How many players have left the Premier League in their prime to go and play in the Bundesliga? Doesn't feel like a lot.
Barely any if any, but that's hardly surprising. Average income in the Premier League was 3,3m€ in 2018 while the average Bundesliga player earned 1,4m€. Money talks in this business and the Premier League is without any doubt much more attractive for the average player than the Bundesliga. While talking about averages, we should keep in mind that Bayern is no average club and they can potentially have a strong pull for a player like Havertz. Especially since we don't know at all how he will turn out for his new club.
It will be well over 100 mil even with a year left imo this is IF he even runs his contract down
Yea how would you able to tell at this point in time?

Having an opinion is fine, but since in this case it'd mean being able to predict the next 5 years, it occurs this opinion isn't worth the bytes on this forum, which is by no means meant as an offense. It's just pretty obvious no one is able to tell. Predictions, sure, most likely scenarios, why not, but not looking at the case in a differentiated way simply leeds to unfounded views. Which for a football fan is pretty normal, but since we're talking about it, it's mentionable.
I think some German fans are bitter that the hottest German prodigy left Germany for a cut-price deal to England.
Understandable. I would have probably felt the same way had Rooney or Lampard or Gerrard or Kane left England for Germany just at the beginning of their prime careers for a dirt-cheap fee.
Or maybe the Leverkusen fans are hurt because the club couldn't get a penny more than £70m (including add-ons) when another German club didn't budge for anything less than €120m for a similarly prodigal young English player.
Everyone here has their own opinion regarding the transfer fee, but as most have pointed out, we are not able to tell whether it was 78m€ with bonuses or 100m€ with bonuses. The more logical statement regarding the transfer fee would be that it
could be a cut-price and therefor a great deal. But bear in mind, these are corona times and I'd personally say that in the current corona affected market even 78m€ for a player like Havertz hardly is a steal or a cut-price. Havertz is a great talent but most of the money is paid for his potential to become a great player, not his current abilities.
Based on how much Dortmund are overcharging us for Sancho.
Sancho is currently at another level in my opinion, which is backed statistics. Watched him a lot in the recent season and in my opinion he's currently simply better than Havertz (I'm considering the different positions they play and value them relatively) and has a higher skill ceiling. Sancho's transfer fee won't be paid mostly for his potential, but for his potential and current worth he can be for the team. He's much less likely to not be able to adjust or to become a flop than Havertz.
Also, since he's English, it's hardly surprising that he's more expensive than Havertz, since the BPL clubs tend to pay more money for british players in general.
Its not €100m though is it? With differing figures flying around its safe to say no one has a clue what it really is. It'll also make no sense to choose one figure supposedly briefed by one club over that briefed by the other. Only way we'll get to know is if one party decides to make the official transfer documents public knowledge, which will never happen.
Yea, everyone can have his own opinion on this one, I guess. I personally think 100m€ with bonuses included seems the likely number at this point in time. I mean, kicker even stated that the different bonus clauses will most likely be triggered, which shows quite some insight. It's not provable, but it seems logical considering how this transfer went and who the parties involved are. Not saying thinking anything below 100m€ is delusional, just a little bit fan-viewish.