Pogue Mahone
Godspeed said:what is this thread about?
Godspeed said:what is this thread about?
Shut the feck up already, as we have all said what your saying isn't going to do anything, and your just talking bollox now mate. How does me calling Diarra a spastic on the internet effect tommy two fingers a hundred miles away. And in short mate you don't know what the feck your talking about, weve said it the mods have said it, its not going to change, your ridiculous idea to change the internet into some better world isnt going to happen, and ill use spastic as much as I like. And Pogue was right now your just being a patronising cnut. And who the feck raised the question of what they are like as people? Noone. So what was the point in saying that and saying 'Ive got a head start'......You think If I see a disabled person tomorrow im going to stop saying spastic? I work with a bunch of cnuts every day, not gonna stop saying that.DA2 said:Bloody hell - are you that thick? I used that as an example of a possible scenario, read the bloody post for Christs sake - I have to say the number of people on here that dont read posts before replying is beyond a joke. I did not use it as some crass generalisation....... R..E..A..D.
Being that Im the one with the experience of working with these kids, that gives me one hell of a headstart on you lot when it comes to knowing what they are really like as people. In short when you know what youre talking about then start flapping your lips, until then shut the feck up. I tell you this twat, they need people to stick up for them becasue cnuts like you and the majority of the public sure as hell wouldnt...... as is proved by the lingo on this forum.
Now that is a word used to describe lame people or crippled people you fecking moron so don't you go saying we cant say it in our conversations when you do it too, spastic bitch.DA2 said:because all you are is some gimp
heheheHectic said:Alright listen to his you hypocritical cnut. You've made 4 pages bitching about our use of the word 'spastic' and how our lingo is terrible and its offensive to people with disabilities and how when we use it as an insult its very offensive. Well you fecking Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime you called someone a 'gimp'
Now that is a word used to describe lame people or crippled people you fecking moron so don't you go saying we cant say it in our conversations when you do it too, spastic bitch.
marcosdeto said:hehehe
well spotted
DA2 said:Actually yes you are! It never ceases to amaze me how people cannot grasp the concept of racism.....
Racism is discrimination on the basis of race alone. End of. People often talk about racism in a negative context - but actually racism is neither positive or negative. If an Oriental man chose to employ poor, uneducated black people into his business in order to give them a better start in life - he is in fact a racist because he has discriminated on the basis of race.
Racism is about discrimination and makes choices allied to that, and that can apply to a multitude of things. Calling an Indian person a paki is in fact technically no different from calling them Asian. If i chose not to speak to that person based on his Asian origin that would indded be racist but calling them paki is not. The fact that someone chooses to be offended by it doesnt necessarily make it racist.
DA2 said:Bloody hell - are you that thick? I used that as an example of a possible scenario, read the bloody post for Christs sake - I have to say the number of people on here that dont read posts before replying is beyond a joke. I did not use it as some crass generalisation....... R..E..A..D.
Being that Im the one with the experience of working with these kids, that gives me one hell of a headstart on you lot when it comes to knowing what they are really like as people. In short when you know what youre talking about then start flapping your lips, until then shut the feck up. I tell you this twat, they need people to stick up for them becasue cnuts like you and the majority of the public sure as hell wouldnt...... as is proved by the lingo on this forum.
Hectic said:Alright listen to his you hypocritical cnut. You've made 4 pages bitching about our use of the word 'spastic' and how our lingo is terrible and its offensive to people with disabilities and how when we use it as an insult its very offensive. Well you fecking Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime you called someone a 'gimp'
Now that is a word used to describe lame people or crippled people you fecking moron so don't you go saying we cant say it in our conversations when you do it too, spastic bitch.
DA2 said:Actually the word Gimp had several different uses FYI. A person who is sexually submissive is known as a gimp - which is why I used it as an insult.
Dont you feel stupid? Unlike you I think before I type.......
Got anything to say arse face...... I thought not.
mosesfromtala said:ah yes , but how were we to know which you meant?, you seem to be a bit more forgiving towards yourself than all the rest of us vile insensitive hate merchants.
with the shite pc that you are spouting Hectic showed you to be a complete twat ... having principles is great, but inflicting them on others while excusing yourself is automatic qualification for the catholic priesthood ... the largest organised community of hypocrites on the planet - they even work with the underprivilged sometimes, like yourself they find it a good moral high ground from which to do and say as they please.... a bit of extra pontification and you may be accepted as a bishop.
