Television Doctor Who


Full Member
Nov 27, 2020
Doctor Who always frustrates me, as for years now it seems to be nearly good but somehow isn't.

I really, really liked the recent specials and had high hopes for this series, but it seems so disjointed.

Space Babies was meh, but a reasonable episode once I got over the babies thing. The second episode felt like a special, but just a re-hashing of the Toymaker special and not as good. Could have been later in the series. The song and dance at the end that didnt contribute to the episose was weird. Boom was meh, but i cant see how others liked. 73 yards was nearly good but felt rushed and parts unexplained, could have been a two parter really to make the Mad Jack bit more threatening.

Overall not sure there's even enough new stuff or change to justify the whole rebrand. The episodes seem very similiar to the pasr few series in style and quality. The recent specials showed Tennants Doctor doing some visual stuff with the sonic which was cool, but we havent seen that since, which seems like a waste. And the anti-gravity glove seems like it has since been forgotten about (presumably could have been used when the door was open on Space Babies). And no other innovations since I can think of. The nods to social justice have been in the show for years and is nothing new either. Ruby's foster family haven't had any character development, and the fact that Ruby is in a band and has a social life hasnt been mentioned, she's just become generic Doctor's Companion, except for the mystery behind her origin/birth mother.

I hope whatever twist they have coming with the actress Susan Twist, Ruby's backstory and the neighbour who knew what a Tardis was will salvage the series, but so far its just been typical Doctor Who. I watch it, I enjoy it, but always left frustrated it isnt just a bit better.


The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
Just finished dot and bubble and this was absolutely garbage. I didn't think they could do worse than Space Babies and a shame as two episodes were decent.


The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
What was garbage about it?

It was cheaply done and just a poor copy of the emoji episode of the Capaldi era.

I've noticed this season is basically lesser quality rip offs of episodes we have seen before.

Even the ending which is getting some praise could have been done a lot better and not tried to hide the racism angle so much.

They have been so upfront on other matters this season it's strange they got so shy about calling out racism


Full Member
Aug 21, 2010
It was cheaply done and just a poor copy of the emoji episode of the Capaldi era.

I've noticed this season is basically lesser quality rip offs of episodes we have seen before.

Even the ending which is getting some praise could have been done a lot better and not tried to hide the racism angle so much.

They have been so upfront on other matters this season it's strange they got so shy about calling out racism
I see what you're saying about them rehashing other previous episodes but disagree on the quality. Thought it was well done.

Also, I think that was the point re: the racism. That there are micro-aggressions people face daily that aren't noticeable to the masses and it's prevalent but people love to act like there's a post-racism world. I got from it that it's just a different take on calling out racism i.e the subtle kind that's in your face but not. And you won't see it unless you're the person who faces it often. It's easier to spot the loud ones but not the silent ones.