.

You know in Dubai sex trafficking, rape etc can lead to a death sentence but in America some get to be in jail for only 30 days :lol:. The only reason you are againstDubai taking over os because of their "human rights" but yet USA is worse, I know because I live there. You can't judge one country and be blind to the others.

Yes most states that allowed abortion now don't, that's what I mean.
:wenger: God bless the newbie system, that's all I'll say.
I don`t think any British prime minister has the money to do so, and maybe they can`t whilst in power.
What if the queen threw in a bid and made charles the ceo of utd and william the next king ?

Would the dippers be funding our transfer kitty when they're paying taxes to the govt which in turn is giving money to the queen ? :lol:
Human rights in Dubai won't change if they don't buy United, will they? If anything, their Western exposure should bring them under greater scrutiny. I for one am of the idea the World Cup won't sportswash Qatar but instead has made the world aware of how bloody mental they are given their comms re "expected fan behaviour". Bring it on I'd say, isolating them doesn't make things better for those stuck there.

The very obvious counter-argument to "sports washing doesn't work" is that these countries have, and continue to spend billions of pounds on doing it. It clearly does work, the upsides are just well masked enough that they aren't obvious to a superficial glance.
Fan ownership > Ratcliffe > Dubai > Any American capitalist.
I don’t care how much money one has, nobody is investing $5b into a sports team for the hell of it. It’s either to make money and for whom money isn’t an issue they’ll be some other ulterior motive.

Some people expect the billionaire owner to be squaky clean and to cough up billions and also divest himself of power and hand it to the fans who'll have 51% ownership.

Yes thats not happening.

Let's see if any of you walk the talk. Start by not watching any of the World Cup.
That's a really pompous and snooty way of interacting with fellow football (and United) fans. People aren't stupid. The vast majority are aware that football is increasingly infected by grubby commerce and politicking. People are also deeply connected by football and the World Cup represents the most global and collective form of shared escapism there is. I think people can be forgiven for having conversations about how wrong it is for Qatar to buy the World Cup , and yet still watch their national team compete in it - in the same way that people are aware that it is wrong that Apple and Nike exploit their workers yet still consume their products. Times are harder than ever and it's been an unbelievably bleak past few years. You'd have to be a right arsehole to judge people who feel conflicted about the morals behind the World Cup yet still want to enjoy it by watching it on tele.
Even if it did, it would not be relevant to this thread, unless the UK/US Governments were considering purchasing Manchester United Football Club (they are not).

Glazers fund arm Israel. That alone makes them more evil than a country that bans homosexuality. Their home country bans abortion, which the Glazers support. This thread is just bizarre. I wonder how many who are against supporting this live in an apartment with Dubai ownership, or have been there as a tourist.


Let's see if any of you walk the talk. Start by not watching any of the World Cup.
This is the least fitting user name choice in history. There was an entire story arc which ridiculed the attitude you're displaying here.
Glazers fund arm Israel. That alone makes them more evil than a country that bans homosexuality. Their home country bans abortion, which the Glazers support. This thread is just bizarre. I wonder how many who are against supporting this live in an apartment with Dubai ownership, or have been there as a tourist.

People want the fecking Glazers out. No one here is advocating for the Glazers as businesspeople. They were thrust upon us and we have had to live with the consequences of that ownership. That some of the Glazers chucked money to Trump (while Avram donated half a million to Biden) is completely irrelevant. Dubai is an autocratic state in which women are subjugated by guardianship laws which gives men power and control over them and homosexuality is illegal. It's completely fecking different to a few of the Glazers liking Donald Trump.
Glazers fund arm Israel. That alone makes them more evil than a country that bans homosexuality. Their home country bans abortion, which the Glazers support. This thread is just bizarre. I wonder how many who are against supporting this live in an apartment with Dubai ownership, or have been there as a tourist.


why support anything, amirite

Come on.
Like who? As i pointed out Ratcliffe is just as shitty, he pollutes your environment thus directly harming you, his co. is sportswashing their bs already, his support of brexit was basically so that those pesky eu regulations about pollution shouldn't mess with his bottomline, screw the people and consequences they might face because of it.