DA2 said:Bloody hell - are you that thick? I used that as an example of a possible scenario, read the bloody post for Christs sake - I have to say the number of people on here that dont read posts before replying is beyond a joke. I did not use it as some crass generalisation....... R..E..A..D.
Being that Im the one with the experience of working with these kids, that gives me one hell of a headstart on you lot when it comes to knowing what they are really like as people. In short when you know what youre talking about then start flapping your lips, until then shut the feck up. I tell you this twat, they need people to stick up for them becasue cnuts like you and the majority of the public sure as hell wouldnt...... as is proved by the lingo on this forum.
DA2 said:Oh what like similar to those who say they use the word but they dont mean in a certain way?? Like those people right??
The fundamental flaw with youre point is that the word spastic has really only one meaning and therefore can only be taken one way.
If you asked for a chicken sandwich and someone served you cat, youd understand what i mean.
DA2 said:Actually the word Gimp had several different uses FYI. A person who is sexually submissive is known as a gimp - which is why I used it as an insult.
Dont you feel stupid? Unlike you I think before I type.......
Got anything to say arse face...... I thought not.
Jesus this guy doesn't understand plain English, im glad im not just gettin annoyed/bored with his guy, although Pogue just then has clearly shown this guy is now in actual fact talking bollox.DA2 said:Oh what like similar to those who say they use the word but they dont mean in a certain way?? Like those people right??
The fundamental flaw with youre point is that the word spastic has really only one meaning and therefore can only be taken one way.
If you asked for a chicken sandwich and someone served you cat, youd understand what i mean.
PogueMahone said:OK, you sanctimonious prick, seeing as you like reading so much, read this:
Idiot, moron, retard and cretin. These words were all originally used as medical terms to describe people with learning disabilities. But, as time went by, they were adopted as slang and new labels had to be found.
Spastic was used as a term for people with cerebral palsy (never Down's, you fecking idiot) and Mongoloid was used to describe people with Down's Syndrome (because their facial features were thought to be similar to the mongol race from Eastern Europe). Again these terms fell out of favour as soon as they started to be used as slang.
Nowadays, the term "learning disabilities" is used to describe anyone who has cognitive impairment, for whatever reason. Individual diagnoses, from DS to cerebral palsy to Prader Willi Syndrome - all of which may cause learning disabilities - are described by their proper name. And, I reckon, this nomenclature is here to stay.
The words "spastic" and "mongoloid", will continue to be used as slang, just like "moron" and "idiot". At least until the latest slang-word for people like you becomes cool and spa or Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime will become just as mainstream as cretin or moron. That's the thing with slang, the more people use it, the less shock value it has and the less popular it becomes.
(Interestingly enough, "spastic" is still used in medical circles, but only to describe the tightened, shortened muscles that can happen after, for example, a spinal cord injury. "Mongoloid" is also used, but only in an anthropological context.)
None of these words I've discussed so far were ever created purely to be used in a derogatory manner. This is completely different to the racist labels peppered throughout your ill-informed rants. These terms are profoundly offensive as, from day one, they were intended to subjugate and demean those to whom they were applied.
As for you being the only one "working with these kids", well I'm a doctor - who worked for a year as a child psychiatrist - so have a fair idea what I'm talking about. Also, my best friends sister has Down's Syndrome, if I showed her this thread she'd laugh her ass off at the pompous and patronising bullshit you're spouting.
So, are you going to get on your high horse next time you hear someone call someone else a moron? Or an idiot?
The thing is, I actually think your heart might be in the right place, and this is an issue that's worth a debate. But you seem completely incapable of rational debate, so you should never have started this thread in the first place.
You moron.
Hectic said:Jesus this guy doesn't understand plain English, im glad im not just gettin annoyed/bored with his guy, although Pogue just then has clearly shown this guy is now in actual fact talking bollox.
mosesfromtala said:totally, he makes my pregnant and bordering-on-murderous girlfriend seem reasonable ... kinda
Hectic said:You fecking little twat, you dont think there are different characterists of the word spastic then? You prick you just said 'how do you now in which way I used it' you obviously didnt use it to call the other person 'disabled in anyway like that' similarly when I called diarra a spastic i was calling him a stupid 'twat' similar to yourself. You called someone a gimp which can mean the same or worse as a spastic so go feck yourself.
