What's a good video for the Oryx fight so I can watch that before we next try it (hopefully we can manage to do it before reset)
I'll try to find the one my brother used but basically...
You have 4 people on the platforms (or next to them), 1 relic holder and 1 "roamer". You wait for Oryx to smash down on one, then the relic holder jumps on it to grab the relic and then the platform guys go in order counter clockwise. The last guy doesn't need to go on the platform. Once you start going on platforms, ogres spawn in the puddles next to the platforms in counter clockwise order, so kill them as quickly as possible.
Once the relic holder gets his thing and gives the all clear to jump down, make sure you don't touch the black orbs that the ogres leave after they die. But Once they're all dead, you kill the knight with a sword as quickly as possible before he touches the orbs the ogres leave behind, then everyone goes around the relic holder as it blocks damage, and everyone fills in Oryx in the glowing area on his chest until he flinches/staggers. Then the 4 platform people go back to their orbs, sit on them until they explode and it says "so and so exploded whatever it's called" in the bottom right of your screen. Then everyone sprints back to the relic holder whenever their bomb is exploded, and just shoots oryx until you can't anymore.
That's the first stage and you basically do this 3 or 4 times throughout the fight. The bombs that everyone explodes is what takes down 25% of his health each go I think. Anyways, after the first stage, then everyone just basically goes to a spot and runs in circles while Oryx is trying to explode people. Basically just need to keep running so it's not too hard. Doesn't matter if someone dies. After that, you do the first stage once more I think and then people start being sent down to kill the echo of Oryx one by one. Whoever is down there has to kill the echo before the last person gets sent down. Once he's dead, you do the first part again.
Not sure if you get sent down to the echo twice or just once, don't remember. But anyway, you do that, and then the final part he will come up where he starts off the fight with basically no health and everyone just has to shoot him as much as they can in his glowing spot until he's dead.
**Never been the relic holder so I'm just assuming it's the same as the daughters of Oryx part, I think you just hold it as a shield instead of smashing down on someone though.
All in all, it's not too bad, just gotta get the hang of it. Might be able to go on and help Sunday night if you guys need it, not sure though.