Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

If you guys are on about the Black Garden mission i'd give it a miss and reload until you get Earth if i were you. Me, Damien and another fella (i forgot your name, sorry!) tried repeatedly to do that one the other night. Spent nearly 2 hours on the fecker. You can do Earth in about 15-20mins and get the same rewards.
was tom i think.
Just hoping for drops now seeing as you get bugger all for dismantling the gear.
Just hoping for drops now seeing as you get bugger all for dismantling the gear.
bungie have patched the game, as too many people were just playing the queens wrath over and over and dismantling the reward gear. Bastards
I'll accept the request when my PSN isn't being a bellend, Walrus.
We go again? Maybe abandon if we don't get an earth one as well
Reinvited you, grabbing a quick drink made Levo leaderleader
Lol same one - abandon and try for something else or...?
This the weekly or something? The Warmind, wasn't a Queens Wrath
Not sure if it was one of you guys that just sent me an request but it's disappeared.
probably me - PSN Viskahn

Gonna hvae a break from destiny for now anyway though, might be on later.
Still got 8 queens wrath mission items to do :P
Oh fair enough, I've got my legendary helmet now so don't need anything else. Not going to be able to fully upgrade everything anyway, fed up of farming and search for helium etc
I still haven't gone past level 3... keep meaning to play Destiny more but all these weird words people use when talking about it like "Justicar" and "engram" are confusing me into a state of fear.
Wait till @PlayerOne comes on as he needs to be fireteam leader and then we'll join his party.