PogueMahone said:OK, you sanctimonious prick, seeing as you like reading so much, read this:
Idiot, moron, retard and cretin. These words were all originally used as medical terms to describe people with learning disabilities. But, as time went by, they were adopted as slang and new labels had to be found.
Spastic was used as a term for people with cerebral palsy (never Down's, you fecking idiot) and Mongoloid was used to describe people with Down's Syndrome (because their facial features were thought to be similar to the mongol race from Eastern Europe). Again these terms fell out of favour as soon as they started to be used as slang.
Nowadays, the term "learning disabilities" is used to describe anyone who has cognitive impairment, for whatever reason. Individual diagnoses, from DS to cerebral palsy to Prader Willi Syndrome - all of which may cause learning disabilities - are described by their proper name. And, I reckon, this nomenclature is here to stay.
The words "spastic" and "mongoloid", will continue to be used as slang, just like "moron" and "idiot". At least until the latest slang-word for people like you becomes cool and spa or Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime will become just as mainstream as cretin or moron. That's the thing with slang, the more people use it, the less shock value it has and the less popular it becomes.
(Interestingly enough, "spastic" is still used in medical circles, but only to describe the tightened, shortened muscles that can happen after, for example, a spinal cord injury. "Mongoloid" is also used, but only in an anthropological context.)
None of these words I've discussed so far were ever created purely to be used in a derogatory manner. This is completely different to the racist labels peppered throughout your ill-informed rants. These terms are profoundly offensive as, from day one, they were intended to subjugate and demean those to whom they were applied.
As for you being the only one "working with these kids", well I'm a doctor - who worked for a year as a child psychiatrist - so have a fair idea what I'm talking about. Also, my best friends sister has Down's Syndrome, if I showed her this thread she'd laugh her ass off at the pompous and patronising bullshit you're spouting.
So, are you going to get on your high horse next time you hear someone call someone else a moron? Or an idiot?
The thing is, I actually think your heart might be in the right place, and this is an issue that's worth a debate. But you seem completely incapable of rational debate, so you should never have started this thread in the first place.
You moron.
DA2 said:Definition
spastic Hide phonetics
1 OLD-FASHIONED suffering from cerebral palsy (= a condition of the body which makes it difficult to control the muscles)
2 INFORMAL an offensive way of saying 'stupid', used especially by children
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
FYI Here are the definitions of the word "spastic" as you can see by using it there are very very few ways in which can be perceived.
FYI If you look up "gimp" there are 5 or 6 possible meanings - lending itself to a variety of perceptions and interpretations.
Your logic implies that any phrase can be used in any way purely because the person "might mean it in a certain way" - Ill have to remeber that when i see your Mum and call her "fat gangbanger" - after all I mean it in a bantering, good natured, humourous way of course!!
DA2 said:Good essay! Couple of points....
noun {C}
a stupid person or someone who is behaving in a stupid way:
- Some idiot left the tap running in the bathroom and there's water everywhere.
- {as form of address} You stupid idiot - that's a month's work you've lost!
adverb idiocy
noun {C or U}
a stupid action, or stupidity:
- the idiocies of war
- the idiocy of the whole scheme
As you can see perfectly permissable as a general insult......
mo‧ron ˈmɔr ɒn, ˈmoʊr- - Show Spelled Pronunciation[mawr-on, mohr-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.
2. Psychology. a person of borderline intelligence in a former classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69.
Again as you can see a perfectly appropriate insult using form 1....
As much as I enjoyed your history lesson - you really should try and blow less hot air and just do your homework properly.
Sultan said:I remember Tiger Woods calling himself a spazz for playing badly.
Gutsy said:thats makes it ok then does it?
I burnt myself with a match, maybe i should have called myself a muslim.
Striker10 said:ofcourse your right it's grossly offensive even online but you got to give some people slack since its obvious some people are so incapable of being funny they have to look to be blatant as to make them deal with their obvious condition...usually of being the words they lovingly call others...![]()
jasonrh said:As the only spastic in the village, I'd just like to take this opportunity to call DA2 a spastic.
Thank you.