Yeah, I play mainly on my Warlock and got the Darkblade Helm (for Titans) along with that Solar Flayer Mantle and the Taniks Cloak while playing on also drops for any class. I got a void one whilst playing with warlock
Yeah, I play mainly on my Warlock and got the Darkblade Helm (for Titans) along with that Solar Flayer Mantle and the Taniks Cloak while playing on also drops for any class. I got a void one whilst playing with warlock
Yeah, I play mainly on my Warlock and got the Darkblade Helm (for Titans) along with that Solar Flayer Mantle and the Taniks Cloak while playing on it.
Yeah, I play mainly on my Warlock and got the Darkblade Helm (for Titans) along with that Solar Flayer Mantle and the Taniks Cloak while playing on it.
You got Taniks cloak too? You absolute bastard!
I've had it for a while. Posted images on a previous page:
Yeah there are tonnes of things to do, especially with quests and stuff. New ways to get exotics rather than just from engramsI have the Taken King now (I wasn't going to get it on principle but my brother did). I haven't done anything yet apart from go to the Tower but there are so many changes when it comes to levels, weapons, materials, and marks. Have some learning and catching up to do!
Also I recommend getting the field weapons from the gunsmith and getting that ranked up. When you reach gunsmith rank 2 you can get a legendary weapon for your class via a quest, and at rank 3 you get an exotic via a quest.
actually getting an exotic from an exotic engram drop is a new wayYeah there are tonnes of things to do, especially with quests and stuff. New ways to get exotics rather than just from engrams
Oh Sam.
I have done precisely feck all with the gunsmith
I meant legendary engramactually getting an exotic from an exotic engram drop is a new way
Oh Sam.
I'm Rank 4 on Warlock, with both the legendary and exotic
Rank 3 on Titan with both the legendary and exotic
Rank 2 on Hunter and going through legendary quest now
Raid progress for my characters:
Warlock - at Oryx
Hunter - not started
Titan - Daughters of Oryx
So will be up for pretty much anything before reset. I imagine fresh, Adam, Archie and I will be hoping to do Oryx at some point but dunno when
Hunter legendary is a sniper rifle I think, and the exotic might be a pulse rifle
Sounds like it'd be better to get the Stillpiercer (thats the Hunter legendary weapon from Gunsmith quest)Ah cool, should I still buy 1000 yard stare then, or get that sniper instead?
Sounds like it'd be better to get the Stillpiercer (thats the Hunter legendary weapon from Gunsmith quest)
Cool. Not sure if either of the other two are around or will be.@Damien I'll be having dinner soon so won't be free till 8.30.
Doesn't look like Adam is around, but me and Archie, the two lovable most talkative people areI'm on guys
Yeah, I watched half of one video with subtitles on (didn't help at all) and read what bosnian said and I've got the gist of what to do. Seems straightforward enoughExcellent lol, I've watched about two videos on the oryx fight, i understand the strategy, now just need the practice
yeah sure... I still need to kill two Lieutenants on Venus so I guess we could go on there for a bit while waiting for a response from Adam... if there's nothing in 10 mins or whatever we can look on Reddit
Pretty sure he's afk but forgot to turn his PS4 off. He's rarely ever on from around 3pm to midnight due to Aussie time.@Dargonk is online?
Yeah there are tonnes of things to do, especially with quests and stuff. New ways to get exotics rather than just from engrams
Also I recommend getting the field weapons from the gunsmith and getting that ranked up. When you reach gunsmith rank 2 you can get a legendary weapon for your class via a quest, and at rank 3 you get an exotic via a quest.
Yeah that Marco guy was around 10ishWas there a toddler in the team?
Is it worth buying all the exotic armour / trying a few helmet engrams from Xur or saving my coins for better armour if the coins are really that hard to come by?
I get around 80 coins per week. Usually get 5 for ranking up one of the reputations. I put my coins into the 3 of Coins unless Xur's selling something good. via the 3 of Coins you have a chance at getting a random exotic engram from a boss
Yeah I've got around 100 3oC. Spent 80 coins (which is all I had) yesterday and got 26 strange coins now so they're quite easy to accumulate80 coins, that's alright then I thought they were etheric light style rare. Just realised those 3 of coins are stackable, will pile them up. Thanks.