Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

It could all be bollocks, but apparently in the first DLC there will be, 4-5 missions, 2 strikes (one on earth, one on Mars), 1 raid (on Moon) and 3 crucible maps. I'm disappointed that it doesn't appear that any of these missions will take place on a new planet. If you enjoy doing the raid it could be worth it though.
Yeah I hope they do release some new Terrain, that would be cool for another planet.

Why doesn't "reef" get used? Surely it will soon.. It's a whole planet wasted just to go see the queen for 1 cut scene?
Yup slightly underwhelming as I was hoping for some new environments. We may still get new ones but this is looking less likely now... Still loving it though.
Anyone want to farm some queens wrath? I'm 22, on the very verge of 23. Got a bloody legendary helm engram in PvP and got a crappy blue out of it.
hand in your legendary engrams because at some point they will become rares (this week)...
Yep! Think the hitting brick wall at around level 20/21 and 24 happens to most. I know it happened to me too. I didn't have the Queen's missions when it happened to me though so you're pretty lucky. Keep going to orbit until it gives you the Earth mission in the Cosmodrome as there's no chance you'd be able to do the others

So I'd know if the mission was available from Earth's map screen in orbit then?

@Kaos One of the best ways for me getting good gear was levelling up my Cryptarch Rank, each time I've levelled up theres been legendary engrams at the postmaster, I was expecting a long haul when I hit 24 but took about a weeks worth of playing to get to 27, the queens missions helped me along here massivley too though. Maybe ive just been incredibly lucky

Cryptarch rank...come again?

Seems like I've somehow levelled to 24 completely blindfolded.
At the start or towards the end? I know a few times I've played in strikes where one starts off as AFK then joins the rest a few mins later.

This one went afk on the devil tank. Had to basically solo it at level 19 on the 20 strike playlist as we had a level 18 who was constantly dead
Yeah I hope they do release some new Terrain, that would be cool for another planet.

Why doesn't "reef" get used? Surely it will soon.. It's a whole planet wasted just to go see the queen for 1 cut scene?

There are a couple of missions in the expansion packs out there.
I just hope they radically rehaul the patrol aspect of the game - whoever initially designed it needs to face a firing squad, its honestly atrocious and clearly the worst thing about the game. Nothing more infuriating than traveling miles to the end of the map to do a mission where you're scraping for spawns, after which you accept another mission which makes you go all the way back through the narrow tunnels having to deal with the same horde of enemies you've dispatched on the way.

Nowadays I just do them for the easy bounty, otherwise there's no absolutely nothing enticing me to them.
@Kaos Each time you give the Cryptarch an engram to decode his rank goes up. And each time he reaches a new level, he gives you a legendary engram. Get it from the postmaster.
This one went afk on the devil tank. Had to basically solo it at level 19 on the 20 strike playlist as we had a level 18 who was constantly dead

Ah. At least it was on the devil tank one which can be soloed fairly easily if careful, even if you are below level 20
So I'd know if the mission was available from Earth's map screen in orbit then?

Cryptarch rank...come again?

Seems like I've somehow levelled to 24 completely blindfolded.

The Queen's missions are on the left on the screen once you click pick destination. Should be a list of 4/5 items and it's the top one which looks like a crown.

You click on that, then keep going to orbit until it gives you the one in the Cosmodrome.

Everytime you decode an engram, you get 150(?) reputation which is added to your cryptarch rank (you can see the rank on the left on the cryptarch screen). When level 3+, everytime you level up you get some engrams as a gift. I'm level 9 I think and have got some good gear just from leveling up.
So I'd know if the mission was available from Earth's map screen in orbit then?

Cryptarch rank...come again?

Seems like I've somehow levelled to 24 completely blindfolded.

haha yeah when you get an engram decrypted at him points get added to your cryptarch rank much in the same way vanguard, queens or faction ranks go up, you should be able to see it next time you go visit him when you start to get past say level 4/5 you get better items for levelling up as you go on, the last three times ive been I've got an engram that gurantees either a legendary or exotic item as well as strange coins, motes of light & upgrades on weapons & armour (these may vary) I think im on level 8 with him now.
@Kaos Each time you give the Cryptarch an engram to decode his rank goes up. And each time he reaches a new level, he gives you a legendary engram. Get it from the postmaster.

Wait what? My one is on lvl2 and I havent had any legendary engrams from him yet.

edit: Ah, just read @Damien 's post
@Kaos Each time you give the Cryptarch an engram to decode his rank goes up. And each time he reaches a new level, he gives you a legendary engram. Get it from the postmaster.

He gives you a legendary package. Often I get 2 blue engrams from it, at 20 crypt rank
He gives you a legendary package. Often I get 2 blue engrams from it, at 20 crypt rank
Yeah, that's right. Level 20 :eek: I take it you have been farming to get him to that level? I've put a shit ton of time in the game and mine is at level 11.
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Yeah, that's right. Level 20 :eek: I take it you have been farming to get him to that level? I've put a shit ton of time in the game and mine is at level 11.

Yeah I put some hours into the caves, and I've played way too much.