this is complete and utter horse-shit and I can’t be bothered to engage with it
People want the fecking Glazers out. No one here is advocating for the Glazers as businesspeople. They were thrust upon us and we have had to live with the consequences of that ownership. That some of the Glazers chucked money to Trump (while Avram donated half a million to Biden) is completely irrelevant. Dubai is an autocratic state in which women are subjugated by guardianship laws which gives men power and control over them and homosexuality is illegal. It's completely fecking different to a few of the Glazers liking Donald Trump.
Dubai isn’t Saudi. If you ever speak to any women from Dubai they feckin love the place. They have come forward a hell of a lot in recent years. Singapore also banned homosexuality until last week. But assume because they’re not Muslim you have no issues if their head had interest in United. Maybe go and educate yourself on Dubai rather than painting them with the same brush to other countries.
Dubai isn’t Saudi. If you ever speak to any women from Dubai they feckin love the place. They have come forward a hell of a lot in recent years. Singapore also banned homosexuality until last week. But assume because they’re not Muslim you have no issues if their head had interest in United. Maybe go and educate yourself on Dubai rather than painting them with the same brush to other countries.

I guess you mean British/western women who live in Dubai? And not Emirati or Indian/Filo/other poor immigrant women there?
Cant believe so many people on their high horse here - the clubs been whoring itself out since the 90's and it'll get sold to any old sleazebag as long as they have enough dosh....
I guess you mean British/western women who live in Dubai? And not Emirati or Indian/Filo/other poor immigrant women there?
Pretty sure Latifa bint Mohammed Al Maktoum (Princess Latifa) doesn't 'fecking love' the place.
I'll just come out and say it - I don't care about the morals of this at all. Lots of fecked up shit are happening everywhere and whether Dubai owns us or not isn't going to change that. What I do not want is state owning football clubs, certainly not Manchester United. It kills the enjoyment of football and I wouldn't even feel any joy from winning if we were owned by one.
I don’t care how much money one has, nobody is investing $5b into a sports team for the hell of it. It’s either to make money and for whom money isn’t an issue they’ll be some other ulterior motive.
Say you are a 70-year-old billionaire that just got divorced. Other than shagging anything that moves, are there much better ways to spend your next 10-20 years than watching your club get back on their perch?

You only have to suspend the shagging for about 180 minutes a week at most. Don't even need to either.
If you think most millionaires and Billionaires don't prey on kids then I don't know what to say.
Which part of having money makes people more likely to prey on kids? :confused:

More likely to get away with it? Maybe. More likely to end up with your mug plastered all over the news? Definitely. Other than that, can't see what money has to do with the probability of being a pervert.
Wait, are you that vulnerable? Epstein, Weinstein, R Kelly etc you know how long it took them before they were brought to justice even thou the whole of America knew they were predators? I mean there was a joke in Hollywood that a young girl in Hollywood has to have sex with Weinstein before they get a role and that was years ago. If you think most millionaires and Billionaires don't prey on kids then I don't know what to say.

You know in Dubai sex trafficking, rape etc can lead to a death sentence but in America some get to be in jail for only 30 days :lol:. The only reason you are againstDubai taking over os because of their "human rights" but yet USA is worse, I know because I live there. You can't judge one country and be blind to the others.

Yes most states that allowed abortion now don't, that's what I mean.

What the actually shit are you on about :lol:
Two entities owning two Manchester clubs where most likely both entitied owned by same families/group behind the scene is going to create huge conflict of interest.
Glazers fund arm Israel. That alone makes them more evil than a country that bans homosexuality. Their home country bans abortion, which the Glazers support. This thread is just bizarre. I wonder how many who are against supporting this live in an apartment with Dubai ownership, or have been there as a tourist.


A majority of the western world also support and/or are on friendly terms with Israel, which would mean that no European or American would be able to own United. But apparently Sheikh Makhtoum and his plastic city state built atop the exploitation of migrants would be quite alright.

Even more farcical is that the UAE and Israel are now allies.