Some streamers are past 30
@Kaos Each time you give the Cryptarch an engram to decode his rank goes up. And each time he reaches a new level, he gives you a legendary engram. Get it from the postmaster.

Ah. At least it was on the devil tank one which can be soloed fairly easily if careful, even if you are below level 20

Everytime you decode an engram, you get 150(?) reputation which is added to your cryptarch rank (you can see the rank on the left on the cryptarch screen). When level 3+, everytime you level up you get some engrams as a gift. I'm level 9 I think and have got some good gear just from leveling up.

haha yeah when you get an engram decrypted at him points get added to your cryptarch rank much in the same way vanguard, queens or faction ranks go up, you should be able to see it next time you go visit him when you start to get past say level 4/5 you get better items for levelling up as you go on, the last three times ive been I've got an engram that gurantees either a legendary or exotic item as well as strange coins, motes of light & upgrades on weapons & armour (these may vary) I think im on level 8 with him now.

Ahh so thats what I got those random legendary enegrams for. Too bad all I fecking got were strange coins and some crappy rare :mad:
At 23 now on my Warlock alt.

Will want to try and get nightfall weekly and the raid done as soon as possible so I can do it on both characters.
This will be the first DLC I've purchased since the GoW franchise, so they have done something right.

Discovered 3 guys in work have it on XB1 and are 20-25 in rank so we are going to get involved. If there is anyone else on XB1 here feeling a bit left out with these PS4 chaps and their raids send me a PM with your GT and I'll get you involved!
Finally got to level 20 last night, so what's the best way to get legendary gear or exotic gear? It says my gear isn't good enough to do the queens wrath mission yet so I'm guessing just do the strike playlists?

Also it takes forever to level up the vanguard and things like that.
Finally got to level 20 last night, so what's the best way to get legendary gear or exotic gear? It says my gear isn't good enough to do the queens wrath mission yet so I'm guessing just do the strike playlists?

Also it takes forever to level up the vanguard and things like that.

Yeah the most reliable way is to grind vanguard rep and marks, or crucible if thats your thing. And then along the way you should have maybe a lucky drop

My first 2 legendaries i bought through vanguard rep/marks
I got a legendary chest from queens wrath and a legendary pulse rifle from crucible, currently trying to grind dead orbit rep as they seem to have the stats that I want, but it's gonna take bloody forever, so might reconsider and just try to grind vanguard/crucible - they seem to take equally long.

23 now though, got about 10 queens wrath missions to do - reckon I could solo one on earth at this level?
About to buy my first legendary from The New Monarch - any ideas on what I should prioritise first? Do weapons increase your level? I really like the look of that sexy NM Auto rifle, or should I focus on armour instead?
About to buy my first legendary from The New Monarch - any ideas on what I should prioritise first? Do weapons increase your level? I really like the look of that sexy NM Auto rifle, or should I focus on armour instead?

Vanquisher? If thats not what you mean, I would reccomend it anyway

I got it as a lucky drop and its my AR of choice over several other legendaries and I prefer it to the Suros Regime too. Its good for accurate fire and plenty of damage

However because only armor increases your light level, it has to be the priority. Need to get 27 or so, so that you dont lose lots of damage on the enemies in the raid
That is so disappointing, for whatever reason a potentially good story has been gutted and we've been served up something else. Oh well... I wonder if it's something they can fix? The game is good fun for me right now but it could have been great... GOTY type shit.
Vanquisher? If thats not what you mean, I would reccomend it anyway

I got it as a lucky drop and its my AR of choice over several other legendaries and I prefer it to the Suros Regime too. Its good for accurate fire and plenty of damage

However because only armor increases your light level, it has to be the priority. Need to get 27 or so, so that you dont lose lots of damage on the enemies in the raid

Aye thats the one. No bother, I'm pretty versatile with most weapons so I'll just farm away at the crucible or The Queen's missions until any legendary weapon drops.
Just another question - how does scaling work in multiplayer? Are everyone's weapons scaled to do the same damage? Because if so there are some rares and even greens I'd rather use because of their rate of fire/stability ratings.
Just another question - how does scaling work in multiplayer? Are everyone's weapons scaled to do the same damage? Because if so there are some rares and even greens I'd rather use because of their rate of fire/stability ratings.

Thats how its supposed to work, but not sure it adds up

Perks from your class/levelling will kick in and effect the damage too
Bountys seem much better value for your time than anything else. You can get 100 Rep each for things that you can run at the same time like Complete 5 Skirmish matches, get 50 Crucible Assists and Kill 25 Titans etc.
I'm a bit lost here, when you check your inventory there's something under missions called the queen's wrath, how do you access them?
I'm a bit lost here, when you check your inventory there's something under missions called the queen's wrath, how do you access them?

On the choose destination screen, it'll be in the four/five icons on the left side of the screen where you can choose to do daily story, weekly strike etc. At the top is the Queen's mission which uses those tokens.
On the choose destination screen, it'll be in the four/five icons on the left side of the screen where you can choose to do daily story, weekly strike etc. At the top is the Queen's mission which uses those tokens.

Ah I saw that! But it's one and it's quite hard, it's the black garden mission. In the missions section it says there are 8 missions, hence the confusion.